SIGMA: Journal of Economic and Business
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): SIGMA: Journal of Economic and Business (2018)

Analisis Efektivitas, Kemandirian dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pemerintah Kabupaten Buton Utara

La Nita (STIE Enam Enam Kendari)
Ibnu Hajar (Universitas Halu Oleo)
Muh. Irfandy Azis (STIE Enam Enam Kendari)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Sep 2022


The aim of this research is for knowing, identificating and effectiveness analyzing, autonomy and economic growth of the goverment of North Buton Regency.This research is using financial data of income Budget expenditure Region (APBD) and Product Domestic Regional Bruto(PDRB) percapita of the North Buton Regency in year 2010-2015.The data that has used in this research is quantitative data with using Statistic destcritive method in the analyzing of processing data. Statistic descriptive analyzing is technique data analyzing for summaring and description numeric data in order to easy to interpret. Based on the result of analysis that has done it, got the result as follows : 1) effectiveness ratio of financial of the government of North Buton Regency during the six years has rerate 96,76 % that include effective. The effectiveness trend of financial region, the highest gotten in year 2013 namely 133,66 % and the lowest is in year 2010 namely 11,53 %; 2) The autonomy ratio financial of the government of North Buton Regency during the six years rerate 1,96 % still among (0-25) % that include is very low. The trend of autonomy financial region, the highest is in year 2012 namely 2,81 % and lowest is in year 2010 namely 0,34 %; and 3) The result of counting of economy growth trend of the goverment of North Buton Regency in year 2010-2015 was showing the good growth with rates persentace 8,31 %. The highest trend of economy growth in year 2011namely 9,54 % and the lowestis in year 2015 namely 4,04 %.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


FOKUS: SIGMA: Journal of Economic and Business adalah jurnal ilmiah dalam cakupan ekonomi dan bisnis yang dikhususkan untuk publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian empirik maupun penelitian kepustakaan dalam bidang ekonomi dan bisnis. Scope: 1. Manajemen Keuangan; 2. Manajemen Pemasaran; 3. Manajemen ...