DISKURSUS Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2011): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara

Silence, The Origin Of Evangelization A Discourse With Max Picard, Raimon Panikkar, And Aloysius Pieris

Yap Fu Lan (Program Studi Ilmu Pendidikan Teologi, FKIP, Universitas Katolik Indonesia, Atma Jaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
11 Apr 2011


Abstract: Max Picard argues that silence is the source of the word. The word that does not come from silence equals noise. A true word, or meaningful speech, springs from silence. Raimon Panikkar and Aloysius Pieris contend that silence is a characteristic of God. God’s Silence is spoken through the Word, expressed through the language of Body and Blood, the person of Jesus Christ. Christian evangelization is prophetic. It responds to human suffering, following the dynamism of Silence and Word, of life-death-resurrection. Christian evangelization is not merely about delivering the Word of God, but also about returning to its origin, the Silence of God. Keywords: silence, evangelization, Body-and-Blood language, prophetic, human suffering. Abstrak: Max Picard berargumen, keheningan adalah sumber ucapan. Ucapan yang tidak berasal dari keheningan hanyalah suara bising tanpa makna. Ucapan atau kata-kata sejati yang bermakna bersumber dalam keheningan. Raimon Panikkar dan Aloysius Pieris berpendapat, keheningan adalah karakter Allah. Keheningan ilahi diungkapkan melalui Sabda, melalui bahasa Tubuh dan Darah, yakni pribadi Yesus Kristus. Evangelisasi Kristiani sesungguhnya bersifat profetik. Evangelisasi Kristiani tanggap terhadap penderitaan umat manusia, mengikuti dinamika Keheningan dan Sabda Illahi, atau dinamika hidup-kematian-kebangkitan. Evangelisasi Kristiani bukan hanya hal mewartakan Sabda, melainkan juga hal kembali kepada sumbernya yang sejati, yakni Keheningan Allah. Kata-kata Kunci: keheningan, evangelisasi, ”bahasa Tubuh-dan-Darah,” profetis, penderitaan manusia.

Copyrights © 2011

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


Founded in 2002 DISKURSUS is an academic journal that publishes original and peer-reviewed works in the areas of philosophy and theology. It also welcomes works resulting from interdisciplinary research at the intersections between philosophy/theology and other disciplines, notably exegesis, ...