AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Vol 12, No 2 (2023)


Melisa Antasari (Universitas Bengkulu)
Hanifah Hanifah (Universitas Bengkulu)
Agus Susanta (Universitas Bengkulu)
Ica Andriani (Universitas Bengkulu)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Jun 2023


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Matematika dengan menerapkan pendekatan Realistics Mathematics Education melalui model APOS berbantuan Geogebra. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Kaur semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2022/2023.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas self checklist dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus yang merujuk pada Suharsimi dan Arikunto dengan melalui empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan (plan), tindakan (action), pengamatan (observe), dan refleksi (reflect). Baik Siklus I ataupun II, keduanya dilaksanakan dengan masing-masing tiga pertemuan dan satu tes siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peningkatan aktivitas belajar dapat dilihat dari rata-rata skor pada lembar observasi self checklist aktivitas belajar siswa siklus I sampai siklus II secara berturut-turut: 20,33 (kreteria cukup Aktif); 29,66 (kreteria Aktif). Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata tes hasil belajar dan latihan siswa siklus I sampai siklus II yaitu 65,87; 80 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal dari siklus I sampai siklus II yaitu 47%; 82%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dilihat dari siklus I dan Siklus II.Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar; Model APOS; Pendekatan Realistics Mathematics Education  (RME)Abstract  This study aims to improve the activities and student learning outcomes in Mathematics learning by applying the Realistics Mathematics Education approach through the Geogebra-assisted APOS model. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects were class XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Kaur even semester academic year 2022/2023. Data collection was carried out using observation sheets for self checklist activities and student learning outcomes tests. This Classroom Action Research was carried out in two cycles referring to Suharsimi and Arikunto by going through four stages, namely planning (plan), action (action), observation (observe), and reflection (reflect). Either Cycle I or II, both carried out with three meetings each and one cycle test. The results showed that the increase in learning activity could be seen from the average score on the self-checklist observation sheet of student learning activities cycle I to cycle II respectively: 20.33 (quite active criterion); 29.66 (Active criteria). Improved student learning outcomes can be seen from the average score of student learning outcomes and training tests cycle I to cycle II, namely 65.87; 80 with the percentage of classical learning completeness from cycle I to cycle II, namely 47%; 82%. This shows that there is an increase in activity and student learning outcomes seen from Cycle I and Cycle II.Keywords: Learning outcomes; APOS Model; Realistics Mathematics Education  (RME) approach 

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Education Mathematics


AKSIOMA JOURNAL, e-ISSN: 2442-5419, p-ISSN: 2089-8703 is an information container has scientific articles in the form of research, the study of literature, ideas, application of the theory, the study of critical analysis, and Islāmic studies in the field of science Mathematics Education. AKSIOMA ...