Ta`Limuna : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): SEPTEMBER


Laksana, Sigit Dwi (Unknown)
Sumaryanti, Lilis (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Nov 2023


Abstract: Health topic has been popular again recently, this is supported by the adaptation of new habits (new normal) that were implemented after the world was hit by pandemic. This article describes the relationship between Islamic religious values and healthy lifestyle habits originating from verses Al-Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. The method used is library research, carried out by collecting and researching data from books or writings that are in accordance with the discussion into primary sources and secondary sources. The results of this study are based on the research of two books with the same theme, namely there is a relationship between Islamic religious values and a healthy lifestyle. This is in accordance with what has been explained by health experts and even the World Health Organization (WHO), which must balance physical (physical) health and mental (spiritual) health to carry out activities in the world. Keywords: Islamic values, Healthy Lifestyle, Health Abstrak: Topik kesehatan kembali populer akhir-akhir ini, hal ini didukung dengan adanya adaptasi kebiasaan baru (new normal) yang diterapkan pasca dunia dilanda pandemi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguraikan hubungan nilai-nilai agama Islam dengan kebiasaan hidup sehat yang bersumber dari ayat Al-Qur'an dan Hadits Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan dan meneliti data dari buku-buku atau tulisan yang sesuai dengan pembahasannya ke dalam sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan penelitian dua buku dengan tema yang sama yaitu ada hubungan nilai-nilai agama islam dengan pola hidup sehat. Hal ini sesuai dengan apa yang telah dijelaskan oleh para ahli kesehatan bahkan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang harus menyeimbangkan kesehatan jasmani (fisik) dan kesehatan mental (spiritual) untuk menjalankan aktivitas di dunia. Katakunci:  nilai-nilai Islam, gaya hidup sehat, kesehatan

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info







TA`LIMUNA Journal of Islamic Education ISSN 2622-9889 (Print) and ISSN 2085-2975 (Online) is a journal published twice a year by STAI Ma’had Aly Al Hikam Malang. This journal emphasizes aspects related to Islamic Education, with special reference to applied research in Islamic education that ...