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AKSIOMA JOURNAL, e-ISSN: 2442-5419, p-ISSN: 2089-8703 is an information container has scientific articles in the form of research, the study of literature, ideas, application of the theory, the study of critical analysis, and Islāmic studies in the field of science Mathematics Education. AKSIOMA JOURNAL published two times a year, the period from January to June and July to December, published by the Scientific Publication Unit FKIP University of Muhammadiyah Metro.
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Articles 1,293 Documents
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write dalam Meningkatkan Komunikasi Matematis Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Ningsih, Siska Candra
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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This research has aims to determine the effectiveness of learning model Think-Talk-Write (TTW) and determine whether the learning TTW modelis more effective than conventional learning to improve student mathematical communication. The research is a quasi experimental research. The populationin this research were all students ofthe second semester in Mathematics Education department. They are divided into four parallel classes. Samples were IIA2 class as the control class and the IIA1 class as a class experiment in Number Theory lesson. The instrument in this researcsh was test of mathematical communication. The analysies of data use SPSS 16, the proportion test of one population, and t test. The hypotesis tests use the proportion test of one population and t test. Based on the results of this research were concluded that : (1) The mathematical learning by learning model Think-Talk-Write is effective to improve the mathematical communication students. It can be proved fromthe results of proportion testonan experimental class of mathematical communication valueis 1.87 > z table with a significance level 5%. Z table is 1.64. (2)The learning model Think-Talk-Write more effective than conventional approaches. It can be proved from the results of t test. The value of mathematical communicationis 2.07 >t table with a significance level 5%. t table is 1.67.
Efektivitas Bahan Ajar Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Menggunakan 5E Instructional Model terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Rizki, Swaditya; Syutaridho, Syutaridho
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The objective of this study was to know the effectiveness of teaching materials solids with flat side which was developed using the 5E instructional model against the activities and learning outcomes in eighth grade students in Junior High School State 2 Batanghari. In this study using the methodology of development research with formative type according to Tessmer (1993), namely the development of teaching materials of solids with flat side. Research procedure using 4 stages namely self evaluation, expert review and one-to-one, small group, and field tests. The results showed that the teaching material included in the category of valid and good for use. Then the average of class activity from the observation obtained a score of 10.3, it’s means that the category scores included into the active category, and then the average of learning outcomes was 71.38 where the scores included into the good category .
Ekperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Discovery dan Group Investigation Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau dari Kreativitas Siswa Vahlia, Ira
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The aim of the research was to determine the effect of  learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from the student creativity. The learning model compared were discovery, group investigation and conventional. The type of the research was a quasi-experimental research. The population was the students of Junior High Schoolin Surakarta city on academic year 2012/2013. The samples of this research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples consist of 281 students who were divided into 94 students in the first experiment class, 94 students in the second experiment class, and 93 students in the control class. The results of this research are as follows: (1) the discovery learning model results in better learning achievement than the group investigation and conventional learning model. The group investigation learning model results in an equal learning achievement to the conventional learning model, (2) the students having high level of creativity have better learning achievement than those having medium and low levels of creativity. The students having medium level of creativity have an equal learning achievement to those having low level of creativity, (3) on the discovery learning model, students having high creativity have better learning achievement than those having medium and low levels of creativity and students having medium level of creativity have an equal learning achievement to those having low creativity. On the group investigation model, students in each level of creativity have the same learning achievement, (4) the students who were tought with the discovery learning model have better learning achievement than those taught with the group investigation and conventional learning model in the category of having high level of creativity. The students who were tought group investigation and conventional model results in an equal learning achievement in the category of having high level of creativity. The students having medium level of creativity have an equal learning achievement to those having low level of creativity in each learning model.
Pengaruh Strategi Pemecahan Masalah Wankat-Oreovocz dan Pembelajaran Teknik Probing terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematis Siswa SMP Linuhung, Nego
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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Low of mathematical literacy become this research base. Alternative solution in overcoming the problem is needed absolutely, so this research aim to analyze the essence of learning the strategy of Wankat-Oreovocz problem solving and the Probing Technique learning as alternative the problem solution. The research design which is used is a non-equivalent control group design by using technique of Purposive Sampling. The Research Subject is all eight grade students of Sukahaji Junior High School with the research sample is eight grade students. The research instrument used in the form is mathematical literacy test of level 5, teaching materials and questionnaire. Result of the research indicates that: There is not the difference of mathematical literacy of level 5 at student who is getting strategy of Wankat-Oreovocz problem solving (WO) and the Probing Technique learning (TP)
Efektivitas Penerapan Metode Diskusi dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (PMR) Ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Lampung Timur Septianawati, Desty
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The aims of this research are to know: (1) Which one more effective, learning using discussion with realistic mathematics  approach or a conventional learning. (2) Which one gives better mathematics learning achievement, student with personality types Sanguine or Phlegmatis. (3) Which one more effective for each personality typeof students, learning using discussion withPMR or a conventional learning.This research used quasi experimental method with its population included all of students of state junior high school in East Lampung Regency. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random sampling. The size of the samples was 202 students. The data collection technique were the document that was the last of examination theseven grade for initial capability data before the experiment, achievement tests for mathematics student achievement data, and questioner of personality types. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance. The conclusions of the research were as follows: (1) learning mathematics using discussion with PMR is more effective than learning mathematics usingdiscussion with conventional approach. (2) Students with personalitytypesof Sanguinenor Phlegmatis have the same mathematics achievement. (3) For each personality type of students, learning using discussion with PMR approach is more effective than learning mathematics the method of discussion withconventional approach.
Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran RME dengan Problem Solving dan RME dengan Problem Posing Ditinjau dari Kreativitas Siswa Sudarman, Satrio Wicaksono
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The aim of the research was to determine the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from the student creativity. The learning model compared were RME with problem solving, RME with problem posing on conventional. The type of the research was a quasi-experimental research. The population was the students of Junior High School in Surakarta city on academic year 2012/2013. The samples of this research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples consisted of 269 students who were divided into 90 students in the first experiment class, 90 students in the second experiment class, and 89 students in the control class. The result of research showed that: (1) RME with problem solving provided better learning achievement than RME with problem posing and the conventional model. The RME learning model with problem posing provided better learning achievement than conventional one, (2) the students having high creativity had better learning achievement than those having medium and low creativity. The students having medium creativity had better learning achievement than did those having low creativity, (3) students taught by using RME with problem solving having high creativity level had better learning achievement than those having medium and low creativity level and students having medium creativity level had learning achievement as good as the low creativity level. Students taught by using RME with problem posing and conventional model had equal learning achievement in each level of creativity, and (4) students having high creativity level taught by using RME with problem solving had better learning achievement than those taught by using RME with problem posing and conventional model. Students having high creativity taught by using RME with problem posing and conventional model had equally good learning achievement. Students having medium and low creativity level had equal learning achievement in each learning model.
Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif di SMP N 2 Sedayu Yogyakarta Istikomah, Dhian Arista
AKSIOMA JURNAL PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika  siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika materi pokok kubus dan balok dalam pokok bahasan luas permukaan dan volume melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIIE SMP N 2 Sedayu semester genap tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus, siklus pertama dilaksanakan dalam 3 pertemuan dan siklus kedua dilaksanakan dalam 3 pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, tes kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa,  wawancara dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu, analisis observasi siswa dan analisis tes kemampuan komunikasi matematika dengan analisis persentase. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa dengan persentase hasil observasi kegiatan siswa sebesar 68,6% pada siklus I menjadi 86,9% pada siklus II. (2) pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa dari nilai rata-rata kelas awal sebelum tindakan  sebesar 41,63 dengan ketuntasan prasiklus sebesar 9% (kualifikasi kurang) menjadi nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 79,81 dengan ketuntasan kelas sebesar 81,8% (kualifikasi tinggi) pada siklus I, nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 84,9 dengan ketuntasan kelas sebesar 90,9% (kualifikasi tinggi) pada siklus II.
Penyelesaian Masalah Matematika Pada Tipe Kepribadian Phlegmatis Agustina, Rina
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The research was a descriptive qualitative. The prosedure of selecting the subjects used purposive sampling. The data of the research was collected by using think aloud method. The validity of the data used was triangulation. The results of the research showed that problem solving of personality type phlegmatic: (a) understanding the information  by looking at the questions, then making a picture, had no difficulty in turning information into mathematical form and looking back at the questions to find the things in questions, (b) solving the problems by planning a solution that is started from the specified requirements in the matter, experiencing difficulty to change the equation initial information to be used in the calculation, and was not able to find the other formula which was different from the derivative function; (c)  convincing the answer by looking back at the existing calculation, adjusting the obtained solution that was based on actual event and re-adjusting it to the problem in question
AKSIOMA JURNAL PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Januari-Juni (2015)

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Fraction is one of the complex material in elementary school. This study aims to describe how students represent fractions on a number line, and describes the mistakes made in the students represent fractions on the number line. This research is qualitative. Subjects in this study there are two students class V of SDN Tamping Mojo II. The data collection method using a task-based interviews. Instruments in this study is the researchers themselves and supporting instruments is a task sheet and interview guidelines. Based on this research, how subjects represent fractions on a number line: fractions with the same denominator on the number line, the subject of linking the amount of parts in the interval of 0 to 1 as the denominator, the subject of linking the amount of the line that divides the interval of 0 to 1 as the denominator, the subject of fractions sort of fractional numerator. Fractions with denominators are not the same on the number line, the subject of fractions with denominators sort biggest, subject to name a point regardless of its parts. Fractions on the number line at a specified point (the same parts and the parts are not the same), the first subject tends to count the number of lines that divide the number line into sections of the same count the number of parts that are formed to be the denominator, the second subject occurs misconceptions with jump number. Fractional mixture on the number line, the two subjects can not represent. Mistakes made by the two subjects are conceptual errors and application errors.
Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Interaktif Setting Kooperatif (PISK) dan Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) pada Materi Peluang ditinjau dari Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 Ningrum, Fhela Vhantoria
AKSIOMA (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Juli-Desember (2014)

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The aim of the research was to determine the effect of PISK, STAD and conventional approach to the mathematics achievement viewed from student activities. This research was a quasi experimental using 3x3 factorial design. The populations of the research were all students of senior high school in Sukoharjo Regency. The sampel was 9 classes and it was taken using stratified random sampling technique. The instruments used to collect data were student activities questionnaire and mathematics achievement test. The requirements test for data included the population normality test using Lilliefors method and the population homogenity variance test using Bartlett method. The balance test toward student’s early ability in mathematics data using unbalance one-way analysis of variance and it was concluded that experimental and control classes had balance prior knowledge in  mathematics. The testing of hypotesis using unbalance two-way analysis of variance. The conclusion of this research shows as follows. (1) Students taught by PISK cooperative learning model had better mathematics achievements than students taught by STAD cooperative learning model and conventional model. In addition, STAD cooperative learning model and conventional model gave the same mathematics achievement. (2) Students in high activity had better mathematics achievement than students in middle and low activity; also students in middle activity had better mathematics achievements than students in low activity. (3) There was an interaction between learning model and activity toward mathematics achievement

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