Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (SMIPT)
Vol 7 (2024): Prosiding Join Seminar Nasional Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknolog

Analisis Tanggapan Transien Kecepatan Putar Motor DC Untuk Berbagai Fungsi Unit Masukan Dengan Matlab

Rahman Sahid Parende, Abdul (Unknown)
Allu, Nicolaus (Unknown)
Arungla’bi, Rismawaty (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Mar 2024


Abstrak Salah satu kemajuan teknologi saat ini yaitu adanya motor DC yang sering digunakan dalam keperluan peralatan industri, kantor maupun peralatan rumah tangga. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada penggunaan motor DC adalah bagaimana kestabilan kecepatan putar motor DC bisa berjalan dengan baik melalui suatu sudut tinjauan perilaku atau karakteristik sistem. Mengatasi permasalahan yang ada maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis tanggapan transien untuk berbagai fungsi unit masukan dengan Matlab sebagai salah satu metode yang dapat menetukan cepat lambatnya kecepatan putar Motor DC menuju titik steady state (stabil). Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan tanggapan transien untuk masukan unit step function terlihat bahwa tidak terjadi overshoot saat tanggapan sistem transien ct mulai hingga mencapai nilai akhir (final state) yakni ct=0,09066 dengan waktu 2,73 detik. Pada masukan unit impulse function terjadi overshoot saat tanggapan sistem transien c(t) mulai hingga mencapai nilai akhir (final state) diperoleh ct=0,0002435 dengan waktu 3,1 detik. Abstract One of the current technological advances is the presence of DC motors which are often used for industrial, office and household equipment. However, the problem that often occurs in the use of DC motors is how stable the rotational speed of the DC motor can work properly through a review of the behavior or characteristics of the system. Several methods have been developed to determine the stability of DC motor rotational speed, such as the Trial and Error method, which is a method that is repeated to obtain optimal results for a long time. From several studies that have been carried out using this method, that the system has its respective advantages and disadvantages as in PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control, to overcome the existing problems, this research uses transient response analysis for various inputs with Matlab as one of a method that can determine how fast it goes to a steady state point (stable system). From the analysis of the transient response for the unit step function input, it can be seen that the transient response c(t) takes place when the system response starts until it reaches the final state, c(t) = 0.09066 is obtained with a time of 2.73 seconds and there is no moderate overshoot for the input unit impulse function, the transient response is obtained c(t) when the system response starts until the system response reaches the final state, it is obtained c(t) = 0.0002435 with a time of 3.1 seconds and an overshoot occurs.

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