Biodik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): June 2022

Penerapan Project Base Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif dan Hasil Belajar Untuk Mata Kuliah Pengendalian Vektor dan Binatang Penganggu: (Implementation of Project Base Learning In Improving Creative Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes for Vector Control Courses And Animal Trouble)

Fitria Eka Putri (Universitas Jambi)
Fajrina Hidayati (Universitas Jambi)
Oka Lesmana S (Universitas Jambi)
Hubaybah Hubaybah (Universitas Jambi)
Adelina Fitri (Universitas Jambi)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Jun 2022


One of the problems found during the learning process is the use of learning methods that do not vary can cause students to feel bored and bored, so that the learning process is less effective and learning objectives are not achieved as expected. Based on this fact, it is also necessary to select appropriate and effective learning models to be able to develop students' creative thinking skills. One of the learning models that can help students obtain information, ideas, skills, ways of thinking, and express their own ideas is by using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model. This type of research is a qualitative classroom action research (classroom action research). This research was conducted on the fifth semester students of environmental health who took the subject of vector and nuisance control, totaling 36 people. The results showed that students' thinking skills were in the creative category on each indicator of fluency 71.86%, flexibility 68.1%, detailing 76.34% and authenticity 77.78% and student learning outcomes increased on individual and group project assignments to 78.5 % of these learning outcomes have exceeded the target of 75%. Key words: PjBL, Improving Creative Thinking Skills And Learning Outcomes Abstrak Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemukan pada saat proses pembelajaran adalah Penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang tidak bervariasi  dapat mengakibatkan mahasiswa merasa jenuh dan bosan, sehingga proses pembelajaran kurang efektif dan tujuan pembelajaran tidak tercapai seperti yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut diperlukan juga pemilihan model pembelajaran yang tepat dan efektif untuk dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat membantu mahasiswa memperoleh informasi, ide, keterampilan, cara berpikir, dan mengeekspresikan ide diri sendiri  dengan menggunakan model Projcet Based Learning (PjBL). Jenis Penelitian menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester V peminatan kesehatan lingkungan yang mengambil matakuliah pengendalian vector dan binatang penganggu yang berjumlah 36 orang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan keterampilan berpikir mahasiswa dalam kategori kreatif pada setiap indikator kelancaran 71,86%, keluwesan 68,1%, merinci 76,34% dan keaslian 77,78% dan hasil belajar mahasiswa meningkat pada tugas proyek individu dan  kelompok  menjadi  78,5% hasil belajar ini sudah melebihi target yaitu 75%. Kata kunci: PjBL, Keterampilan berpikir kreatif, hasil belajar

Copyrights © 2022

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Education


Biodik. Scientific Journal of Biology Education is a scientific journal owned by Biology Education Program of PMIPA FKIP Jambi University. Biodik Journal publishes articles of research and development in Biology Education. This journal is published one year one volume with two ...