International Journal of Informatics, Economics, Management and Science
Vol 1 No 1 (2022): IJIEMS (January 2022)

Impact of Dividend Policy Analysis on Fluctuations in Stock Price of Food and Beverage Companies

Ade Onny Siagian (Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika)
Ninuk Riesmiyantiningtias (Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika)
Rizky Amalia (Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Jan 2022


This study aims to determine the effect of dividend policy on stock prices in food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results of the research of PT Sekar Laut, from the results of the calculation of the correlation analysis obtained the value of the coefficient = 0.33 which means that it has a very weak relationship or there is no relationship between dividend policy and stock price movements and the coefficient of determination is 10.89%, which means the effect of dividend policy on stock price fluctuation was only 10.89%, the remaining 89.11% was caused by other factors and for PT. Ultra Jaya, from the results of the calculation of the correlation analysis obtained the coefficient of determination 0.96, meaning that dividends per share have a strong relationship with stock price movements, and the coefficient of determination is 92.16%, which means that the effect of dividend policy on stock price fluctuations is 92.16%, the rest is 92.16%. 7.84% caused by other factors, as well as for PT. Ades Alfindo Putra Setia, from the results of the calculation of the correlation analysis obtained a coefficient of 0.86 (the value of r is close to a positive and strong number) with a determination coefficient of 73.96%, then the effect of dividend policy on stock price fluctuations is 73.96%, the remaining 26.04% caused by other factors. The value of 96 (the value of r is close to one) means that dividend per share has a strong relationship with stock price movements, and the coefficient of determination is 92.16%, which means that the effect of dividend policy on stock price fluctuations is 92.16% and the remaining 7.84% is caused by factors

Copyrights © 2022

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International Journal of Informatics, Economics, Management and Science (IJIEMS) is a scientific journal that will publish scientific work in the form of articles based on research results or scientific studies from researchers, Who aims to publish his writings, and published articles are guaranteed ...