Animal Agricultura
Vol 1 No 3 (2024): Animal Agricultura

Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan Komplit Dengan Level Silase Campuran Shorgum dan Daun Gamal dan Konsentrat yang Berbeda Terhadap Konsumsi, Kecernaan BETN dan Energi Ternak Kambing Lokal Betina

Umbu Maaya Limu Hamanay (Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Marine and Fisheries, Nusa Cendana University)
Arnold Manu (Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Marine and Fisheries, Nusa Cendana University)
Grace Maranatha (Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Marine and Fisheries, Nusa Cendana University)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Feb 2024


This study aims to determine the effect of complete feed with silage levels of a mixture of sorghum and gamal leaves and different concentrates on consumption the digestibility of nitrogen free extract (NFE) and energy of local goats. In this study, 4 local ewes aged 6-8 months were used with a body weight range of 11-15 kg with an average of 12.88 kg and a coefficient of variation of 6.74%. The method used is the Latin Square Design method with 4 treatments and 4 periods as replications. The treatment in this study was P0 = 80% silage + 20% concentrate, P1 = 70% silage + 30% concentrate, P2 = 60% silage + 40% concentrate and P3 = 50% silage + 50% concentrate. The parameters studied in this study were the consumption and digestibility of NFE and energy. The results showed that consumption of NFE P0 227.21 g/e/h, P1 243.82 g/e/h, P2 207.80 g/e/h, P3 197.99 g/e/h; digestibility of NFE P0 71.95%, P1 78.36%, P2 76.49%, P3 72.60%; energy consumption P0 2009.08 kkal/e/h, P1 2149.27 kkal/e/h, P2 1854.84 kkal/e/h, P3 1760.87 kkal/e/h and energy digestibility P0 66.03%, P1 70.93%, P2 67.99%, P3 64.01%. The results of analysis of variance showed that treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the consumption and digestibility of NFE and energy. The conclusion of this study was that the provision of complete feed based on a mixture of sorghum and gamal leaf silage at different levels had no significant effect on the consumption and digestibility of NFE and the energy of local ewes.

Copyrights © 2024

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Immunology & microbiology Veterinary


Animal Agricultura is an open access journal. It publishes original research articles, reviews, and communications that offer substantial new insight into any field of study that involves livestock and agriculture . Scientifically excellent papers that consider ruminants in the context of genetic or ...