Vol 3, No 1 (2022): STETHOSCOPE

Pengaruh Senam Peregangan Aktif terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pralansia Hipertensi di Desa Banjarharjo, Karanganyar

Rizqi Hijah Zahra Latifah (STIKes Mitra Husada Karanganyar)
Dewi Wulandari (Unknown)
Nurul Gilang Abriani (Unknown)

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Publish Date
29 Aug 2022


AbstrakHipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menjadi prioritas utama setiap tahunnya. Hipertensipaling sering terjadi pada masyarakat dengan rentang usia 31-65 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini yaituuntuk mengetahui pengaruh senam peregangan aktif terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pralansiahipertensi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Quasi eksperimental pre-post testcontrol group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 230 pralansia hipertensi di Desa Banjarharjo,Karanganyar, dengan jumlah sampel 32 responden; 16 untuk kelompok intervensi dan 16 untuk kelompokkontrol yang ditentukan menggunakan rumus Federer. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakanadalah probability dengan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan rata-ratatekanan darah sistole kelompok intervensi sebesar 20 dan kelompok kontrol 8.1, sedangkan penurunanrata-rata tekanan darah diastole kelompok intervensi sebesar 8.1 dan kelompok kontrol 3.1. Hasil ujimann whitney sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol menunjukkan adanya perbedaantekanan darah sistolik (p = 0.007) dan diastolik (p = 0.012). Mean rank tekanan darah sistole kelompokintervensi 20.78 dan kontrol 12.22, sedangkan mean rank tekanan darah diastole kelompok intervensi20.16 dan kontrol 12.84. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna antarasenam peregangan aktif terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pralansia hipertensi. Penelitian inidiharapkan untuk lebih memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatan tekanan darah sepertimenjaga berat badan, merokok, diet garam, dan mengendalikan stres bagi penderita hipertensi.Kata Kunci : senam peregangan aktif, tekanan darah, hipertensi.The Effect of Active Stretching Exercise to the Reduction of Blood Pressure on theElderly with Hypertension at Banjarharjo Village, KaranganyarAbstractHypertension is a health problem that becomes a top priority every year. Hypertension mostoften occurs on people between 31-65 years. This study was aiming to determine the effect of activestretching exercise on the reduction of blood pressure on the elderly with hypertension. This study isa quantitative study with a quasi-experimental pre-post-test control group design. The population inthis study were 230 elderly with hypertensive at Banjarharjo Village, Karanganyar, with a total sampleof 32 respondents; 16 for the intervention group and 16 for the control group determined using theFederer formula. Probability on simple random sampling was used as the sampling technique. Theresults showed that the average decrease in systolic blood pressure in the intervention group was 20and the control group was 8.1, while the average decrease in diastolic blood pressure in the interventiongroup was 8.1 and the control group was 3.1. The results of the Mann Whitney test after treatment in the 57STETHOSCOPE VOL. 3 NO. 1 - JUNI 2022 ISSN 2722-8118 (Printed) 2723-4096 (Online)intervention and control groups showed a difference in systolic (p = 0.007) and diastolic (p = 0.012)blood pressure. The mean rank of systolic blood pressure in the intervention group was 20.78 and thecontrol group was 12.22, while the mean rank for diastolic blood pressure in the intervention group was20.16 and the control group was 12.84. This study concludes that there is a significant effect betweenactive stretching exercises on reducing blood pressure on the elderly with hypertension. This research isexpected to pay more attention to factors that can increase blood pressure such as maintaining weight,smoking, reducing salt consumption, and controlling stress.Keywords: active stretching exercise, blood pressure, hypertension.

Copyrights © 2022

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