DIKSAINS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sains
Vol. 4 No. 1: Desember 2023


Elza Heryensi, Elza Heryensi (Unknown)
Yani, Ariefa Primair (Unknown)
Nirwana, Nirwana (Unknown)
Karyadi, Bhakti (Unknown)
Parlindungan, Deni (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Dec 2023


ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan E-book bagi siswa SMP berdasarkan keragaman capung di Kawasan Persawahan Pagar Gading Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Reseach and Devolopment yang mengacu  pada langkah penelitian dan pengembangan Sugiyono (2017) yang telah dimodifikasi. Langkah penelitian disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peneliti, yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, dan revisi desain. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data keragaman jenis capung dianalisis secara deskriptif. Uji validasi E-book meliputi aspek isi materi, penyajian, kebahasaan, dan kegrafisan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 15 spesies capung dengan 5 famili dan 2 subordo, yaitu 9 spesies dari famili Libellulidae (Crocothemis erythraea, Crocothemis servilia, Diplacodes trivialis, Neurothemis ramburii, Neurothemis terminata, Orthetrum sabina, Pantala plavescens, Potamarcha congener, Trithemis aurora), 3 spesies dari famili Coenagrionidae (Agriocnemis femina, Ischnura senegalensis, Pseudagrion rubriceps), 1 spesies dari famili Platycnemididae (Copera marginipes), 1 spesies dari famili Chlorocyphidae (Libellago sumatrana)  dan 1 spesies dari famili Protoneuridae (Prodasineura verticalis). Hasil uji validasi E-book oleh ahli media 97,6%, ahli materi 96,4%, dan ahli praktisi (guru IPA SMP) 85,7%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain E-book yang dikembangkan berdasarkan keragaman capung di kawasan persawahan Pagar Gading Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan ini sangat layak untuk diuji cobakan sebagai media belajar keanekaragaman hayati SMP kelas VII.   Kata kunci: Capung, Persawahan, Pagar Gading, E-book   ABSTRACT     This study aims to produce E-book for SMP students based on the diversity of dragonflies in the rice fields of Pagar Gading, South Bengkulu Regency. This type of research is Research and Development which refers to the Research and Development steps of Sugiyono (2017) which has been modified. The research steps are adjusted to the needs of researchers, potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, and design revision. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique for the diversity of dragonflies was analyzed descriptively. The E-book validation test covers aspects of material content, presentation, language, and graphics. Based on the results of the study found as many as 15 species of dragonflies with 5 families and 2 suborders, namely 9 species from the family Libellulidae (Crocothemis erythraea, Crocothemis servilia, Diplacodes trivialis, Neurothemis ramburii, Neurothemis terminata, Orthetrum sabina, Pantala plavescens, Potamarcha congener, Trithemis aurora), 3 species from family Coenagrionidae  (Agriocnemis femina, Ischnura senegalensis, Pseudagrion rubriceps), 1 species from family Platycnemididae (Copera marginipes), 1 species from family Chlorocyphidae (Libellago sumatrana) and 1 species from family Protoneuridae (Prodasineura verticalis). The results of the E-book validation test by media experts were 97,6%, material experts 96,4%, and expert practitioners (Science teachers of SMP) 85,7%. It can be concluded that the design of the E-book which was developed based on the diversity of dragonflies in the Pagar Gading rice fields, South Bengkulu Regency, is very feasible to be tested as a medium for learning biodiversity in SMP class VII.   Keywords: Dragonfly, Rice Fields, Pagar Gading, E-book

Copyrights © 2023

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