MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Vol 35, No 2 (2011)


Dedy Sumardi (Fakultas Syariah IAIN Ar-Raniry)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Dec 2011


Abstrak:Hudûd adalah ancaman hukuman yang ditegaskan al-Qur’an dan Sunnah berdasarkan teori hukuman yang menganut aspek reformasi. Penggolonganhudûd ke dalam enam macam merupakan hasil ijtihad fukaha yang bersifat tekstual, dan nash sebagai sumber pengambilanhudûd masih diperdebatkan. Sehingga muncul reaksi pemikir hukum Islam Modern, terutama penerapan hukumanhudûd dalam konteks negara-bangsa berbenturan dengan prinsip penologis dan keuniversalan norma HAM. Tulisan ini mengkaji pemikiran an-Na’im dalam upaya menemukan kesesuaian antara syarî‘ah dan HAM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan titik temunya adalah membatasi penerapan hudûd ke dalam empat jenis, sesuai dengan prinsip ayat Makkiyah yang mengandung nilai mashlahah terealisir dalam teori naskh.Abstract: Punishment and Human Rights: The Articulation of Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im’s Categorization of Hudûd. Hudûd is an offence for which punishment prescribed by the Qur’an and Sunnah based on the theory of punishment constituting reformation aspect. The classification of hudûd into six categories is the product of literal legal deduction of Islamic jurisprudents, and that the legal argument forhudûd is still debatable which lead to reactions of modern Islamic legal thinkers, especially on the application of hudûd in the context of those countries which are against penological principles and the universality of human right norms. This article studies the thoughts of an-Na’im in an attempt to seek confirmity between syarî‘ah. This research reveals that the meeting point between the two would be the restriction of the application of hudûd into four types, in line with the prinples of Meccan verses bearing public interest values realized in the theory of abrogation.Kata Kunci: hudûd, HAM, mashlahah

Copyrights © 2011

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Religion Arts Humanities


MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman is a peer reviewed academic journal, established in 1976 as part of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan (see: video), dedicated to the publication of scholarly articles in various branches of Islamic Studies, by which exchanges of ideas as research ...