Vol 9, No 1 (2023): April 2023

Evaluasi Program Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem

Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani (Unknown)
Mardi Fadillah (Unknown)
Laila Apriani Hasanah Harahap (Unknown)
Firman Firdauz Saputra (Unknown)
Meutia Paradhiba (Unknown)
Onetusfifsi Putra (Unknown)
Nasrianti Syam (Unknown)
Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan (Unknown)
Rubi Rimonda (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Apr 2023


Pemerintah menyelenggarakan Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) dengan tujuan untuk melindungi terhadap penyakit Penyakit Yang Dapat Dicegah Dengan Imunisasi (PD3I) sampai usia anak sekolah. Latar belakangnya adalah ketika anak memasuki usia sekolah dasar terjadi penurunan terhadap tingkat kekebalan yang diperoleh saat imunisasi ketika bayi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan BIAS di Sekolah Dasar (SD/MI sederajat) di Kota Surabaya, menunjukkan masih ada sekolah yang belum mengikuti pelaksanaan BIAS. Tujuan penelitian yaitu deskripsi program BIAS di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surbaya. Rancang bangun penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi berdasarkan pendekatan sistem yang terdiri dari input, proses dan output. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara wawancara kepada responden menggunakan kuisioner dan observasi. Sedangkan pengumpulan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi dokumen atau arsip data surveilans imunisasi yang ada di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Laporan kegiatan BIAS dilaporkan secara berjenjang sesuai sumber data (dari Puskesmas) ke Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota, kemudian Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota melakukan analisis dan interpretasi data untuk kebutuhan program imunisasi. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya melalui unit Sistem Informasi Kesehatan (SIK) merupakan pintu pertama dalam alur pengolahan dan analisa data. Adapun prioritas masalah yang dianggap harus segera selesaikan adalah ketersediaan Buku Rapor Kesehatan Anak Sekolah, sebagai media pencatatan hasil skrining kesehatan pada anak sekolah yang didalamnya terdapat variabel imunisasi. serta edukasi tentang status kesehatan anak sekolah. Adanya perubahan jadwal serta penambahan jenis imunisasi dalam program BIAS, maka diperlukan pencatatan dan pelaporan status imunisasi anak sekolah yang tertata.  Komitmen kuat lintas program dan lintas sektor dalam semua lini masyarakat agar angka kematian akibat penyakit PD31 menurun.Kata kunci: bulan imunisasi anak sekolah, buku rapor kesehatan anak sekolah, pencatatan, pelaporan, imunisasiThe government organizes School  Immunization Month (BIAS) to protect against immunization-preventable diseases  (PD3I) up to school age. The background is that when children reach primary school age,  the level of immunity acquired in childhood decreases. Based on the results of the evaluation of the implementation of BIAS in primary schools (SD/MI equivalent) in the city of Surabaya, it showed that there are still schools that have not observed the implementation of BIAS. The purpose of the study was to describe the BIAS program in Surabaya City Health Office. The design of this study was an evaluation study based on a systems approach, consisting of input, process and output. Primary data  was collected by interviewing the respondents through questionnaires and observation. At the same time, secondary data collection was obtained from Surabaya City Health Office document surveys or blood surveillance data archive. BIAS activity reports were submitted according to the data source (from  Puskesmas) to the district/municipal health committee, after which the district/municipal health committee analyzes and interprets the data for the needs of the expenditure program. Surabaya City Health Office  Health Information System and#40;SIKand#41; the unit was the first door to the flow of data processing and analysis. The main problem, which was considered  immediately solvable, was the availability of the health report book of schoolchildren as a means of recording the results of the health examinations of schoolchildren, which contained certain variables. and education about the health status of school children. There were changes in the schedule and the addition of sports to the BIAS program,  the status of  caregivers in the school had to be fixed and reflected appropriately. Strong commitment to programs and  sectors in all sectors of society to reduce PD31 mortality.Key Word: school child immunization month, school children health report card book, recording, reporting, immunizations

Copyrights © 2023

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