Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
Vol 34, No 3 (2022): Desember 2022

Perbedaan pengaruh bubuk glycine dengan erythritol terhadap kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel menggunakan air polishingEffect of glycine and erythritol powder on surface roughness of stainless steel brackets slots (using air polishing)

Renold Andika Setiawan (Unknown)
Avi Laviana (Universitas Padjadjaran)
Endah Mardiati (Universitas Padjadjaran)
Ida Ayu Evangelina (Universitas Padjadjaran)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2022


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penggunaan alat ortodonti cekat dapat mempermudah penumpukan debris pada permukaan kawat dan slot breket sehingga dapat meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan dan menghasilkan gaya friksi yang dapat menghambat pergerakan gigi. Air polishing merupakan teknik untuk membersihkan permukaan email gigi dan breket dari biofilm, plak, dan stain. Tujuan penelitian imenganalisis pengaruh bubuk glycine dan erythritol pada prosedur air polishing terhadap kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel. Metode: penelitian eksperimental murni dengan sampel 32 breket stainless steel edgewise slot 0,022 inci yang dilekatkan pada gigi artifisial molar pertama. Pemotongan bagian wing mesial dan distal dilakukan agar jarum detektor surface roughness tester  dapat menyentuh slot breket dan dapat bergerak tanpa hambatan, Sampel dilakukan pengukuran kekasaran permukaan slot breket, lalu dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak masing-masing 16 breket. kelompok pertama dilakukan air polishing menggunakan bubuk glycine, dan kelompok kedua menggunakan bubuk erythritol. Uji kekasaran permukaan slot breket diukur dengan parameter roughness average (Ra) menggunakan surface roughness tester. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan  dan uji t independen. Hasil: Perubahan kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel edgewise sebelum dan sesudah prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dan erythritol memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan (nilai p glycine = 0,0001; nilai p erythritol= 0,0257). Kedua kelompok mengalami penurunan kekasaran sesudah air polishing 0,115 μm dengan glycine dan 0,092 μm dengan erythritol. Penurunan kekasaran sesudah prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dibandingkan dengan bubuk erythritol tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (nilai p = 0,6085). Simpulan: Prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dan erythritol menyebabkan kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel berkurang.Kata kunci: air polishing; glycine; erythritol; kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel; uji kekasaran permukaanABSTRACTIntroduction: Orthodontic treatment using fixed appliances can facilitate the accumulation of debris on the surface of the wire and bracket slots to increase surface roughness and produce frictional forces that inhibit tooth movement. Air polishing is a technique to clean the surface of tooth enamel and brackets from biofilm, plaque, and stains. This study aimed to analyze the effect of glycine and erythritol powder on air polishing procedures on the surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot. Methods: This research is laboratory observational. This study used thirty-two first molar stainless steel brackets edgewise with slots 0.022 inches. The mesial and distal wing sections were cut so the surface roughness tester tip could touch the bracket slot and move without obstacles. The sample was measured for the bracket slot surface roughness, then divided into two groups randomly with 16 brackets each. First group consisted of sixteen brackets treated with air polishing using glycine. Second group consisted of sixteen bracket treated with air polishing using erythritol powder. The brackets slot surface roughness test was measured using surface roughness tester with roughness average (Ra) parameter. Afterward, the data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Results: Changes in surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot edgewise before and after the air polishing procedure with glycine and erythritol powder had a significant difference (p glycine = 0,0001; p erythritol = 0,0257). Both groups experienced a decrease in roughness after air polishing 0.115 μm with glycine and 0.092 μm with erythritol.The decrease in surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot after the air polishing procedure with glycine powder compared to erythritol powder had no significant difference (p = 0,6085). Conclusions: Air polishing with glycine and erythritol powder causes surface roughness reduction of the stainless steel brackets.Keywords: air polishing; glycine, erythritol; surface roughness of stainless steel bracket slot; surface roughness tester

Copyrights © 2022

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Dentistry Health Professions


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