Jurnal Psikologi : Media Ilmiah Psikologi
Vol 16, No 1 (2018): JURNAL PSIKOLOGI


Yulianto, Aries (Unknown)
Martina, Devi (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
04 Oct 2019


AbstractThe development of e-commerce business in Indonesia has increased dramatically since the last few years. This e-commerce business development is using by an e-commerce startup companylocated in West Jakarta.Researchers found some problems related to the company and its employees. Shortly, it could be assumed that their employee loyalty and organizational climate are low. Employee loyalty is an orientation toward organization that related with personal identification to their organization. On the other hand, organizational climate is an environment qualitywithin an organization that relatively felt and stayed by an employee. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between organizational climate and employee loyalty, by controlling the effect of age and gender on loyalty. Participants were 50 employees (21 males, 29 females) of the company, aged 23 to 34 year old (M = 27.62,SD = 2.899). This research found the correlations range from .540 and .588, p < .01. It can be concluded that there is a positive and significant correlation between organizational climate and loyalty, including whencontrolling effect of age and gender to loyalty. Keywords: e-commerce, loyalty, organizational climate. AbstrakBisnis e-commerce atau jual beli online di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan drastis sejak beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Perkembangan bisnis e-commerce ini juga dimanfaatkan oleh sebuah perusahaan rintisan bisnis e-commerce yang berlokasi di Jakarta Barat. Namun peneliti menemukan permasalahan berkaitan dengan karyawan dan perusahaan tersebut. Diduga loyalitas dan iklim organisasi di perusahaan tersebut rendah.Loyalitas karyawan merupakan orientasi terhadap organisasi yang berkaitan dengan identifikasi seseorang terhadap organisasi. Di lain pihak,iklim organisasi adalah kualitas lingkungan di dalam suatu organisasi yang secara relatif dapat dirasakan dan dapat bertahan oleh karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim organisasi dan loyalitas, dengan mengontrol pengaruh usia maupun jenis kelamin terhadap loyalitas. Responden berasal dari seluruh karyawan perusahaan berjumlah 50 orang (laki-laki = 21; perempuan = 29) berusia 23 – 34 tahun (M = 27,62; SD = 2,899). Diperoleh korelasi berkisar antara 0,540 hingga 0,588, p< 0,01. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa iklim organisasi memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan loyalitas, termasuk ketika mengontrol pengaruh usia maupun jenis kelamin terhadap loyalitas. Kata kunci: e-commerce, loyalitas, iklim organisasi.

Copyrights © 2018

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Humanities Education Physics Social Sciences Other


Jurnal Psikologi published by Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul. This journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, this journal dedicated to the publication of research in all aspects of psychology scopes. Jurnal Psikologi is published two times a year and accepts original research articles ...