Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)


Suratno Suratno (Sekolah Tinggi Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki Cemani Sukoharjo)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Oct 2022


This study aims to explain the opinions of ushuliyin regarding the following issues: Mukholafatur Rowi lima Rowahu (Rowi's exclusion of what is narrated) and its influence on fiqh issues. The choice of this theme is motivated by the findings of the author that sometimes Rowi's actions in a problem contradict the hadith she narrated. What is the evidence of his actions or history? And what effect will this difference of opinion have on fiqh matters? This paper includes qualitative research by conducting literature reviews of several sources from ulama's books and various papers, as well as several sources from trusted websites on the internet. From this study, the authors conclude that: 1) the selected opinion in this matter is the opinion of several ulama who say that if Rowi differs from what was narrated, his history is still used as an argument. Meanwhile, Madhab Hanafi disagreed with the opinion of the jumhur by considering that history could not be used as evidence. 2) This difference of opinion has an influence on the determination of the law in fiqh matters including in the matter of washing vessels when licked by dogs, raising hands when they want to bow and rising from them, requirements of marriage guardians, problems of divorce against slaves being sold, and problems of labanul fahl. Keyword: narattor, hadith, riwayah, principles of islamic jurisprudence ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pendapat para ushuliyin terkait masalah : Mukholafatur Rowi lima Rowahu ( penyelisihan perawi hadis terhadap apa yang diriwayatkan ) dan pengaruhnya terhadap masalah-masalah fikih. Pemilihan tema ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penemuan penulis bahwa terkadang tindakan perawi dalam suatu masalah menyelisihi hadis yang diriwayatkanya. Apakah yang dijadikan hujah tindakanya atau riwayatnya ? Dan apa pengaruh perbedaan pendapat ini terhadap masalah-masalah fikih? Makalah ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan kajian pustaka terhadap beberapa sumber dari kitab-kitab ulama dan berbagai makalah, serta beberapa sumber dari website terpercaya di internet. Dari penelitian ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) pendapat yang rojih dalam masalah ini adalah pendapatnya jumhur ulama yang mengatakan bahwa apabila perowi menyelisihi apa yang diriwayatkan, riwayatnya tetap dipakai sebagai hujah/ dalil. Sedangkan Madhab hanafi menyelisihi pendapat jumhur dengan menganggap riwayat tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan hujah. 2) Perbedaan pendapat ini punya pengaruh terhadap penentuan hukum dalam masalah- masalah fikih diantaranya : dalam masalah penyucian bejana ketika dijilat anjing, mengangkat tangan ketika mau ruku’ dan bangkit darinya, pensyaratan wali nikah, permasalahan cerai terhadap budak yang dijual,dan masalah labanul fahl. Kata kunci : Perawi, hadis, riwayah, ushul fikih

Copyrights © 2021

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Religion Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic Studies. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers, as well as professionals in the field of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia to publish their researches in our Journal. The journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research ...