Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI)
Vol 3, No 1 (2016): June 2016


Sukmadi, R Bambang (Unknown)
Supriyo, Agus (Unknown)
Rupaedah, Bedah (Unknown)
Mira, Farida Rosana (Unknown)
Bakhtiar, Yenni (Unknown)
Ali, Asep (Unknown)
Sugianto, Mahmud (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Sep 2016


This study aimed to assess the production process of biofertilizer Bio-SRF and determine its effectiveness on the growth and productivity of shallot plants. The Study of biofertilizer Bio-SRF production covering the cultivation of microbial cell biomass, granulation, and formulation of  biofertilizer products. Testing the effectiveness of biofertilizers on shallot plants using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five replicates, involving nine biofertilizers treatments and one control. The results showed that the population of cells on the granulated biofertilizer Bio-SRF was Corynebacterium sp. 4 x 107 cfu/g, Lactobacillus sp. 3.8 x 107 cfu/g, Burkholderia seminalis 7.4 x 108 cfu/g, Pseudomonas stutzeri 4.5 x 108 cfu/g and 60 mycorrhizal spores/g products. The effectiveness test showed that the biofertilizer treatments significantly affected plant height, the number of bulbs, weight of wet and dried bulbs produced. Application of biofertilizer Bio-SRF on shallot plants gave the best results of plant height 34.80 cm at harvest time, the number of bulbs per plant 4.78 bulb, weight of wet bulbs 3,81 kg/m2, weight of dried bulbs 3,27 kg/m2 and increased the yield of shallot production by 55.71% compared with no biofertilizer application.Keywords: Biofertilizer, Bio-SRF, production process, effectivity test, shallot plant ABSTRAKBio-SRF merupakan formula produk pupuk hayati yang mengandung campuran beberapa jenis mikroba penyubur tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses produksi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF dan mengetahui efektivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman bawang merah. Kajian produksi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF meliputi perbanyakan biomassa sel mikroba, granulasi dan formulasi produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi sel pada produk pupuk hayati Bio-SRF bentuk granul adalah Corynebacterium sp. 4 x 107 cfu/g, Lactobacillus sp. 3,8 x 107 cfu/g, Burkholderia seminalis 7,4 x 108 cfu/g, Pseudomonas stutzeri 4,5 x 108 cfu/g dan mikoriza 60 spora/g produk. Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk hayati berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah umbi, bobot basah dan bobot kering umbi bawang merah yang dihasilkan. Aplikasi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF pada tanaman bawang merah memberikan hasil terbaik yaitu dengan tinggi tanaman saat panen 34,80 cm, jumlah umbi per tanaman 4,78 umbi, berat basah umbi 3,81 kg/m2, berat kering umbi 3,27 kg/m2 dan dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi bawang merah sebesar 55,71% dibandingkan dengan tanpa aplikasi pupuk hayati.Kata kunci: Pupuk hayati, Bio-SRF, proses produksi, uji efektivitas, bawang merah

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Immunology & microbiology


JBBI, Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology & Bioscience, is published twice annually and provide scientific publication medium for researchers, engineers, practitioners, academicians, and observers in the field related to biotechnology and bioscience. This journal accepts original papers, review ...