Jurnal Keolahragaan
Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April

Kontribusi Motor Educability Dalam Low Rope Circuit Activity Pada Kegiatan Outbound

Hendra Rustiawan (Universitas Galuh Ciamis Indonesia)
Andang Rohendi (Universitas Galuh Ciamis Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Apr 2021


Proses belajar mengajar dilingkungan prodi PJKR tidak hanya di ruang kelas namun di luar kelas pun ada. Karena ada beberapa mata kuliah yang membutuhkan praktek di lapangan selain di kelas, seperti sepak bola, bola voli, bola basket dan PLS (Pendidikan Luar Sekolah). Karena sebagai calon guru penjas tidak hanya terbatas pada mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani namun lebih dari itu, karena di lingkungan sekolah biasanya yang dipercaya dalam kegiatan sekolah terutama kegiatan outdoor yang ditunjuk oleh kepala sekolah atau wakil kepala sekolah biasanya guru penjas, sehingga prodi PJKR Universitas Galuh berusaha mempersiapkan SDM (sumber daya manusia) yaitu calon guru penjas untuk senantiasa siap mengemban tugas dari sekolah salah satunya mampu memiliki pengetahuan dalam hal kegiatan outdoor seperti outbound. Kegiatan outbound ini terdiri dari catchen crawl, two line bridge, elvis travers, commando crawl, tarzan travers, dan hebee zebee dan hasil yang didapat dan dirasakan oleh para peserta outbound ini sangat terasa mulai dari kondisi fisik yang harus dipersiapkan seperti kekuatan, kecepatan, power, daya tahan otot, daya tahan kardiovaskular, fleksibilitas, keseimbangan, koordinasi, kelincahan, akurasi, dan reaksi, serta pengetahuan tentang outbound sehingga para mahasiswa memiliki wawasan keilmuan dan pengalaman tentang motor educability dan outbound yang kelak dapat digunakan ketika mereka menjadi guru penjas atau instruktur outbound.The teaching and learning process in the PJKR study program was not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom. Because there were several subjects that required practice in the field other than in the classroom, such as soccer, volleyball, basketball and PLS (Outside School Education). Because as a physical education teacher candidate it was not only limited to physical education subjects but more than that, because in the school environment usually those who were trusted in school activities, especially outdoor activities appointed by the principal or deputy principal of the school were usually physical education teachers, so the Galuh University PJKR study program tries preparing human resources (human resources), namely prospective physical education teachers to always be ready to carry out the duties of the school, one of which is being able to have knowledge in terms of outdoor activities such as outbound activities. This outbound activity consists of catchen crawl, two line bridges, elvis travers, commando crawl, tarzan travers, and hebee zebee and the results obtained and felt by the outbound participants were very pronounced starting from the physical conditions that must be prepared such as strength, speed, power, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination, agility, accuracy, and reaction, as well as outbound knowledge so that students have scientific insight and experience about motor educability and outbound activities that can later be used when they become physical education teachers or instructors. outbound.

Copyrights © 2021

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Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


Jurnal Keolahragaan merupakan jurnal saintifik yang terbit setiap bulan April dan Oktober. Untuk versi cetak mulai terbit bulan April tahun 2015 dan pada tahun 2019 Jurnal Keolahragaan menerbitkan versi online. Misi Jurnal Keolahragaan adalah menjadi publisher artikel dalam bidang pendidikan jasmani ...