Open Science and Technology
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Open Science and Technology

Potret Perbandingan Kebijakan Harga Pangan dengan Realita Harga Beras, Gula dan Kedelai di Tahun Pertama Pandemi Covid-19, Indonesia: The Portrait Comparison of Food Price Policies with Reality of Rice, Sugar and Soybean Prices in the First Year of Covid-19 Pandemic, Indonesia

Eny Ivan's (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung)
Novia Ambar Sari (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Apr 2021


Penyebab kelangkaan komoditi pertanian adalah karena kebijakan lockdown dan PSBB di awal pandemi, serta perilaku punic buying dari konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan antara kebijakan harga komoditi beras, gula dan kedelai dengan realita harga yang terjadi di tahun pertama pandemi Covid-19.  Data sekunder yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data harian dan bulanan harga komoditas dari SP2KP Kementerian Perdagangan dan BPS. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan grafik dan dibandingkan dengan kebijakan harga yang berlaku saat ini pada tiga komoditas tersebut. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan harga untuk komoditi beras, gula dan kedelai di tahun pertama pandemi Covid-19 belum menunjukkan keberpihakan kepada petani. Tingginya harga beras di tingkat ecer tidak berbanding lurus dengan kenaikan harga gabah di tingkat produsen. Harga gula yang fluktuatif dikarenakan periode impor gula bersamaan dengan periode panen tebu. Penghapusan tarif impor kedelai menjadi 0% menjadikan petani domestik bersaing secara face to face di pasar global. The cause of the scarcity of agricultural commodities is due to the lockdown policy and PSBB (large-scale social restrictions) at the beginning of the pandemic Covid-19 and the punic buying behavior from consumers. The research objective was to compare the commodity price policies for rice, sugar, and soybeans with the price realities that occurred in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Secondary data used in this study are daily and monthly data on commodity prices from SP2KP of the Ministry of Trade and BPS. The data is analyzed using charts and compared with the prevailing price policies for these three commodities. The study results show that the price policy for rice, sugar, and soybean commodities in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic has not shown partiality to farmers. The high price of rice at the retail level is not directly proportional to the increase in grain prices at the producer level. Sugar prices fluctuate because the sugar import period coincides with the sugar cane harvest period. The elimination of import tariffs to 0% allows domestic farmers to compete directly in the global market.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Bioengineering Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Environmental Science Mechanical Engineering


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