JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Februari


Casman Casman (Prodi Keperawatan Ners, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Dian Mahanani (Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Nani Asna Dewi (Prodi S1 Keperawatan, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Eko Teguh Budianto (Prodi Diploma Tiga Fisioterapi, Poltekkes Hermina)
Lisnadiyanti Lisnadiyanti (Prodi Diploma Tiga Fisioterapi, Poltekkes Hermina)
Nur Endah Rakhmawati (Prodi Keperawatan Ners, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Gefira Nur Fatimah (Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Alfiansyah Muzaki (Prodi S1 Keperawatan, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Muhammad Adriansyah (Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat, STIKes Istara Nusantara)
Yuni Fatma Usemahu (Prodi Diploma Tiga, Akper Hermina Manggala Husada)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Feb 2023


Abstrak: Anak sebagai bagian dari kelompok rentan berisiko tinggi terjadi pada anak tinggi mengalami trauma pasca gempabumi. Salah satu tanda trauma ialah adanya kecemasan. Selain kecemasan, gempabumi juga berisiko mengganggu kesehatan, karena banyaknya debu dari sisa reruntuhan atau kondisi tidak layak lainnya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ialah untuk menurunkan kecemasan pasca gempabumi melalui trauma healing dan meningkatkan kesehatan anak. Kegiatan dilakukan di Dusun Sudi Desa Nagrak Kab. Cianjur pada tanggal 7-8 Desember 2022. Trauma healing yang digunakan ialah art therapy pada 20 anak berusia 2-6 tahun. Hasilnya setelah art therapy rerata skala kecemasan anak turun sebesar 2,55. Pemeriksaan kesehatan dilakukan dengan door to door, yaitu mendatangi langsung anak ke tenda pengungsian. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa 9 anak mengalami gatal-gatal, dan anak lainnya mengalami diare dan batuk pilek. Pengobatan obat terbatas telah dilakukan sesuai keluhan anak. Kebiasaan warga mandi di kolam air dan keberlanjutan program trauma healing bagi anak dapat menjadi perhatian khusus pengabdian masyarakat mendatang di lokasi yang sama. Abstract: Children, as a vulnerable group, are particularly vulnerable to post-earthquake trauma. Anxiety is a symptom of trauma. Aside from the anxiety, earthquakes pose a health risk due to the large amount of dust from the ruins or other unfit conditions. The goal of this community service activity is to reduce post-earthquake anxiety and improve children's health through trauma healing. On December 7-8, 2022, the activity was held in Sudi Hamlet, Nagrak Village, Kab. Cianjur. Art therapy was used to heal trauma in 20 children aged 2 to 6. As a result, the average child's anxiety scale decreased by 2.55 following art therapy. Door-to-door health checks are conducted, with children being taken directly to evacuation tents. The findings revealed that 9 children had itching, while others had diarrhea and cold coughs. According to the child's complaints, only limited drug treatment has been provided. The residents' habit of bathing in a pool of water, as well as the continuation of the trauma healing program for children, may be of particular concern for future community services at the same location. 

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info







JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) is a journal published by the Mathematics Education Departement of Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) aims to disseminate the results of conceptual thinking and ideas, especially the results of educational research ...