Vol 46 No 1 (2023): Dialog

Pengaruh Skema Religius dan Empati terhadap Perilaku Toleransi Masyarakat Ambon di Maluku

Adam Latuconsina (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon)
Muhammad Kashai Ramdhani Pelupessy (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon)
Ainun Diana Lating (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2023


Abstrak Ekstrimisme beragama merupakan suatu sikap panafsiran atas agama yang dilakukan secara tekstual tanpa melibatkan konteks pluralitas pandangan keagamaan lainnya. Sikap beragama seperti ini kerap melahirkan gesekan sosial hingga mengarah pada konflik horizontal. Olehnya itu, butuh paradigma moderasi beragama guna mengantisipasi hal tersebut. Di dalam paradigma moderasi beragama terdapat perilaku toleransi sebagai indikatornya. Secara teoritik, perilaku toleransi dipengaruhi dua faktor psikologis yakni skema religius dan empati. Penelitian ini hendak membuktikan sekaligus menjelaskan skema religius dan empati terhadap perilaku toleransi pada masyarakat Ambon di Maluku yang pernah mengalami konflik horizontal tahun 1999-2002. Studi ini merupakan ex-post facto research pada subjek sebanyak 72 orang yang beragama Kristen Protestan (22,2%) dan Islam (77,8%) bertempat tinggal di Ambon. Berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh skema religius dan empati terhadap perilaku toleransi (p = 0,000; p<0,05). Artinya, skema religius dan empati secara simultan dapat mendorong individu berperilaku toleransi terhadap orang lain. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi rekomendasi bagi para pengambil kebijakan bahwa untuk membentuk perilaku toleransi dapat melalui pembentukan skema religius dan empati terhadap orang lain sejak dini. Abstract Religious extremism is an attitude of interpretation of religion that is carried out textually without involving the context of a plurality of other religious views. Religious attitudes like this often give birth to social friction that leads to horizontal conflict. Therefore, a paradigm of religious moderation is needed to anticipate this. In the paradigm of religious moderation, there is tolerance behavior as an indicator. Theoretically, tolerance behavior is influenced by two psychological factors: religious schemes and empathy. This research aims to prove and explain religious schemes and empathy for tolerant behavior in the Ambonese community in Maluku which experienced horizontal conflict in 1999-2002. This study is an ex-post facto research on 72 subjects who are Protestant Christians (22.2%) and Muslims (77.8%) living in Ambon. Based on multiple linear regression analysis, it shows that there is an influence of religious schemas and empathy on tolerance behavior (p = 0.000; p <0.05). That is, religious schemes and empathy can simultaneously encourage individuals to behave intolerant towards others. The results of this study are expected to become recommendations for policymakers that form tolerant behavior can be done through the formation of religious schemes and empathy for others from an early age.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Social Sciences


DIALOG (p-ISSN: 0126-396x, e-ISSN: 2715-6230) is a periodical scientific journal which managed by Secretary of The Research and Development & Educational Training Agency - Ministry of Religious Affairs. This journal first published in 1976. But then, it was officially changed in to an electronic ...