Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 2018, No 8: PROSIDING 8

Pelatihan aransemen sebagai upaya pengembangan musik tradisional di Kabupaten Barru

Andi Ihsan (Fakultas Seni dan Desain, Universitas Negeri Makassar)
Karta Jayadi (Fakultas Seni dan Desain, Universitas Negeri Makassar)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Jan 2019


Traditional music is one of the arts that is stillwidely presented in various activities in the communityincluding in Maros district. Some traditional music that is stillvisible in Maros regency is drums, flutes, lutes, and severalother musical instruments. Seeing the increasingly modernconditions of society and the introduction of music fromoutside, which is more auditively related to the increasinglypopular ears of society, it certainly affects the interest of theyounger generation to continue to love traditional music. Theneed for arrangement training in traditional music artists inMaros regency is to facilitate them in developing traditionalmusic so that traditional music does not become monotonousand will be demanded by the younger generations. Theformulation of the problem is (1) how the partner's problemwith the arrangement in relation to the development oftraditional music in Maros regency, (2) How is the procedurefor implementing arrangement learning in artists / traditionalart studios in Maros district. The method used in thearrangement of the arrangement program is the lecture method,the experimental method that uses traditional musicalinstruments in the form of drums, flutes, harps as a tool, anddirect guidance on the arrangement theory. The resultsachieved were the development of augmentation, diminution,sequence, imitation, and repetition melodies to provide newlessons for participants, this was seen in the training andseveral demands in the training, participants' enthusiasm inreceiving the material was very high so the training processran smoothly and participants were able understand thematerial from beginning to end which is given well. And basedon the acceptance of the first material that is going well eventhough there are few obstacles when learning takes placebecause some participants are not familiar with advancedmusic theory material, but successfully improved by theresearcher by giving material gradually according to the abilityof the participants. The next training participants wereenthusiastic in learning that occurred because learning wasmore fun and the material provided increased, so that in theprocess of implementing arrangements can give a positivecontribution as seen from the ability to write and translatenotation in the form of work arrangements on performancesperformed at the end of application learning Aransmen.

Copyrights © 2019

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