Rekam : Jurnal, Fotografi, Televisi Animasi
Vol 19, No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023

Film Dokumenter Mereka: “Episode Ekspresi Personal Risman Marah dalam Berkarya Seni Fotografi”, Genre Biografi sebagai Media Pendidikan

Oscar Samaratungga (Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta)
Ghalif Putra Sadewa (Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Oct 2023


Dokumenter “Mereka” merupakan proyek jangka panjang, menceritakan kisah hidup tokoh yang tekun dan berdedikasi di bidangnya masing-masing. Pemilihan genre biografi sebagai cara tutur memudahkan penonton untuk mengikuti rangkaian peristiwa yang dialami tokoh hingga membentuk ekspresi personal dalam setiap karya-karyanya. Dokumenter biografi seringkali digunakan sebagai media untuk menginspirasi dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam dari subjek filmnya. Episode kali ini, membahas ekspresi personal Risman Marah sebagai seorang maestro fotografer. Risman Marah, bukan nama asing bagi dunia fotografi Indonesia. Karya, kepakaran, hingga dedikasinya tak perlu diragukan lagi. Namun, seperti apa kehidupan Risman Marah dahulu kala? Tempaan alam dan kondisi seperti apa hingga ia menemukan jalurnya dalam fotografi. Kisah-kisah di luar proses memotret diyakini juga memiliki andil yang besar dalam kiprahnya pada dunia fotografi, baik sebagai pendidik maupun praktisi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi akan dirumuskan dengan membongkar arsip visual subjek dan diceritakan kembali lewat medium film dokumenter guna menjadi satu pemahaman tentang kisah hidup, cara berpikir, dan berkarya. Metode penciptaan film dokumenter menggunakan tahapan pra produksi, produksi, dan pasca produksi. Sedangkan hasil dari penciptaan film dokumenter akan dipublikasikan menggunakan media sosial sebagai medium promosi sekaligus edukasi dikarenakan kecenderungan akses masyarakat hari ini lebih dominan pada platform tersebut.Documentary Film “Mereka”: Episode of Risman Marah’s Personal Expression In Creating” Biography Genre As An Educational Medium. The documentary "Mereka" is a long-term project that tells the life stories of individuals who are diligent and dedicated in their respective fields. The choice of biography as a storytelling genre makes it easier for the audience to follow the series of events experienced by these individuals, leading to the formation of their personal expressions in each of their works. Biographical documentaries are often used as a means to inspire and provide a deeper understanding of the film's subjects. In this episode, we will delve into the personal expression of Risman Marah, a master photographer. Risman Marah is not an unfamiliar name in the world of Indonesian photography. His work, expertise, and dedication need no further confirmation. However, what was Risman Marah's life like in the past? How did the natural environment and conditions of that time influence his journey in the world of photography? It is believed that the stories beyond the photography process also play a significant role in his contributions to the world of photography, both as an educator and practitioner. These questions will be addressed by exploring visual archives of the subject and retelling them through the medium of a documentary film to provide a comprehensive understanding of Risman Marah's life, thoughts, and works. The documentary filmmaking process involves pre-production, production, and post-production stages. The results of this documentary will be published through social media as a means of promotion and education, considering that current society tends to be more dominant on that platform.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


Rekam: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi is a scientific journal published by the Asosiasi Dosen Seni Media Rekam Indonesia in collaboration with the Fakultas Seni Media Rekam, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. This journal contains articles on research results, conceptual ideas (results of ...