JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): JFMR


Andik Isdianto (University of Brawijaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2022


Terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem yang unik dan kompleks di perairan, serta menjadi penyangga kehidupan bagi biota di sekitarnya. Namun dibalik fungsi dan manfaatnya yang besar, terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem yang rentan terhadap perubahan kualitas lingkungan. Salah satu parameter lingkungan di perairan adalah parameter hidrooseanografi yang meliputi arus, gelombang, pasang surut dan sedimentasi, dengan pertimbangan tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian hubungan antara parameter hidrooseanografi dengan karang. Perairan Selat Sempu merupakan perairan yang memiliki karakteristik unik karena berada di antara struktur batuan karst dan berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data in situ dan ex situ, serta metode analisis menggunakan metode analisis PCA. Hasil parameter kecepatan arus pada daerah ini termasuk dalam kategori cepat dengan nilai 0,16 – 1,32 m/s. Sama halnya dengan arus, nilai gelombang juga menunjukkan nilai yang cukup tinggi dengan rata-rata tinggi signifikansi 47,62 cm. Jenis pasang surut di perairan ini adalah pasang surut campuran ganda miring dengan laju sedimentasi yang relatif tinggi hingga 181 mg/cm2/hari. Nilai persentase tutupan karang pada masing-masing menunjukkan nilai tutupan yang kurang baik dengan nilai persentase tutupan karang hanya berkisar 5-18% dan menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak terlalu signifikan dengan parameter hidro-oseanografi. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena perairan Selat Sempu padat oleh kapal-kapal, baik kapal penangkap ikan maupun kapal wisata.   Coral reefs are a unique and complex ecosystem in waters, as well as being a life support for the surrounding biota. But behind the great functions and benefits, coral reefs are ecosystems that are vulnerable to changes in environmental quality. One of the environmental parameters in the waters is hydro-oceanographic parameters which include currents, waves, tides and sedimentation, with these considerations it is necessary to research the relationship between hydrooceanographic parameters and corals. This is because changes in hydrooceanographic conditions will affect water conditions. The waters of the Sempu Strait are waters that have unique characteristics because they are located between karst rock structures and are directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with in situ and ex situ data collection and for the analysis method using the PCA analysis method. The results of the current velocity parameter in this area are included in the fast category with a value of 0.16 – 1.32 m/s. Similar to current, the wave value also shows a fairly high value with an average significant height of 47.62 cm. The type of tidal in these waters is mixed tidal double skew with a relatively high sedimentation rate of up to 181 mg/cm2/day. The value of the percentage of coral cover in each shows a poor cover value with the percentage value of coral cover only in the range of 5-18% and shows a not very significant relationship with hydro-oceanographic parameters. This could be due to the fact that the waters of the Sempu Strait are densely packed with ships, both fishing vessels and tourist vessels. From the results of PCA analysis, it was found that between hydro-oceanographic parameters and coral cover in the Sempu Strait waters there was a less significant relationship because the value of the closeness of the relationship was below 0.5. This shows that the hydrooceanographic parameters do not significantly affect the growth process of coral reef cover.

Copyrights © 2022

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Engineering Environmental Science


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