Pengembangan vaksin terhadap malaria yang merupakan penyakit yang mematikan tetap menjadi satu prioritas kesehatan masyarakat global, termasuk pemanfaatan parasit iradiasi sebagai bahan vaksin. Imunisasi dengan sporozoit iradiasi mampu memberikan imunitas protektif pada hewan coba dan sukarelawan. Mekanisme sistem kekebalan tubuh ini banyak dipelajari karena merupakan faktor penting dalam pengembangan vaksin, demikian halnya profil dan/atau ekspresi protein pasca iradiasi yang terkait erat dengan keamanan dan aspek lain dari bahan vaksin. Meskipun telah melalui penelitian yang ekstensif, vaksin yang aman dan protektif belum dapat diperoleh karena masih diperlukan pengetahuan yang lebih mendalam mengenai mekanisme imunitas dan protein dalam litbang malaria. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel limfosit T berperan penting dalam pengaturan respon imun dan pembentukan memori imunologik yang mengontrol dan mengeliminasi infeksi. Sitokin proinflamasi seperti interleukin-12 (IL-12), interferon-gamma (IFN-?), dan tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-?) juga merupakan mediator esensial dari imunitas protektif pada malaria eritrositik. Berbagai pendekatan lain terkait respon imun seperti genetika molekuler saat ini sedang dilakukan. Studi juga menunjukkan bahwa profil protein bergantung pada beberapa faktor yang akan dibahas lebih lanjut dalam makalah.The development of vaccine against malaria as the deadly disease remains the global public health priority; and it includes the use of irradiated parasites as vaccine materials. Immunization with irradiated sporozoites could provide protective immunity in animals and volunteers. The mechanism of this body immunity system has been studied widely due to its important role in the development of vaccines and profiles and/or protein expression post-irradiation which are closely related to safety and other aspects of vaccine materials. Even though extensive research has been done, a safe and protective vaccine remains elusive because more deeply knowledge on immunity mechanism and protein in malaria research is still needed. Results showed that T-cell lymphocytes have an important role in the regulation of immune response and in the formation of immunological memory which controls and eliminates the infection. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-12 (IL-12), interferon-gamma (IFN-?), and alpha tumor necrosis factor (TNF-?) are also essential mediators of protective immunity in erythrocytic malaria. Various other approaches related to immune response such as molecular genetics has been carried out. The study also showed that protein profile is depended on some factors that will be discussed further in the paper.
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