Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Maret 2012


Ulfah, Nahdliyatul (Unknown)
Deliana, Sri Maryati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Feb 2018


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dinamika kepribadian anak jalanan perempuan yang terlibat pelacuran ditinjau dari teori Alfred Adler. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus instrumental. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan satu subjek utama dan lima informan. Teknik keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data dan triangulasi investigator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek mengalami perasaan inferior yang perkuat dari faktor-faktor pendorong pelacuran yaitu tingkat pendidikan dan ekonomi yang rendah serta pelecehan seksual. Kompensasi dari perasaan-perasaan inferior tersebut dilakukan dengan cara memiliki pacar dengan pengaruh kuat pada komunitas jalanan, minta ditemani pacar setiap hari, dan menjalani kehidupan bebas. Perasaan inferior juga memicu finalisme semu yang dipersepsi kabur yang dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan dan diri subjek. Karena hal itu, maka perjuangan menuju superioritas yang terpusat pada diri sendiri (private logic) dilakukan melalui mengadu domba laki-laki yang menyukainya dan melakukan hubungan seks dengan banyak orang (sexual poligamously). Hal ini berdampak pada minat sosial rendah yang ditandai dengan hubungan orang tua buruk, hubungan dengan pacar ekstrim (sangat baik namun juga kadang sangat sadis), dan tidak ada afeksi antar teman serta diwarnai oleh gaya hidup subjek seperti alcholic, drugs, perokok, perilaku kriminal, berganti-ganti pasangan dan berbohong (mytomania). Akhirnya, dinamika kepribadian ini mengarahkan pada kenakalan remaja dan bias agama yang tertuju pada pelacuran (immorality sexual ).AbstractChildren who had got sexual abuse, who came from poor family with low education level and had the wrong treatment from their parents encouraged them go to the streets and got involved in prostitution. Subjects experienced feelings of inferiority, such as insecurity, feeling of worthlessness and feeling constrained. The use of Alfred Adler’s personality theory was able to explain about the natural inferiority of the subject and also its compensation with striving to be superior (toward the direction of perfection). The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamic personality of female street children involved in prostitution from point of view of Alfred Adler’s theory. The method used in this study was a qualitative method with the instrumental case study approach. Meanwhile, the method of collecling data used in this study was interviews and observation. The sources of data in this study used one primary subject and five informants. Validity of data was obtained with techniques of data and investigator triangulation. From this observation it can be concluded that the subject had a feeling of inferiority strengthened from factors of prostitution; the low of the education level and economic and sexual harasstnent. The compensation of these inferior feelinlgs was done by having a boyfriend with a strong influence on community streets, ask him to be with her every day, and live free. These feelings of inferiority also triggered finalisme fictitious perceive blur influenced by the environment and herself. As the result, the struggle toward the superiority of the self (private logic) was done by playing man against others who loved her and had sex with people (sexual poligamously). It resulted a low social interest which was characterized by poor parental relationship, extreme relationship with boyfriend (very good but also sometimes very violent), and there was no affection between friends and subjects’ lifestyle such as alcholic, drugs, smoking, criminal behavior, multiple sexual partners and lie (mytomania). Eventually, this dynamic of personality led to a juvenile delinquency and religious bias directed to prostitution (sexual immorality).

Copyrights © 2012

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Social Sciences


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