Holistic Al-Hadis : Jurnal Studi Hadis, Keindonesiaan, dan Integrasi Keilmuan
Vol 9 No 1 (2023): January - June 2023


Hasman Zhafiri Muhammad (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan (Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jun 2023


The development of hadith books in the archipelago is full of the services of scholars in the archipelago who received education in the Middle East, such as Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani and Sheikh Mahfudz al-Tarmasi. This study aims to examine the science related to the two ulama figures and their efforts in the civilization of the scientific treasures of hadith in the archipelago. This study uses a library study where the sources extracted are scientific literature in the form of journal articles and books. From the results of this study it was found that Sheikh Nawawai al-Bantani and Sheikh Mahfudz al-Tarmasi were Nusantara people who both studied in the Middle East and contributed to the civilization of the development of hadith books in the archipelago. And both of them are among other scholars who have laid the scientific foundations in Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia to this day, because their works are still being used and studied. Keywords: Books of Hadith, Nusantara Ulama, Islamic Boarding School ABSTRAK Perkembangan kitab – kitab hadis di Nusantara sarat dengan jasa para ulama – ulama di Nusantara yang mengenyam pendidikan di Negeri Timur Tengah, diantaranya seperti Syekh Nawawi al – Bantani dan Syekh Mahfudz al – Tarmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji terkait dengan keilmuwan dua tokoh ulama tersebut dan usaha – usahanya dalam peradaban khasanah keilmuwan hadis di Nusantara. Penelitian ini meggunakan studi Pustaka dimana sumber yang digali ialah literatur – literatur ilmiah berupa artikel jurnal dan buku. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Syekh Nawawai al – Bantani dan Syekh Mahfudz al – Tarmasi ialah orang Nusantara yang sama – sama menimba ilmu di Timur Tengah dan memberikan kontribusi dalam peradaban pengembangan kitab – kitab hadis di Nusantara. Serta beliau berdua merupakan diantara para ulama – ulama lainnya yang meletakkan dasar keilmuwan di pesantren – pesantren seluruh Indonesia hingga saat ini, sebab karya – karyanya masih terus digunakan dan dikaji. Kata Kunci : Kitab – kitab Hadis, Ulama Nusantara, Pesantren

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Social Sciences Other


The Journal seeks to place Hadith as its central focus of academic inquiry and to encourage comprehensive consideration of its many facets; to provide a forum for the study of Hadith in its global context; to encourage interdisciplinary studies of the Hadith that are crossnational and comparative; ...