MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Vol 42, No 1 (2018)


Ahmad Khoirul Fata (IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Aug 2018


Abstrak: Klaim kebenaran mutlak dalam agama sering dianggap sebagai sebab konflik dan kekerasan bernuansa agama. Anggapan ini kemudian melahirkan perlunya penyebaran gagasan pluralisme agama di tengah umat beragama, khususnya umat Islam. Sebagai puncak dari tiga sikap beragama, pluralisme diyakini mampu mem-bawa umat beragama ke kehidupan yang damai dan harmonik karena meyakini adanya kebenaran dalam setiap agama dan keyakinan yang ada. Namun persebaran gagasan ini mengalami kontroversi dan penolakan dari kalangan agamawan sendiri sehingga menjadi tidak efektif dan mengalami titik balik. Tulisan ini mencoba melihat secara kritis gagasan pluralisme agama dan membangun perspektif baru bahwa untuk menjalin harmoni hidup beragama tidak harus meyakini keberadaan kebenaran pada agama dan keyakinan lain. Sikap beragama yang eksklusif juga potensial menjadi dasar hidup harmoni karena sesungguhnya agama (Islam) telah menyiapkan seperangkat doktrinal agar umatnya tetap ramah dan hidup damai bersama umat lain dengan tetap meyakini eksklusivitas kebenaran Islam.Abstract: Discourse and Critique of Religious Pluralism Theology in Indonesia. The claim of absolute truth of religions is usually considered as the cause of social conflict and violence. From this assumption, many scholars think that we need to spread a religious pluralism theology to the religious communities, especially to Muslim society. As the apex of three religious attitudes, they believe that religious pluralism could make peace and harmony interaction among religious communities. Because of pluralism theology contains a faith that every religions inherent in it equal truth. But the dissemination of religious pluralism was oppossed by religious scholars (theologians), and become controversial within society. This article propose to build a new paradigm in religions theology. This research argues that community can live harmoniously with the others, and at the same time, they believe constantly in absolute truth of their religions. I call this as a exclusive-tolerant theology. In addition, the author argues that Islam has potencies to be an exclusive-tolerant religion, since Islam have given theological basis to harmonious life with different religious groups.Kata Kunci: teologi, agama-agama, pluralisme, eksklusivisme, relativisme

Copyrights © 2018

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Religion Arts Humanities


MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman is a peer reviewed academic journal, established in 1976 as part of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan (see: video), dedicated to the publication of scholarly articles in various branches of Islamic Studies, by which exchanges of ideas as research ...