Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
Vol 4, No 2 (2016): November 2016


PH, Livana (Unknown)
Mubin, Mohammad Fatkhul (Unknown)
Mahmudah, Azizah Rahma (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jan 2019


Anak pada periode pra sekolah perlu untuk mencapai tugas-tugas perkembangan mereka yang mencakup : keterampilan motorik, sosial dan bahasa. Pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) akan membantu pencapaian tugas-tugas perkembangan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan tingkat perkembangan anak yang mengikuti dan tidak mengikuti PAUD. Terdapat 61 anak yang tidak mengikuti PAUD dan 79 anak dari tiga sekolah PAUD di Desa Protomulyo Kabupaten Kendal. Subyek diukur menggunakan Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II) pada satu kali periode. Diantara mereka yang tidak mengikuti PAUD, 41% (25 anak) didiagnosis suspect, sementara 8,9% (7 anak) dari PAUD yang tidak bisa mencapai tugas perkembangan. Tujuh puluh dua anak yang telah mengikuti minimal 3 bulan program PAUD, mampu mencapai tugas-tugas perkembangan mereka sepenuhnya. Oleh karena itu, ada perbedaan tingkat perkembangan antara anak-anak yang mengikuti dan tidak mengikuti PAUD, dengan p value (p =0,000). Program  PAUD mempunyai peran yang sangat penting untuk merangsang perkembangan anak. Orangtua dapat meyediakan permainan yang mendidik di rumah dan bagi petugas kesehatan harus aktif dalam memberikan screening pengembangan menggunakan DDST II untuk semua anak di masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD), perkembangan, anak pra sekolah LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF 3-5 YEAR PRA SCHOOL CHILDREN WHO FOLLOWS AND DOES NOT FOLLOW EARLY CHILDREN EDUCATION ABSTRACTChildren in the pre-school period need to achieve their developmental tasks which include: motor, social and language skills. Early childhood education (PAUD) will help achieve the tasks of this development. This study aims to measure differences in the level of development of children who follow and do not participate in PAUD. There were 61 children who did not attend PAUD and 79 children from three PAUD schools in Protomulyo Village, Kendal Regency. Subjects were measured using the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II) at one time period. Among those who did not attend Early childhood education (PAUD), 41% (25 children) were diagnosed suspect, while 8.9% (7 children) of Early childhood education (PAUD) were unable to achieve developmental tasks. Seventy-two children who have participated in at least 3 months of the Early childhood education (PAUD) program are able to fully accomplish their development tasks. Therefore, there are differences in the level of development between children who follow and do not participate in PAUD, with p value (p = 0,000). The Early childhood education (PAUD) program has a very important role in stimulating children's development. Parents can provide educational games at home and health workers must be active in providing development screening using DDST II for all children in the community.  Keywords: Early childhood education (PAUD), development, pre-school children

Copyrights © 2016

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