Hikmah : Journal of Islamic Studies
Vol 12, No 1 (2016): Memahami Islam: Pernak Pernik Kehidupan Keagamaan Nusantara

Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia atas Tindakan Nabi Muhammad Saw. terhadap Pelaku Penodaan Agama dan Implikasinya terhadap Ketentuan Hukum di Indonesia

Muh Tasrif (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ponorogo)

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Publish Date
15 Jun 2016


Abstract The existence of Presidential Decree of Indonesian Republic no. 1/PNPS 1965 about the prevention of abuse and/or religious desecration becomes public discussion in homeland of reformation period. The researcher sees the constitution is not compatible with the principles of religious freedom which is guaranteed by 1945 Constitution and the international legal instruments about human rights. However many Muslim Leaders say that the constitution related with Islam guidance as told in Quran and Hadith. Based on the contexts, showing problems about how their arguments can be seen from human right perspective and how the implication toward the terms of law in Indonesia. To answer the problems, the writer elaborates the forms of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s Actions toward religious desecration actors and connected on human right perspective and its implications toward the terms of law in Indonesia. The religious desecration actors are treated variously by Prophet Muhammad SAW:, some are allowed even apologized and the others are punished. Keywords: Human right, Prophet Muhammad’s Action, Religious desecration Abstrak Keberadaan Penetapan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 1/ PNPS Tahun 1965 Tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/ atau Penodaan Agama menjadi perbincangan publik di tanah air pada Masa Reformasi. Pengamat melihat UU tersebut tidak kompatibel dengan prinsip-prinsip kebebasan beragama yang dijamin oleh Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan instrumen hukum internasional tentang hak asasi manusia. Namun demikian, banyak tokoh Muslim yang berpandangan bahwa UU tersebut bersesuaian dengan ajaran Islam sebagaimana disebut dalam dalil al-Quran dan Hadis. Berdasarkan konteks tersebut, muncul persoalan tentang bagaimana memahami dalil-dalil tersebut bila dilihat dari perspektif hak asasi manusia dan bagaimana implikasinya terhadap ketentuan hukum di Indonesia. Untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut, penulis menguraikan bentuk- bentuk tindakan Nabi Muhammad saw. terhadap para pelaku penodaan agama dan mengaitkannya dengan perspektif hak asasi manusia dan implikasinya terhadap ketentuan hukum di Indonesia. Para pelaku penodaan agama diperlakukan secara beragam oleh Nabi Muhammad saw.: sebagian dibiarkan bahkan dimaafkan dan sebagian yang lain dihukum. Kata Kunci: Hak asasi, Tindakan Nabi, Penodaan agama

Copyrights © 2016

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HIKMAH (ISSN. 2088-2629) is a journal of Islamic Studies which published by ALHIKMAH Islamic Studies Institute Jakarta. This journal is published each semester. It is publication media for research results and the thoughts of lectures, intelectuals, and the observer of Islamic studies. By upholding ...