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Daya antibakteri fraksi etil asetat daun kemangi (Ocimum basilicum) terhadap Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 pada clear retainer secara in vitroAntibacterial potential of the ethyl acetate fraction of basil (Ocimum basilicum) leaves on Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 on a clear retainer Ida Ayu Evangelina; Fuccy Utamy Syafitri; Endah Mardiati; Avi Laviana
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v5i2.28065


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penggunaan alat ortodonti dapat mempengaruhi ekosistem rongga mulut seperti meningkatnya jumlah bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Clear retainer merupakan alat ortodonti yang memerlukan sterilisasi sebelum dapat digunakan kembali. Penggunaan tanaman herbal kemangi (Ocimum basilicum) dikembangkan menjadi alternatif bahan sterilisasi alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis daya antibakteri melalui zona hambat, konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM), konsentrasi bunuh minimum (KBM), dan penghitungan jumlah koloni bakteri Streptococcus mutans pada clear retainer ortodonti yang telah disterilisasi dengan fraksi etil asetat daun kemangi dan Chlorhexidine. Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris, menggunakan fraksi etil asetat kemangi  5%. Kontrol penelitian adalah Chlorhexidine 2%. Populasi dan sampel  adalah satu ose  Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175. Pengujian zona hambat dan jumlah koloni dilakukan pada media agar yang sudah ditumbuhi bakteri setelah diinkubasi pada suhu 370C selama 48 jam, pengujian KHM KBM  dilakukan dengan metoda mikrodilusi menggunakan microplate 96 yang diinkubasi pada suhu 370C selama 48 jam. Pengukuran KHM dan KBM menggunakan spektrofotometer pada ELISA reader.  Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan uji statistik t-test. Hasil: Terdapat zona hambat pada sampel kemangi dengan konsentrasi 5%, sedangkan Chlorhexidine 2%. KHM dan KBM daun kemangi pada 3125 ppm dan 6250 ppm, sedangkan Chlorhexidine pada 3,125 ppm dan 6,250 ppm. Uji statistik t-test memperlihatkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada penurunan jumlah koloni bakteri Streptococcus mutans yang telah disterilisasi dengan daun kemangi dan Chlorhexidine. Simpulan: Fraksi etil asetat kemangi memiliki daya antibakteri terhadap Streptococcus mutans, terlihat dengan adanya zona hambat pada pemeriksaan KHM, KBM, dan penurunan koloni bakteri pada media agar. Kata kunci: uji daya antibakteri; Ocimum bacilicum; Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175; clear retainer ABSTRACTIntroduction: Orthodontic appliances can affect the oral cavity ecosystem by increasing the number of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. A clear retainer is an orthodontic appliance that requires sterilisation prior to usage. The basil plant (Ocimum basilicum) was developed as an alternative natural sterilisation material. This study was aimed to analyse the inhibitory zone, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum killing concentration (MKC), and count the number of Streptococcus mutans bacteria on clear retainers that have been sterilised with ethyl acetate fraction of basil leaves and chlorhexidine. Methods: This research was an experimental laboratory that used the 5% basil ethyl acetate fraction and 2% chlorhexidine as control. The population and sample were one ose of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175. Examination of the inhibitory zone and the number of colonies was performed on agar media with cultured bacteria after being incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. Microdilution testing was performed using the microdilution method using a 96 microplate incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. MIC and MKC were measured using a spectrophotometer on an ELISA reader. The results of the study were analysed with the t-test. Results: There was an inhibitory zone found in the basil group with a concentration of 5% and the control group (2% chlorhexidine). MIC and MBC of basil leave at 3,125 ppm and 6,250 ppm, while chlorhexidine at 3,125 ppm and 6,250 ppm, respectively. Statistical t-test results showed no significant difference in the decreasing number of Streptococcus mutans colonies after sterilisation with basil leaves and chlorhexidine. Conclusions: The ethyl acetate fraction of basil has antibacterial potential on Streptococcus mutans, as seen by the presence of an inhibitory zone during the MIC and MKC examination and decreasing number of bacterial colonies on agar media.Keywords: antibacterial potential; Ocimum basilicum; Streptococcus mutans; clear retainer
ODONTO : Dental Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/odj.8.1.62-72


Background: Separator placement is the first step in orthodontic treatment, which aims to create space between teeth before molar band placement. This procedure can cause pain for the patient. Pain management after separator placement can be done through pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.Method: The aim of this rapid review was to determine the efficacy of laser therapy and ibuprofen for pain management after elastomeric separator placement in orthodontic treatment.Result: Ten articles were included in this review, four articles gave laser therapy interventions and six articles gave ibuprofen therapy interventions. The result of the quality assessment using Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) was laser therapy intervention has one good quality articles and three limited-quality articles, while ibuprofen therapy has two good quality articles and four limited-quality articles.Conclusion: The efficacy of laser therapy and the efficacy of ibuprofen on pain after separator placement is good, with the strength of the clinical recommendation of ibuprofen is better than laser therapy.
Perbandingan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap hasil perawatan ortodonti ekstraksi dan non ekstraksi berdasarkan modifikasi Boston Orthodontic SocietyComparison of the patient satisfaction level with the results of the extracted and non-extracted orthodontic treatment according to the modification of the Boston Orthodontic Society Harris Pramono Wardojo; Avi Laviana; Ida Ayu Evangelina; Endah Mardiati
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 34, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v34i1.35812


Pendahuluan: Perawatan ortodonti untuk memperbaiki maloklusi terus meningkat merupakan perawatan yang paling banyak diminati oleh pasien. Perawatan ortodonti dapat dilakukan dengan ekstraksi ataupun non-ekstraksi yang dapat memengaruhi kepuasan pasien seperti perubahan dentofasial, fungsi dental dan psikososial yang dapat diukur salah satunya menggunakan modifikasi  Boston Orthodontic Society (BOS). Tujuan penelitian membandingkan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap hasil perawatan ortodonti ekstraksi dan non ekstraksi menggunakan kuesioner BOSS. Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional analitik rancangan cross sectional untuk membandingkan tingkat kepuasan kelompok pasien dengan perawatan ortodonti ekstraksi dibandingkan dengan kelompok non ekstraksi. Sampel berjumlah 60 subjek maloklusi skeletal kelas I, II, III yang terbagi atas 30 subjek ekstraksi dan 30 subjek non ekstraksi. Masing-masing subjek diberi kuesioner Bos dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang telah dimodifikasi dan telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Kuesioner Bos modifikasi terdiri dari 22 pernyataan yang terbagi atas 3 subskala yaitu perubahan dentofasial (9 pernyataan), perubahan psikososial (9 pernyataan), dan fungsi dental (4 pernyataan). Hasil: Tingkat kepuasan pasien ekstraksi terhadap hasil perawatan ortodonti menunjukkan hasil yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan non ekstraksi, namun berdasarkan analisis Mann Whitney tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok ekstraksi dengan non ekstraksi pada seluruh sampel; kelompok ekstraksi kasus borderline dengan non ekstraksi kasus borderline; kelompok ekstraksi kasus severe dengan non ekstraksi kasus borderline; kelompok kelas I skeletal ekstraksi dengan non ekstraksi (nilai p>0.05). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap hasil perawatan ortodonti antara kelompok ekstraksi dibandingkan dengan kelompok non ekstraksi.Kata kunci: alat ortodonti cekat; ekstraksi, kuesioner BOS; perawatan maloklusi; tingkat kepuasan pasien ABSTRACTIntroduction: Orthodontic treatment to improve malocclusion is the most popular treatment for patients. Orthodontic treatment can be done by extraction or non-extraction that can affect patient satisfaction such as dentofacial changes, dental and psychosocial functions that can be measured, one of which is using a modification of the Boston Orthodontic Society (BOS). The purpose of the study was to compare patient satisfaction level with the results of the extracted and non-extracted orthodontic treatment using the BOSS questionnaire. Methods: This type of research was an analytical observational cross-sectional design to compare the level of satisfaction of the patient group with extraction orthodontic treatment compared to the non-extraction group. The sample consisted of 60 subjects with skeletal malocclusion class I, II, and III divided into 30 extraction subjects and 30 non-extracted subjects. Each subject was given a BOSS questionnaire in Indonesian, modified and tested for validity and reliability. The Modified BOSS Questionnaire consisted of 22 statements which were divided into three subscales, namely dentofacial changes (9 statements), psychosocial changes (9 statements), and dental function (4 statements). Results: The level of satisfaction of extraction patients with orthodontic treatment results showed higher results than non-extraction but based on Mann-Whitney analysis, there was no significant difference between the extraction and non-extraction groups in all samples; borderline case extraction group with non-borderline case extraction; severe case extraction group with non-borderline case extraction; class I skeletal extraction group with non-extraction (p value>0.05). Conclusion: There was no difference in the level of patient satisfaction with the results of orthodontic treatment between the extraction group and the non-extraction group.Keywords: fixed orthodontics; extraction; BOSS questionnaire; malocclusion treatment; patient satisfaction level
Interpreting subdivision in a malocclusion Angle’s classification system among orthodontics Masrina Mohammad Yasim; Ida Ayu Evangelina; Iwa Rahmat Sunaryo
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 24, No 3 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol24no3.26836


Introduction: Angle’s method still seems to be the most popular tool for classification of malocclusion. Confusion arises in the community of Orthodontic regarding the classification and interpretation of subdivision malocclusion in Angle’s classification system. The purpose of this study was to survey orthodontists in West Java to determine their consistency in classifying subdivision malocclusion and their viewpoints on the meaning of subdivision. Methods: The type of research was descriptive with survey method by using questionnaire. The study uses total sampling technique with some inclusion criteria. Data obtained were analyzed and presented in table form. Results: Of the 80 respondents, 71.3% is consistent, 22.5% is doubtful and 6.6% is inconsistent in classifying subdivision malocclusion. 37 respondents (46.25%) believe that subdivision refers to the Class II side, 20 respondents (25%) believe it refers to the Class I side 4 respondents (5%) says subdivision refers to neither Class I nor Class II side and 19 respondents (23.75%) says that subdivision referred to both side. Conclusion: Most of orthodontists are consistent in classifying subdivision malocclusion, majority of the responded orthodontists stated that subdivision refers to the abnormal side of the arches and most of the responded orthodontist use Proffit and Common usage as their source of reference.
Dental arch symmetry analysis in orthodontic treatment Irsan Kurniawan; Eky Setiawan Soeria Soemantri; Ida Ayu Evangelina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 20, No 2 (2008): July 2008
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.06 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol20no2.14136


The aims of this study were to introduce fixed symmetrograph as a device to analyze arch symmetry and to compare the result of arch symmetry measurements using such appliance with commonly used symmetrograph in Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran Universitas (Orthocross). Twenty based study models used in this study. The method used in this study was by comparing the result of measurement using orthocross with the result of measurements using fixed symmetrograph. The result of this study revealed there was no significant difference between measurement using orthocross with measurement using fixed symmetrograph (P>0,05). Based on the result of this study, it is recommended to use this fixed symmetrograph, because there were several advantages using this device, for example, symmetrograph’s midlines superimpose exactly with study model’s midlines with the aid of two vertical pins. Even more, the study model can be fixated using two fixators so that the study model and fixed symmetrograph were not moving during measurement.
The level of satisfaction among orthodontic removable appliances patients Fatin Nadhirah Kamaludin Latifi; Ida Ayu Evangelina; Sri Susilawati
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 24, No 3 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol24no3.26831


Introduction: Patient satisfaction is like many other psychological concepts, it is easy to understand but hard to define. The concept of satisfaction overlaps with similar themes such as happiness, contentment, and quality of life. Satisfaction is not some pre-existing phenomenon waiting to be measured, but a judgment that people form over time as they reflect on their experience. A simple and practical definition of satisfaction would be the degree to which desired goals have been achieved. Methods: The type of this research is descriptive with survey methode. Data is collected through questionnaire with the total sample of 150 respondents. The study population was based on accidental sampling, by which the sample was selected depending on who came to Orthodontic Department of RSGM FKG UNPAD, Bandung by the researcher during the period of the research. Results: The data is then analyzed using Community Satisfaction Index (Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat) or IKM that which shows that 13 out of 14 indicators are still in B grade and overall IKM value of 7.90%, which means that the level of satisfaction has yet not met the expectation among removable appliances patients in Orthodontic Department of RSGM FKG UNPAD, Bandung. Conclusion: The level of satisfaction among removable appliances patients 0rthodontic are still have not met the patients’ expectation.
Comparison of crown width, length, width/length ratio of maxillary anterior teeth between male and female dental students Pak Han Yuan; Ida Ayu Evangelina; Gita Gayatri
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 3 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.579 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no3.19275


Introduction: Crown width and crown length provides significant information on human evolution as well as in forensic and clinical dentistry. The width-to-length ratio or individual tooth proportion (ITP) of maxillary anterior teeth considered as an important factors for dental aesthetics and harmonic teeth arrangement. The goal of this research is to establish if there is any significant difference in crown width, length, width/length ratio of permanent maxillary anterior teeth between male and female students in Faculty of dentistry Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia. Methods: The method used for this research was analytical statistical approach. Total sampling technique with criteria was used to determine the sample size from the total population of students of Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University from batch 2012 to 2014. The data was analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Independent Two Sample T test and Mann-Whitney test. Result: there is difference in crown width, length, width/length ratio of permanent maxillary anterior teeth between male and female students in Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University. Conclusion: There is significant difference in crown width and length of permanent maxillary anterior teeth between male and female students in Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University, but there is no significant difference in crown width/length ratio of permanent maxillary anterior teeth between male and female students in Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia.Keywords: Crown Width, Length, Width/length.
Microscrew implant as an orthodontic anchoring device Mira Nurtania Supriadi; Eky Setiawan Soeria Soemantri; Ida Ayu Evangelina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 19, No 1 (2007): March 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.262 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol19no1.14186


Microscrew implant is a new alternative of an orthodontic anchoring device which is planted by simple surgery procedure into soft tissue and mandibular bone to utilize mandibular bone as an intraoral anchoring source. Microscrew implant is a small screw and consists of four components that can give various advantages, made from a titanium material, and developed in various sizes and designs. Microscrew implant is strong, stable, and effective to be used as an absolute anchoring device in orthodontic treatment without losing the anchoring.
Evaluation of the basic surface roughness of an ISO-certified and non-ISO-certified slot bracket with an atomic force microscope Chrisni Oktavia Jusup; Eky Setiawan Soeria Soemantri; Endah Mardiati; Ida Ayu Evangelina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 31, No 2 (2019): July 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.44 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol31no2.17956


Introduction: The base surface roughness of slot bracket can affect friction in tooth movement. There are ISO-certified and non-ISO-certified stainless steel brackets on the market. Thus orthodontists must be careful in choosing the right bracket. This study was aimed to evaluate the differences of the surface roughness of ISO-certified and non-ISO-certified Roth 0.022 inch stainless steel bracket with the parameter of S a (average roughness). Methods: This research was a laboratory observational. Samples were taken randomly as many as 32 brackets divided into two groups, each consisted of two bracket brands. Surface roughness measurements were performed using an atomic force microscope (AFM), then the data were analysed by ANOVA test (p < 0.05) and Post-Hoc analysis. Results: The ISO-certified bracket has an S a value smaller than the non-ISO-certified bracket. There was a significant difference in the surface roughness of the ISO-certified and non-ISO-certified slot bracket base (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The ISO-certified bracket has a smoother base surface than the non-ISO-certified bracket base.Keywords: Surface roughness, stainless steel slot bracket, atomic force microscope
Perbedaan pengaruh bubuk glycine dengan erythritol terhadap kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel menggunakan air polishingEffect of glycine and erythritol powder on surface roughness of stainless steel brackets slots (using air polishing) Renold Andika Setiawan; Avi Laviana; Endah Mardiati; Ida Ayu Evangelina
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 34, No 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v34i3.44040


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penggunaan alat ortodonti cekat dapat mempermudah penumpukan debris pada permukaan kawat dan slot breket sehingga dapat meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan dan menghasilkan gaya friksi yang dapat menghambat pergerakan gigi. Air polishing merupakan teknik untuk membersihkan permukaan email gigi dan breket dari biofilm, plak, dan stain. Tujuan penelitian imenganalisis pengaruh bubuk glycine dan erythritol pada prosedur air polishing terhadap kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel. Metode: penelitian eksperimental murni dengan sampel 32 breket stainless steel edgewise slot 0,022 inci yang dilekatkan pada gigi artifisial molar pertama. Pemotongan bagian wing mesial dan distal dilakukan agar jarum detektor surface roughness tester  dapat menyentuh slot breket dan dapat bergerak tanpa hambatan, Sampel dilakukan pengukuran kekasaran permukaan slot breket, lalu dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak masing-masing 16 breket. kelompok pertama dilakukan air polishing menggunakan bubuk glycine, dan kelompok kedua menggunakan bubuk erythritol. Uji kekasaran permukaan slot breket diukur dengan parameter roughness average (Ra) menggunakan surface roughness tester. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan  dan uji t independen. Hasil: Perubahan kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel edgewise sebelum dan sesudah prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dan erythritol memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan (nilai p glycine = 0,0001; nilai p erythritol= 0,0257). Kedua kelompok mengalami penurunan kekasaran sesudah air polishing 0,115 μm dengan glycine dan 0,092 μm dengan erythritol. Penurunan kekasaran sesudah prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dibandingkan dengan bubuk erythritol tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (nilai p = 0,6085). Simpulan: Prosedur air polishing dengan bubuk glycine dan erythritol menyebabkan kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel berkurang.Kata kunci: air polishing; glycine; erythritol; kekasaran permukaan slot breket stainless steel; uji kekasaran permukaanABSTRACTIntroduction: Orthodontic treatment using fixed appliances can facilitate the accumulation of debris on the surface of the wire and bracket slots to increase surface roughness and produce frictional forces that inhibit tooth movement. Air polishing is a technique to clean the surface of tooth enamel and brackets from biofilm, plaque, and stains. This study aimed to analyze the effect of glycine and erythritol powder on air polishing procedures on the surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot. Methods: This research is laboratory observational. This study used thirty-two first molar stainless steel brackets edgewise with slots 0.022 inches. The mesial and distal wing sections were cut so the surface roughness tester tip could touch the bracket slot and move without obstacles. The sample was measured for the bracket slot surface roughness, then divided into two groups randomly with 16 brackets each. First group consisted of sixteen brackets treated with air polishing using glycine. Second group consisted of sixteen bracket treated with air polishing using erythritol powder. The brackets slot surface roughness test was measured using surface roughness tester with roughness average (Ra) parameter. Afterward, the data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Results: Changes in surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot edgewise before and after the air polishing procedure with glycine and erythritol powder had a significant difference (p glycine = 0,0001; p erythritol = 0,0257). Both groups experienced a decrease in roughness after air polishing 0.115 μm with glycine and 0.092 μm with erythritol.The decrease in surface roughness of the stainless steel brackets slot after the air polishing procedure with glycine powder compared to erythritol powder had no significant difference (p = 0,6085). Conclusions: Air polishing with glycine and erythritol powder causes surface roughness reduction of the stainless steel brackets.Keywords: air polishing; glycine, erythritol; surface roughness of stainless steel bracket slot; surface roughness tester