Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan
Vol 1, No 2 (2018)

Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Bendungan Sutami Berdasarkan Peta Gempa 2017

Fata, Yulia Amirul (Brawijaya University)
Suhartanto, Ery (Brawijaya University)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Feb 2018


Peta gempa 2017 menunjukkan percepatan gempa terbaru di Indonesia. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kondisi terkini dan stabilitas lereng Bendungan Sutami sehingga didapatkan batas aman kala ulang gempa dan rekomendasi. Analisis kondisi terkini menggunakan data instrumentasi dan gempa lalu stabilitas lereng dianalisis bertahap sesuai pedoman. Sehingga diketahui batas aman kala ulang gempa dan rekomendasi yang sesuai. Kondisi terkini Bendungan Sutami menyatakan hasil aman, namun terdapat hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Stabilitas lereng menunjukkan hasil kondisi statik 97,778% aman, OBE 100 81,111% aman, OBE 200 55,556% aman, dan MDE 100% tidak aman. Analisis dinamik Makdisi and Seed dan Swaisgood menyatakan aman. Batas aman pada percepatan 0,25g dengan kala ulang OBE 500 tahun serta intensitas gempa sebesar 4,3 M dan V MMI(II SIG BMKG). Rekomendasi dengan mengevaluasi sistem drainase permukaan dan penggunaan pola operasi dengan memperhatikan stabilitas lereng bendungan.   Kata kunci : peta gempa 2017, bendungan sutami, stabilitas lereng, batas aman, rekomendasi   ABSTRACT: The 2017 earthquake map showed the latest earthquake acceleration in Indonesia. The research was aimed to know the current condition and slope stability of the Sutami Dam so obtained safe limit of the earthquake and recommendation. Analysis of current conditions used instrumentation and earthquake data then slope stability was analyzed gradually according to the guidelines. So as to know the earthquake safe limit and fitted recommendations. The current condition of the Sutami Dam states results were safe, but there are things to be notice. Slope stability shows result 97.778% static were safe, OBE 100 81.111% safe, OBE 200 55.556% safe, and MDE 100% unsafe. The dynamic analysis of Makdisi and Seed and Swaisgood stated safe. Safe limit at 0.25g acceleration with OBE 500 years and earthquake intensity were 4.3 M and V MMI (II SIG BMKG). Recommendations by evaluated the surface drainage system and the use of operated patterns with respect to the stability of the dam slope. Keywords: 2017 earthquake map, sutami dam, slope stability, safe limit, recommendation 

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