Journal of Islamic and Law Studies (JILS)
Vol 4, No 2 (2020)

Juridicic Review On Punishment For Hard Drinkers (Khamr) By Positive Criminal Law And Islamic Criminal Law

Safaruddin Harefa (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Dec 2020


Abstract: In the current millineal era, society is very fast because of the many shifts from what was once a manual, now more to the era of digitization. But technological advances do not always have a positive impact, sometimes even a negative impact. . This is a challenge for law enforcement officials to be able to create a response, especially in the liquor case. The problem of liquor is now hotly discussed in the community because of the negative impact that damages the drinker and damages the community, as well as causing more criminal crimes. . This paper is an analysis of how the criminal law is able to achieve the legal goals aspired to be analyzed from the study "Juridical Review of Punishment for Drinking Liquors (Khamr) According to Positive Criminal Law and Islamic Criminal Law. The research method used is Normative Juridical. The results of the study are as follows that the sentence for alcoholic acts through Positive Criminal Law is not proportional to the consequences of his actions with the punishment (sanctions) that are given, because the consequences caused by this liquor are very dangerous. Because the danger posed by alcohol is very dangerous both drinkers themselves and others who are around. That the penalty for criminal acts khamr in Islamic criminal law is twofold, namely forty lashes and eighty lashes. According to the author this is a punishment worth the time when other people commit the crime of alcohol must be comparable with what he did. In Islam that is what is referred to as sanctions that witnesses are given in accordance with the level of the crime committed.Abstrak: Pada era milineal saat ini masyarakat sangatlah cepat sebab banyaknya pergeseran dari yang dahulunya manual sekarang lebih kepada era digitalisasi. Namun kemajuan teknologi tidak selalu berdampak positif, bahkan ada kalanya berdampak negatif. . Hal tersebut merupakan tantangan bagi aparat penegak hukum untuk mampu menciptakan penanggulangannya, kususnya dalam kasus Minuman keras. Masalah minuman keras kini hangat dibicarakan dalam kalangan masyarakat karena berdampak negatif yang merusak peminumnya dan merusak masyarakat, serta lebih menimbulkan berbagai kejahatan kriminal. . Tulisan ini merupakan analisa bagaimana hukum pidana itu mampu mencapai tujuan hukum yang dicita-citakan citakan yang di analisa dari kajian “Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Hukuman Bagi Peminum Minuman Keras (Khamr) Menurut Hukum Pidana Positif dan Hukum Pidana Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah Yuridis Normatif. Adapun Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut Bahwa hukuman bagi tindak pidana minuman keras melalui Hukum Pidana Positif tidak sebanding dengan akibat dari perbuatannya dengan hukuman (sanksi) yang diberikan, sebab akibat yang ditimbul oleh minuman keras ini sangatlah berbahaya. Sebab bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh minuman keras sangatlah membahayakan baik peminum sendiri maupun orang lain yang ada disekitarnya. Bahwa hukuman bagi tindak pidana khamr di dalam hukum pidana islam ada dua, yaitu empat puluh kali cambukan dan delapan puluh kali cambukan. Menurut penulis ini adalah hukuman yang setimpal sebab ketika ornag lain melakukan tindak pidana minuman keras harus sebanding dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Di dalam islam itulah yang disebut dengan sanksi bahwa saksi diberikan sesuai dengan kadar tindak pidana yang dilakukannya.

Copyrights © 2020

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Religion Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


The Journal of Islamic and Law Studies is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of science and of the Islamic in Indonesia. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with history geography political science economics anthropology sociology law ...