Indonesian Journal of Business and Management
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Business and Management, Juni 2022


Auditya Amelia Irwan (Magister Program Studi Manajemen, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Bosowa)
Herminawati Abubakar (Program Studi Manajemen, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Bosowa)
Seri Suriani (Program Studi Manajemen, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Bosowa)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi bauran pemasaran dan kualitas komitmen konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian handphone android. Metode penelitian ini yaitu deskriftif. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari kuesioner (primer) dengan wawancara beberapa koresponden. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan permasalahan sehubungan dengan keputusan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian handphone. Fluktuasi omzet terhadap beberapa counter handphone di Kota Makassar ditemukan beberapa strategi untuk menarikan konsumen baik sebagai pelanggan lama maupun pelanggan baru dengan melakukan bauran pemasaran terhadap unsur kualitas, harga dan pelayanan. Dengan adanya strategi tersebut, maka tingkat capain volume penjualan meningkat walaupun persentase kenaikan mengalami naik turun. Komitmen konsumen untuk memutuskan membeli handphone tipe android terdapat beberapa perilaku yang ditentukan oleh kriteria sehingga pihak penjual di beberapa lokasi dalam wilayah Kota Makassar mempunyai strategi pemasaran/menjual barang yang berbeda namun tetap menerapkan bauran pemasaran. Di antara unsur bauran dalam memasarkan handphone yang memberikan kontribusi meingkatkan omzet adalah unsur kualitas produk dan pelayanan konsumen lalu penetapan harga. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the marketing mix and the quality of consumer commitment to the purchase decision of an android phone. This research method is descriptive. The data of this study were obtained from a questionnaire (primary) by interviewing several correspondents. The results of this study found problems related to consumer decisions to buy cellphones. Turnover fluctuations on several cellphone counters in Makassar City found several strategies to attract consumers both as old customers and new customers by doing a marketing mix on the elements of quality, price and service. With this strategy, the level of achievement of sales volume increases even though the percentage increase has fluctuated. The consumer's commitment to decide to buy an android type cellphone has several behaviors that are determined by the criteria so that the seller in several locations within the Makassar City area has a different marketing/selling strategy, but still applies the marketing mix. Among the bounty elements in marketing cellphones that contribute to increasing turnover are the elements of product quality and customer service and pricing.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


Indonesian Journal of Business and Management is International Journal, peer-review, open access journal published by Bosowa University Publishing. It Provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute to innovative work in busniess and management cases. The scope of the ...