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e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian maupun ulasan (review) dibidang budidaya perairan baik budidaya air tawar, payau mapun laut. Artikel jurnal dapat ditulis dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal diterbitkan 3 kali setahun yaitu bulan Januari, Mei dan September
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Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 1 (2015)" : 26 Documents clear
Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Pada Lahan Budidaya Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii Di Desa Jayakarsa Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Mudeng, Joppy D; Kolopita, Magdalena E.F; Rahman, Abdul
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6953


A research had been conducted to evaluate seaweed and waters condition at seaweed  culture area at Jayakarsa Village.  Research locations were divided into three station: 1) at former culture area near mangrove area and the beach, 2)  at active culture area, 3) at former culture area with sandy bottom and ”lamun” field.  Water quality measured included temperature, salinity, pH, DO, turbidity, flow rate, water depth, bottom type. Protectivenss, risk, and accesibility were also observed. Data was analyzed descriptively and then compared to standard value established in Kangkan (2006).  Water condition at station 1 and 2 was categorized Grade 2 (moderately suitable) while at station 3 was marginally suitable which was categorized Grade 3. Major problems faced by the farmers was ice-ice disease, silt and epiphytes that could reduce the production.   Keywords: Kappaphycus alvarezii, water quality, Jayakarsa Village, moderately suitable, marginally suitable
Kelayakan Lokasi untuk Pengembangan Budi Daya Karang Hias di Teluk Talengen Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe Silalahi, Diany R.A; Ngangi, Edwin L.A; Undap, Suzanne L
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6944


A research had been conducted to study the condition of waters environment and water quality appropriate for the culture of ornamental coral at Talengen Bay and to analyze its financial feasibility.  This research was conducted at Talengen Bay, Regency of Sangihe Archipelago through observation method.  Observation station representing the characteristic of Talengen Waters included at the center of the bay, at downstream, and behind the “teripang” culture area.  Waters condition data were protection, bottom substrate, flow rate, depth, turbidity, pH, salinity, temperature, dissolve oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, and total suspended solid.  Financial feasibility data were obtained from secondary data and interview with respondents.  The data were analyze descriptively.  In general, water condition at Talengen Bay was suitable for the development of ornamental coral culture.  Flow rate at Talengen Bay was lower than standard criteria and thus required certain consideration. Financially the ornamental coral culture at Talengen Bay provided positive benefits.  Its total revenue achieved Rp. 193.582.000,00  and profit rate as much as 81.91%. Keywords :  Talengen Bay, ornamental coral, site feasibility, financial feasibility
Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii Yang Dikultur Menggunakan Dua Jenis Tali Ris Dengan Kondisi Berbeda H, Harnoto; Mudeng, Joppy D; Mondoringin, Lukas L.J.J
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6929


The study aimed to determine the growth of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii cultured using different type of rope ris with different conditions. The study was conducted over 64 days, starting on September 1 to November 3, 2014 Village Jaya Karsa, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. The experiment was designed according to 2x3 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Two factors were tested, namely rope ris type and conditions. Factors ris types strap consisted of two type: Monofilament nylon and Multifilament PE. Factor conditions of ris rope consisted of three levels, namely: new, used cleaned, and the former was not cleaned, so there were 6 treatments. Experiment container was floating longlines. One unit consisted of 3 longline trial. Length per longline 28.80 m, 18 pieces of string length of rope ris 1.6 m each strap was 7 point planting, planting the overall number of points 378 points planting. K. alvarezii seaweed seedlings obtained from Jaya Karsa farmers. Weighing was done 4 times, weighing early, 1 week, 2 weeks, and at the end of week 3, using a digital scale with a precision of 1 g. Accretion weight was calculated to be the absolute growth rate (g) and daily growth rate (%). The results showed that the absolute growth and the daily growth of seaweed K. alvarezii not significantly influenced by different type and condition of the rope ris. Keywords : Kappaphycus alvarezii, long line, Multifilament PE, Monofilament nylon.
Identifikasi Parameter KualitasAir untuk Kepentingan Marikultur di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Mudeng, Joppy D; Ngangi, Edwin L.A; Rompas, Robert J
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6949


The aimed of research was to identify and analyze the natural resources potential for mariculture development in Regency of Sangihe Archipelago. This research was carried out at Talengen waters in Central  Tabukan District and Manalu waters in South Tabukan District.  Research method was survey and the data was analyzed descriptively.   Primary data to be collected included water quality and socio economic data.  The second was obtained through interview to respondent chosen randomly.  Questionnaire was also used in collecting data.  Research result  showed that water quality at Talengen and Manalu waters was optimal and thus feasible for mariculture. However,  the development of mariculture at these locations should consider other utilization whether for fishery, ecotourism and conservation. Keywords:  mariculture, water quality, Talengen Waters, Manalu Waters
Laboratory analysis of ammonium and nitrate concentration of Malalayang Beach Waters Waropen, Laurina; Tumembouw, Sipriana S
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6936


The purpose of the study was to measure the concentration of ammonium and nitrate of Malalayang Beach Waters. The water was sampling from three sampling stations that were considered to be representative for Malalayang Beach Waters. Methods of sampling techniques, descriptive field survey techniques and sampling locations, were performed at 3 places that were considered to represent the characteristics of Malalayang waters. The results of the Field Work Practice determined that this several sampling methods used sea water is one of Ammonium, point 1 by: 0.745 mg / L, point 2 of: 0.752 mg / L, point 3 of: 0,833 mg / L, while nitrate 1 point for: 4.8 mg / L, point 2 of: 2.7 mg / L, point 3 at: <0.5 mg / L. The conclusion is that the water quality is good for a body of water that is in a situation where the existing parameters in these waters can be maintained and controlled well and remains stable at all times so as to achieve an optimal state as a habitat for fish and for aquaculture.   Keyword: Sea water, Parameters, Analysis, Ammonium, Nitrate
Budidaya Ikan Kerapu (Epinephelus tauvina Forsskal, 1775) dan Ikan Beronang (Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797) dalam Karamba Jaring Apung dengan Sistim Polikultur Paruntu, Carolus Paulus
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6924


The aim of the present research was to evaluate the daily growth ratio, food conversion ratio and mortality of grouper (Epinephelus tauvina) and rabbit fish (Siganus canaliculatus) in floating net with polyculture system.  This experiment was done at the coastal area of Tomini Bay in the North Sulawesi Province.  The observations were done every two weeks for three months from August - November 2014.  Twenty five groupers (62.41 grams in ABWo) and twenty five rabbit fish (52.2 grams in ABWo) were used for polyculture experiment, while fifty groupers (56.71 grams in ABWo) for monoculture.  The results indicated that the daily individual growth of Epinephelus tauvina on polyculture was 1.29%, with food conversion ratio 6.1, while it on monoculture was 1,18%, with food conversion ratio 6.4.  The daily individual growth of Siganus canaliculatus on polyculture was 0,8%, with food conversion ratio 3.8.  Mortality for all species studied were 0%.  The present research showed that the polyculture system was better than monoculture system.  The future studies suggest that the polyculture system in the floating net may be developed and applied as a mariculture model in the North Sulawesi Province for prosperous life of fisherman. Keywords: Epinephelus tauvina,  Siganus canaliculatus, polyculture system, floating net, prosperous life,  fisherman.
Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dengan Menggunakan Pakan Komersil yang Diberi Tambahan “Bakasang” Mujiono, Faisal; Sampekalo, Julius; Lumenta, Cyska
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6954


The objectives of research were to evaluate the effect bakasang-supplemented commercial diet on nile tilapia growth and to find the optimum dosage of bakasang to be supplemented in feed. The research was conducted at Laboratory of Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology.  Fish weighing 0,9-1,7 g were palced in 15 aquaria at a density of 10 individuals/aquarium. Experimental design was complete randomized design with five treatments namely A (0% bakasang), B (2% bakasang), C (3% bakasang), D (4% bakasang), E (5% bakasang), each with three replications. Fish were fed three times a day as much as 5%/body weight. Growth of fish was observed every week. Research results showed that the lowest absolute growth, relative growth and feed efficiency  were observed in treated with 0% bakasang (êG=20.44 g; GR=148.08%; dan NEP=58.06%) while the highest was obtained in fish treated with 4% bakasang (êG=35,55 g; GR=262.17%; NEP=80.53%).  Analysis of variance displayed the use of bakasang significantly affect absolute growth, relative growth. It was concluded that feed supplemented with 4% bakasang gave better absolute growth, relative growth and feed efficiency as compared to other feed.   Keywords: growth, “bakasang”, absolute growth, relative growth, feed efficiency,  nile tilapia
Determinasi Kandungan Kadmium (Cd) Di Perairan Pantai Malalayang Sekitar Rumah Sakit Prof Kandou Manado Mamoribo, Hulda; Rompas, Robert J; Kalesaran, Ockstan J
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6945


This research was conducted by purposive random sampling method with 3 points. Data were analyzed descriptively by comparing the environmental quality standard based on the Ministry of Environment No. 51. 2004. Results of laboratory analysis was the content of Cadmium (Cd) was still below the allowable threshold. Compared to Cd content of fresh water which was 0.0002 mg/L, the Cd content found in this research was lower that was 0.0001 mg/ L.   Keywords: Kadmium (Cd), Logam berat, Baku Mutu, Pantai Malalayang, RS Prof Kandou.
Pemanfaatan Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc) untuk Memacu Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Belseran, Lukas; Manoppo, Henky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6930


A research had been conducted to study  the effect ginger supplemented in feed on growth of nile tilapia.  Juveniles as much as 250 individuals  (mean weight 27.31 g) were obtained from Fish Culture and Development Board  (BP3I) Tateli. The fish were placed in plastic bags and transported to Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.  Fish were then introduced in 15 aquaria at a density of 15 individuals per aquarium. Each aquarium was equipped with an aerator and used water recirculation system. After adaption for one weeks, fish was fed pellet supplemented with  ginger powder as treatments at five different doses including A=0, B=2,5, C=5, D=7,5, and  E=10 g/kg, each with three replications.  Fish was fed  treatment diets for four weeks at 3%/bw/day, twice daily at 08.00 am and 17.00 pm.  Growth data including absolute and relative growth were weighted at the end of feeding period. Research results showed that after four weeks of feeding, supplementation of ginger powder into fish pellet  significantly improved fish growth .  The growth of fish fed pellet supplemented with 7.5 g/kg of food was  and significantly different as compared to that of control fish.  It was concluded that supplementation of ginger powder into fish pellet potentially improved fish growth.   Keywords: Ginger, absolute growth,  relative growth, nile tilapia
Daya Tetas Telur dan Sintasan Larva Dari Hasil Penambahan Madu pada Bahan Pengencer Sperma Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Ayer, Yunus; Mudeng, Joppy; Sinjal, Hengky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6950


The objective of research was to determine the concentration of honey in sperm dilution  for improving hatching rate of egg and survival of nile tilapia larvae (Oreochromis niloticus).The number of fish used was five pairs broodstock. Dilution substance was NaCl and honey.  Observations were conducted on spermatozoa motility, fertility and egg hatching rate. Experimental design used was complete randomized design. Sperm dilution substance was prepare by disolving honey  (0 mL; 0,60 mL; 0,65 mL dan 0,70 mL) in 100 mL; 99,40 mL; 99,35 mL and  99,30 mL NaCl respectively.  Each dilution was homogenized using aerator for 15 minutes. Fertilization was done 12 hours after ovulation.  Egg hatching rate was observed after ovulation. Research results showed the use of honey had significant effet on egg hatching rate, but not on larval survival.  Treatment D (0,70 mL honey in 99,30 mL NaCl) had the highest hatching rate (77.33%). Dilution ratio 1:60 was the best indicated by spermatozoa motility 96.66%, fertility 71.65, hatching rate 70% and larval survival 81.67%   Keywords : honey, egg hatching rate, larval survival, Oroechromnis niloticus

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