DIKSAINS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sains
Vol. 4 No. 2: Juni 2024


Lestari, Ida (Unknown)
Wikrama Wardana, Rendy (Unknown)
Sutarno (Unknown)
Nirwana, Nirwana (Unknown)
Defianti, Aprina (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Jun 2024


ABSTRAK   Berdasarkan hasil observasi di SLB Negeri 5 Kota Bengkulu, guru membutuhkan inovasi bahan ajar IPA yang dapat mendukung kebutuhan siswa tunagrahita dalam belajar IPA salah satunya dalam bentuk bahan ajar berupa handout elektronik bergambar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan handout elektronik bergambar tema keanekaragaman hewan berbasis KOKO (kontekstual dan kooperatif) untuk siswa tunarahita dengan melihat kelayakan produk dan respon guru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model 4-D. terdiri dari 4 tahap, mulai dari pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Namun penelitian ini dibatasi pada tahap develop saja. Jenis data yang diperoleh adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada aspek materi dinyatakan sangat layak dengan presentase 93%, aspek bahasa didapat presentase 94% dengan kategori sangat layak dan aspek media didapat presentase 95% dengan kategori sangat layak Sehingga handout elektronik yang dikembangkan ini sangat layak untuk dilanjutkan pada tahap uji lapangan.  Hasil analisis dari validasi isi menggunakan rumus Aiken V. Nilai validitas isi untuk aspek materi adalah 0,91 dengan kriteria validitas tinggi, nilai validitas isi untuk aspek bahasa adalah 0,92 dengan kriteria validitas tinggi. Nilai validitas isi untuk aspek media adalah 0,93 dengan kriteria validitas tinggi. Nilai validitas isi rata-rata untuk total hasil validasi adalah 0,94 dengan kriteria validitas tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil angket respon guru terhadap handout elektronik bergambar tema keanekaragaman hewan berbasis KOKO (Kontekstual dan Kooperatif) subtema perkembangbiakan hewan di SLB Negeri 5 Kota Bengkulu didapat hasil 93 % respon guru dinyatakan sangat baik.   Kata kunci: Tunagrahita, Handout Elektronik, KOKO. ABSTRACT   Based on the results of observations at SLB Negeri 5 Bengkulu City, teachers need innovative science teaching materials that can support the needs of mentally retarded students in learning, one of which is in the form of teaching materials in the form of illustrated electronic handouts. This study aims to produce electronic handouts with the theme of animal diversity based on KOKO (Contextual and cooperative) for mentally retarded students by looking at the feasibility of the product and the teacher's response. This research is a developmental research with a 4-D model. consists of 4 stages, starting from definition, design, development, and deployment. However, this research is limited to the develop stage only. The types of data obtained are qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the material aspect was declared very feasible with a percentage of 93%, the language aspect was obtained with a percentage of 94% with a very feasible category and the media aspect was obtained with a percentage of 95% with a very feasible category. So that the electronic handout developed is very feasible to continue at the field test stage. The results of the analysis of content validation used the Aiken V formula. The content validity value for the material aspect was 0.91 with high validity criteria, the content validity value for the language aspect was 0.92 with high validity criteria. The content validity value for the media aspect is 0.93 with high validity criteria. The average content validity value for the total validation results is 0.94 with high validity criteria. Based on the results of the teacher's response questionnaire to the electronic handout with the theme of animal diversity based on the KOKO (Contextual and Cooperative) animal breeding sub-theme at SLB Negeri 5 Bengkulu City, the results of 93% of the teacher's response were stated to be very good.  Keywords: Mentally Retarded, Electronic Handout, KOKO.

Copyrights © 2024

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