Journal of Marine Research
Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Journal of Marine Research

Kajian Mikroplastik pada Ikan Konsumsi Masyarakat di Teluk Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

Roni Hermawan (Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan, Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Palu)
Yeldi S Adel (Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Palu)
Renol Renol (Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Palu)
Mohamad Syahril (Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Palu)
Mubin Mubin (Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Palu)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Apr 2022


Dampak dari cemaran mikroplastik ini sangat berbahaya, terlebih lagi jika masuk kedalam jaringan tubuh hewan bahkan manusia. Keberadaan mikroplastik semakin meningkat seiring meningkatnya ketergantungan aktifitas manusia terhadap plastik. Kandungan mikroplastik dalam pencernaan ikan perlu diketahui mengingat tingginya konsumsi ikan laut lokal di perairan Teluk Palu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung konsentrasi mikroplastik pada sistem pencernaan ikan laut konsumsi di Teluk Palu.Sampel ikan konsumsi diambil dari tangkapan masyarakat lokal, disepanjang pesisir Teluk Palu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan September hingga Oktober 2021. Sampel ikan konsumsi dikumpulkan, diberi label dan disimpan dalam freezer untuk pengamatan selanjutnya. Seluruh sampel ikan difoto untuk diidentifikasi, diukur, ditimbang beratnya. Sampel ikan selanjutnya dipisahkan sistem pencernaannya dan ditimbang berat basahnya. Sampel sistem pencernaan selanjutnya ditambahkan larutan KOH 10% perendaman dilakukan inkubasi dengan suhu 60 ºC  selama 24 jam hingga 60 jam. Sampel selanjutnya didestruksi kembali dengan larutan H2O2 30% hingga 50% selama 5 hingga 9 hari,  proses destruksi selesai jika sampel berubah menjadi bening, pengadukan selama 10 menit setiap 2 kali sehari, sehingga kandungan organik sampel benar-benar telah terlarut. Sampel selanjutnya dipindahkan ke cawan petri untuk diamati dan diidentifikasi. Hasil pengamatan mikroplastik selanjutnya dianalisa untuk membedakan jenisnya. Jumlah 220 sampel ikan, 18 sampel ikan terpapar mikroplastik, jenis serpihan (fragment) mikroplastik saja yang ditemukan. Tertinggi pada Upeneus sulphureus sebesar 3,58 ± 0,36 partikel/g, Rastrelliger neglectus sebesar 1,84 ± 0,35 partikel/g, Carangoides coeruleopinnatus sebesar 1,67 partikel/g, sedangkan Caranx ignobilis dan Caranx latus tidak ditemukan mikroplastik.The microplastic contamination impact is very dangerous, especially if it enters the body tissues of animals and even humans. The presence of microplastics is increasing along with the increasing dependence of human activities on plastics. The content of microplastics in fish digestion given the high consumption of local marine fish in the waters of Palu Bay. The aim of this study was to calculate the concentration of microplastics in the digestive system of consumption fish in Palu Bay.The consumption fish samples were taken from local fishermen catches along the coast of Palu Bay. Sampling was carried out from September to October 2021. Samples of fish were collected, labeled and stored in the freezer for further observations. All fish samples were photographed to be identified, measured, weighed. The fish samples were then separated from the digestive system and weighed the wet weight. Samples of the digestive system were then added with 10% KOH solution and then incubated at 60oC for 24 hours to 60 hours. The sample was then re-destructed with 30% to 50% H2O2 solution for 5 to 9 days, the digestion process was complete when  the sample turns clear, stirring for 10 minutes every 2 times a day, so that the organic content of the sample was completely dissolved. The samples were then transferred to petri dishes to be observed and identified. The results of microplastic observations were then analyzed to distinguish the types. From 220 fish samples, 18 fish samples exposed to microplastics, only microplastic fragments were found. The highest was in Upeneus sulphureus at 3.58 ± 0.36 particles/g, Rastrelliger neglectus at 1.84 ± 0.35 particles/g, Carangoides coeruleopinnatus at 1.67 particles/g, while Caranx ignobilis and Caranx latus did not find microplastics.

Copyrights © 2022

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