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Penggunaan Pakan Ikan Berimunostimulan Dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Dan Kualitas Produksi Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Manoppo, Henky; Rantung, Steelma Vivera
Gorontalo Fisheries Journal Volume 1 Nomor 2 October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.964 KB) | DOI: 10.32662/gfj.v1i2.458


Tujuan kegiatan program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas produksi kelompok pembudidaya ikan (pokdakan) melalui pemberian pakan berimunostimulan. Metode kegiatan adalah penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang diberikan melalui tahapan penjelasan, diskusi, praktek dan pendampingan. Pelatihan diberikan dalam bentuk praktek 75% sedangkan teori 25% dengan  alat bantu berupa laptop, infocus, audio visual, boardmarker. Dalam prtaktek, anggota-anggota pokdakan diajarkan cara membuat pakan dengan penambahan imunostimulan.  Setelah empat bulan masa pemeliharaan, ikan yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan imunostimulan memiliki bobot tubuh sekitar 30% lebih besar dari ikan yang tidak diberi imunostimulan. Sebagai kesimpulan, penggunaan pakan dengan penambahan imunostimulan dapat meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas produksi akuakultur.Kata Kunci: Imunostimulan, Ragi Roti, Akuakultur, Pertumbuhan, PKM
Respon imun nonspesifik dan pertumbuhan udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang diberi pakan yang ditambahkan nukleotida dengan lama pemberian berbeda Manoppo, Henky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.2.1.2014.3790


Abstract This study evaluated the effects of feeding protocol of nucleotide-supplemented diet on total hemocytes, PO activity and growth of whiteleg shrimp.  Shrimp juveniles were reared in five 120-l glass aquaria at the density of 25 juveniles each.  Shrimp pellet was supplemented with nucleotides mixture at 400 diet. Shrimps were fed three time a day at 3%/bw/d.  Feeding protocol was 7 days nucleotides diet – 7 days basal diet alterably for 49 days.  Total hemocyte count, PO activity, and growth were measured at the end of experiment.  Research result showed that oral administration of nucleotides at seven days interval did not affect THC, PO activity, and growth of shrimp. But if the feed was administered successively for four weeks, supplementation of nucleotides would significantly enhance the nonspecific immune response and shrimp growth.   Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei, nucleotides, PO activity, total hemocyte count
Sensitivitas ekstrak tanaman kemangi (Ocimum sactum) terhadap bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila Sambuaga, Mutiara E.; Longdong, Sammy N.J.; Manoppo, Henky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.6.1.2018.19520


The research was conducted to appraise the antimicrobial activity of Ocimum sactum extract on A. hydrophila. Fresh basil was purchased from the local market,  put in plastic bags and brought to Laboratory of Fish Health, Environment, and Toxicology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Sam Ratulangi University.  The basil was cleaned and separated between trunk and leaf, and then macerated in alcohol 70% at room temperature for 24 hours. The extract was filtered using Whatman paper and evaporated using rotary evaporator. Paper disc (diameter: 6 mm) was immersed in the extract,  placed on TSA previously inoculated with A. hydrophila, and incubated at 28oC for 24 hours.  The result showed  that trunk and leaf extracted with alcohol 70% did not inhibit the grow of bacteria while aquades extract was able to inhibit growth of bacteria indicated by the present of clear zone around the paper discs with a diameter of 16.5 mm for leaf and 20.5 mm for basil trunk. The ability of these two extracts to inhibit the growth of bacteria was categorized as strong. Thus, aquades extract of basil was able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Keywords: Ocimum sactum, antimicrobial, disc diffusion method, medicinal plant,  inhibition zone
Evaluation of The Use of Garlic (Allium sativum) in Enhancing Nonspecific Immune Response and Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Marentek, Gercyana; Manoppo, Henky; Longdong, Sammy N.J
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Vol.1 No. 1 Januari 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.1.1.2013.719


The objective of this research was to examine the effect of garlic (Allium sativum) at different doses on nonspecific immune response and growth of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Experimental fish was nile tilapia measuring 8-15 cm with an average weight of 10.4 g per individual. Before used in the experiment, fish were reared in fiber tank for two weeks for acclimatization. After acclimatization, the fish were moved into glass aquarium (50 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm) at the density of 15 fish/aquarium. Each aquarium was equipped with aerator. Five doses of garlic as treatments used in this research consisted of A= 0 g/kg diet, B= 10 g/kg, C= 20 g/kg, D= 30 g/kg and E= 40 g/kg. Fish was fed experimental diet at a dose of 5% of body weight per day, twice a day at 08.00 and 17.00. Data collected at the end of the experiment included immune parameters (TLC and phagocytosis activity) and growth of fish. ANOVA was used to evaluate the effect of treatments on immune response and growth of fish while Duncan Test was used to evaluate the different effect between treatments. Research result showed that after four weeks of feeding, TLC of fish fed diet supplemented with garlic significantly different (p<0,01) as compared to that of control fish. The highest number of TLC was observed at treatment C (15.413x107 followed by treatment B (15.39x107, D (13,920 x 107, E (13,582 x 107 and A (12,195 x 107 TLC of fish in treatment C was different significantly compared to control as well as to other treatments. Phagocytosis activity of fish in treatment C also increased significantly (p<0,01) compared to control. The highest PA was achieved in treatment C and then treatment B, D, E and A. Growth of fish in treatment C was different significantly compared to control fish as well as other treatments. As conclusion, oral administration of garlic at 20 g/kg diet could enhance nonspecific immune response and growth of nile tilapia. Key words: Garlic, Immune response, Total leukocyte count , Phagocytosis activity, Growth
Suplementasi bakteri probiotik meningkatkan performa pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan benih ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Mudeng, Cindy C.; Manoppo, Henky; Lantu, Sartje; Kreckhoff, Reni L.; Tumbol, Reiny A.
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.8.1.2020.27222


Probiotic from carp intestines and its effects on increasing growth performance and feed efficiency had been investigated. Fish used were carp fingerlings weighing 2.33 g  in average. The fish were taken from the Tatelu Freshwater Aquaculture Fisheries Center.  Probiotics used were isolated from the intestines of carp. Before running the experiment, the fish were acclimatized for 10 days under laboratory conditions. During acclimatization the fish were fed commercial pellets without the addition of probiotics. The dose of feeding was 5% /bw/day, 2 times a day at 09:00 am and 16:00 pm. Furthermore, fish are stocked in 15 aquariums each measuring 60x40x40cm3 with a density of 20 fish/aquarium. Each aquarium was equipped with aeration and water pumps for recirculation. Uneaten feed and feces were removed through siphoning. Water exchange was done every 2-3 days.  After acclimatization, the fish were fed with pellet supplemented with probiotic at  concentration of A: without addition of probiotic; B: 1 x 106 cfu /mL; C: 1 x 107 cfu / mL; D: 1 x 108 cfu / mL; E: 1 x 109 cfu/mL. The fish were fed twice a day with feeding dose of 5% /bw/ day, for 21 days. Data collected consisted of daily growth rates, growth rates, feed efficiency and feed conversion ratio. The results of research showed that the addition of probiotics in feed had a very significant effect on growth, feed efficiency, and feed conversion ratio (P <0.01) with the best results achieved in administering probiotics as much as 1 x 108 cfu / mL. In conclusion, probiotic bacteria originating from the intestines of carp can be used to improve the growth performance of the fish itself.
Penggunaan ragi roti (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sebagai imunostimulan untuk meningkatkan resistensi ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L) terhadap infeksi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila Manoppo, Henky; Kolopita, Magdalena E.F.
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 4, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.4.3.2016.14945


A research had been conducted to evaluate the use of baker’s yeast as immunostimulant in enhancing the resistance of carp (Cyprinus carpio L) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection.  Experimental fish were obtained from Freshwater Aquaculture Board in Talelu, Minahasa Regency, and transported to the Laboratory of Aquaculture Technology at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University. During two weeks of  acclimatization process, fingerlings were fed with commercial feed (pellet) at 5% of body weight per day, twice a day.  After acclimatization, fish was randomly distributed into 15 aquaria with a density of 25 fishes/aquarium. The doses of yeast cells as treatments included 5, 10, 15 and 20 g yeast/kg of pellet while control pellet not supplemented with yeast cell. Fish was fed with treatment pellets for four consecutive weeks at 5% of body weight per day,  twice daily at 09.00 am and 16.00 pm. Afterward, the density of fish were adjusted to 10 fish/aquarium. Fish were then challenged with A. hydrophila through intraperitoneal injection of  0.2 mL of A. hydrophila suspension containing 1x107 cfu/mL. Research result showed that supplementation of yeast cells into fish pellet significantly influenced the resistance of fish to A. hydrophila infection (p<0,01). The highest resistance were observed in fish fed pellet supplemented with 5 g yeast/kg of pellet. Thus, supplementation of  baker’s yeast cells into commercial fish feed was able to increase  resistance of carp to A. hydrophila infection.   Keywords: baker’s yeast, Cyprinus carpio, A. hydrophila, resistance, intraperitoneal injection
Kelangsungan Hidup Larva Ikan Nila yang Berasal Dari Induk yang Diberi Pakan Berimunostimulan Maleko, Ayu; Sinjal, Hengky J; Manoppo, Henky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 2, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.2.3.2014.5699


The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of feed supplemented with baker’s yeast on survival rate of nile tilapia larvae and to determine the effective dose of baker’s yeast that could optimally improve larval quality.  The research was conducted at Pathology and Clinic of Fish Disease from June – September 2014.  Fish as brood stock candidates was cultivated at five concrete tanks (2x1x1 m3) at a density of 30 fish per tank.  Each tank was equipped with water inlet, outlet and water pump for recirculating and aerating.  After seven days of adaptation, fish was fed pellet supplemented with baker’s yeast at five different doses (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 g/kg food) for four consecutive weeks at 4%/bb/day, twice daily.  Larva was captured with seser and moved into five glass aquaria with density of 20 larvae/aquarium and reared for two weeks.  Data collected was survival rate of larvae achieved until the end of larval rearing.  Research result showed that larvae produced by brood stock fed food supplemented with 10 g baker’s yeast per kg food had the highest survival rate namely 60%.  As conclusion, supplementation of baker’s yeast into brood stock feed might increase survival rate of larvae.   Keywords:  nile tilapia, baker’s yeast, larvae, survival rate
Pemanfaatan Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc) untuk Memacu Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Belseran, Lukas; Manoppo, Henky
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.3.1.2015.6930


A research had been conducted to study  the effect ginger supplemented in feed on growth of nile tilapia.  Juveniles as much as 250 individuals  (mean weight 27.31 g) were obtained from Fish Culture and Development Board  (BP3I) Tateli. The fish were placed in plastic bags and transported to Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.  Fish were then introduced in 15 aquaria at a density of 15 individuals per aquarium. Each aquarium was equipped with an aerator and used water recirculation system. After adaption for one weeks, fish was fed pellet supplemented with  ginger powder as treatments at five different doses including A=0, B=2,5, C=5, D=7,5, and  E=10 g/kg, each with three replications.  Fish was fed  treatment diets for four weeks at 3%/bw/day, twice daily at 08.00 am and 17.00 pm.  Growth data including absolute and relative growth were weighted at the end of feeding period. Research results showed that after four weeks of feeding, supplementation of ginger powder into fish pellet  significantly improved fish growth .  The growth of fish fed pellet supplemented with 7.5 g/kg of food was  and significantly different as compared to that of control fish.  It was concluded that supplementation of ginger powder into fish pellet potentially improved fish growth.   Keywords: Ginger, absolute growth,  relative growth, nile tilapia
Evaluation of Baker’s Yeast (Saccharomyces cereviciae) In Enhancing Non Specific Immune Response and Growth of Nile Tilapia Manurung, Usy N; Manoppo, Henky; Tumbol, Reiny A
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Vol.1 No. 1 Januari 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.1.1.2013.720


This research was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of baker’s yeast in enhancing nonspecific immune response and growth of Nile tilapia. After two weeks of acclimatization in fiber tank, juveniles were put into glass aquarium at the density of 15 fish/ aquarium. Fish were fed pellet supplemented with baker’s yeast as treatment for four weeks at 5% of body weight per day, twice daily (08.00 and 17.00). Five doses of treatment used in this research were A (0 g yeast/kg pellet), B (10 g yeast/kg pellet), C (20 g yeast/kg pellet), D (30 g yeast/kg pellet), E (40 g yeast/kg pellet), Immune parameters included total leucocyte count (TLC) and phagocytosis activity were measured at the end of experiment. Fish growth was weighing at the end of research period. Anova was used to evaluate the effect of baker’s yeast on immune parameters and growth while to evaluate the different effect between treatment, Duncan test was used. Research result showed that after four week of feeding, TLC of fish fed diet supplemented with baker’s yeast significantly different compared to control fish. The highest TLC of fish was achieved in treatment B followed by treatment C. It was also found that phagocytosis activity of fish increased significantly in fish fed treatment diet with the highest PA was observed in treatment C. PA of fish in treatment C was different significantly compared to a treatment A, D and E but between treatment C and B, no significant difference was observed. Application of baker’s yeast in diet also significantly increased growth of fish (p=0,00). Fish fed diet supplemented with 20 g baker’s yeast/kg pellet has the highest weight gain compared to other fish in other treatments. It was concluded that the used of baker’s yeast at 20-30 g/kg pellet for four weeks could enhance nonspecific immune response and growth of Nile tilapia. Keywords: Saccharomyces cereviciae, total leucocyte count (TLC), Phagocytosis Activity, growth, Oreochromis niloticus
Respon imun krustase Manoppo, Henky; Kolopita, Magdalena E.F
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.2.2.2014.4904


Crustacean does not have adaptive immune system and mostly depends on innate or nonspecific immune response. This system can recognize and destroy foreign materials including pathogen.  The nonspecific immune responses of crustacean consist of cellular and humoral responses.  In cellular response, hemocyte plays an important role in body defenses to pathogen including virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In humoral response, recognition of pathogen is mediated by protein and enzyme such as β-1,3-glucan-binding protein (BGBP),  lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LPS-BP), peptidoglycan recognition protein, phenoloxydase enzime. Keywords: crustacean, nonspecific immune response, cellular responses, humoral response, protein, enzime