Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik: Jurnal Abditek
Vol 2 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik: Jurnal Abditek


Nurlaila Mashabi (Unknown)
Prastiti Nugraheni (Unknown)
Mulyati Mulyati (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Universitas Negeri Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Mar 2022


At the beginning of 2020, Indonesia was faced with the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, which caused the Indonesian government to take action to ban travel. Now Indonesia has started to enter the recovery phase or known as the "New Normal" phase. At this time, the perception of tourists regarding security, safety and health during their trip has a very big influence on their choices regarding the destinations to be visited and the facilities needed. Therefore, the tourism village manager must be able to foster a sense of tourist confidence in the destination, for example in terms of cleanliness, health, and safety and environmental sustainability (CHSE). However, not all Tourism Village managers understand the application of CHSE (cleanliness, health, and safety) in tourism businesses such as Homestay in the face of the new normal order, therefore training needs to be provided. The training was given to 24 participants, namely Homestay Managers on September 11, 2021. The training was carried out using presentation, discussion and practicum methods. The material provided is the Homestay Manager about the importance of implementing cleanliness, health, safety and environmental sustainability at the Homestay, Knowledge of various equipment and cleaning materials used, Skills in preparing guest rooms according to standards. Skills on making beds and proper cleaning techniques by applying the CHSE ASEAN Standard in Homestay Prior to the training, a Pre Test was given and the result was that 70% of the participants did not master the implementation of the CHSE ASEAN Standard in Homestay. After the training, a Post Test was given with the results that all participants mastered the application of the CHSE ASEAN Standard in Homestay. This is seen in the ability to answer the questions given. We provide a pocket book on CHSE ASEAN Standard on Homestay to recall the material that has been given, and practice how to clean, organize a Homestay according to the CHSE ASEAN Standard in one of the Homestay that was used as a model house. Thus, participants are able to increase their motivation and improve their ability to manage homestays by applying the CHSE ASEAN Standard. Abstrak Awal tahun 2020 di Indonesia dihadapi Pandemi Virus Covid-19 yang menyebabkan pemerintah Indonesia mengambil tindakan melakukan larangan berwisata. Kini Indonesia sudah mulai masuk tahap pemulihan atau dikenal dengan fase “New Normal”. Pada saat ini persepsi wisatawan terkait keamanan, keselamatan dan kesehatan selama berwisata sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap pilihan mereka mengenai destinasi yang dikunjungi dan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu pengelola Desa Wisata harus dapat menumbuhkan rasa kepercayaan wisatawan terhadap destinasi, misalnya dari segi cleanliness, health, dan safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE). Namun tidak semua pengelola Desa Wisata memahami penerapan CHSE (cleanliness, health, dan safety) pada usaha wisata seperti Homestay dalam menghadapi tatanan normal baru, oleh sebab itu perlu diberikan pelatihan. Pelatihan diberikan kepada 24 peserta yaitu Pengelola Homestay pada tanggal 11 September 2021. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode presentasi, diskusi dan praktikum. Materi yang diberikan yaitu Pengelola Homestay tentang pentingnya pelaksanaan kebersihan, kesehatan, keselamatan dan kelestarian lingkungan di Homestay, Pengetahuan tentang berbagai peralatan dan bahan pembersih yang digunakan, Keterampilan dalam penyiapan kamar tamu yg sesuai dengan standar. Keterampilan tentang making bed dan Teknik pembersihan yang benar dengan menerapkan CHSE ASEAN Standard Pada Homestay Sebelum pelatihan diberikan Pre Test dan hasilnya 70% peserta kurang menguasai penerapan CHSE ASEAN Standard pada Homestay. Setelah pelatihan diberikan Post Test dengan hasil seluruh peserta menguasai penerapan CHSE ASEAN Standard pada Homestay. Hal ini dilihat kemampuan dalam menjawab pertanyan yang diberikan. Kami memberikan buku Sa

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Humanities Education Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Mechanical Engineering


Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik: Jurnal Abditek is a journal published by the LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Abditek Journal is published regularly twice a year, every March and November. Each journal number publishes 7 articles. Abditek Journal was founded in 2019 under the name JPKM ...