Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia
Vol 5, No 2 (2016)

Perdarahan Epidural Spontan Akut pada Kombinasi Terapi Rivaroxaban, Clopidogrel dan Lumbrokinase

Irina, Sinta (Unknown)
Umar, Nazaruddin (Unknown)
Arifin, Hasanul (Unknown)
Rehatta, Nancy Margareta (Unknown)
Saleh, Siti Chasnak (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jun 2016


Perdarahan intrakranial spontan pada terapi antikoagulan rivaroxaban mulai sering ditemukan, apalagi bila dikombinasi dengan antiplatelet clopidogrel maupun fibrinolitik lumbrokinase merupakan hal yang sering ditemukan pada penderita trombosis. Perdarahan intrakranial spontan terbanyak adalah perdarahan intracerebral. Perdarahan spontan epidural (EDH) akut merupakan hal yang jarang ditemukan, biasanya terjadi karena ada penyakit yang mendasarinya. Penatalaksanaan pada kasus ini berdasarkan patofisiologinya dan melibatkan multidisiplin ilmu lainnya. Seorang laki-laki, 26 tahun berat badan 80 kg yang didiagnosa deep vein thrombosis (DVT) mengalami penurunan kesadaran mendadak, pupil anisokor 4 mm/1mm ketika sedang beraktivitas. Tidak dijumpai riwayat cedera kepala. Setelah diresusitasi didapatkan hasil head CT-scan dengan EDH temporoparietal dextra 50 cc, dilakukan dekompresi craniektomi dan evakuasi EDH. Setelah 10 jam pasca operasi terjadi gejolak hemodinamik dan dilakukan head CT-scan ulang dan didapatkan EDH 80 cc dan minimal perdarahan intracerebral. Dilakukan redo craniektomi. Pasca operasi dirawat di ICU dengan koreksi faktor koagulasi. Pasien kembali komposmentis GCS 15 dengan gejala sisa hemiparese sinistra sementara.Acute Spontaneus Epidural Hemorrhage due to Combination Therapy Rivaroxaban, Clopidogrel and LumbrokinaseSpontaneous intracranial hemorrhage on anticoagulant therapy rivaroxaban lately often found, especially when combined with clopidogrel antiplatelet or fibrinolytic lumbrokinase is often found in patients with thrombosis. Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage is most widely occured is intracerebral hemmorrhage. Spontaneous epidural hemorrhage (EDH) acute is a uncommon, usually occur because there is an underlying disease. Treatment on the case based on patophysiology and involves a multidisciplinary peer other sciences. A young man, 26 years old weight 80 kg which was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) awareness of sudden decline, the pupil anisokor 4 mm/1mm while activity. No head trauma history. After resuscitation, head Ct-scan with EDH temporoparietal dextra 50 cc, carried out the evacuation EDH and decompression craniektomi. After 10 hours of post-operative haemodynamic turmoil happened and done a head ct-scan and obtained EDH 80 cc and minimal intracerebral hemorrhage. Do redo craniektomi. Post-operative hospitalized in ICU with correction factor for coagulation. The patient recovers conciousness into composmentis GCS 15 with sequelae hemiparese sinistra temporary.

Copyrights © 2016

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