DIKSAINS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sains
Vol. 3 No. 2: Juni 2023


Rahma Febriana Pratiwi (Universitas Bengkulu)
Bhakti Karyadi (Universitas Bengkulu)
Rendy Wikrama Wardana (Universitas Bengkulu)
Indra Sakti (Universitas Bengkulu)
Deni Parlindungan (Universitas Bengkulu)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2023


ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar E-LKPD Tipe Search, Solve, Create And Share (SSCS) pada materi Sistem Ekskresi Ginjal Manusia yang tervalidasi oleh ahli. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan model pengembangan 4Dyang terdiri dari define, design, develop dan disseminate namun hanya dilakukan sampai tahap deveop. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bengkulu. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar wawancara, angket kebutuhan siswa, angket validassi dan angket respon siswa. Hasil penelitian ini berupa pengembangan E-LKPD tipe Search, Solve, Create And Share (SSCS) pada materi Sistem Ekskresi Ginjal Manusia untuk siswa SMP. Hasil validasi ahli terhadap bahan ajar E-LKPD pada materi Sistem Ekskresi Ginjal Manusia yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan memperoleh skor rata˗rata dalam kategori sangat valid atau sangat layak, yang menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan telah layak secara konseptual dari aspek materi, bahasa dan media. Sedangkan hasil respon siswa yang dilakukan oleh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bengkulu terhadap bahan ajar E˗LKPD berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) Tipe Search, Solve, Create and Share (SSCS), secara keseluruhan memperoleh persentase rata˗rata dalam kategori sangat baik. Artinya bahwa sebagian besar siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap bahan ajar E˗LKPD.   Kata Kunci : E-LKPD, Ekskresi, SSCS   ABSTRACT   This study aims to determine the feasibility of the Search, Solve, Create and Share (SSCS) E-LKPD teaching materials on the Human Kidney Excretion System material which is validated by experts. This type of research is development research (R&D) with a 4D development model consisting of define, design, develop and disseminate but only carried out until the development stage. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City. The instruments used in this study were interview sheets, student needs questionnaires, validation questionnaires and student response questionnaires. The result of this research is the development of Search, Solve, Create And Share (SSCS) type E-LKPD on Human Kidney Excretion System material for junior high school students. The results of expert validation of the E-LKPD teaching materials on the Human Kidney Excretion System material that has been developed as a whole obtain an average score in the very valid or very feasible category, which indicates that the developed teaching materials are conceptually feasible from the material, language and language aspects. media. While the results of student responses conducted by class VIII students of SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City to E-LKPD teaching materials based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Type Search, Solve, Create and Share (SSCS), overall obtained an average percentage in the very category. good. This means that most students give a positive response to the E-LKPD teaching materials.   Keywords: E-LKPD, Excretion, SSCS

Copyrights © 2023

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