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The 2nd Proceeding Indonesia Clean of Corruption in 2020"
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LEGAL STATUS OF AKTOR’S FOR CORRUPTION (In the Perspective of Islamic Law) Sumarwoto Umar
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Corruption is a universal problem faced by all countries and a thorny problem that is difficult to eradicate, it is not because the problem of corruption is not only related to economic issues alone but also related to political problems, the power, and law enforcement. In Indonesia "virus" attacking corruption continues to spread in all joints of social life. Even the latest trend of corruption is no longer carried out individually by the timid and furtive but in congregation, and is regarded as a 'reasonableness'. Corruption has been entrenched in the culture of which he is religious, so that the level of corruption in Indonesia has included systemic corruption. Problems and challenges must be overcome, in particular the Islamic community who are the majority of Indonesian citizens. Ironically, the country that is predominantly Muslim and uphold the spiritual values have been ranked first as the most corrupt country in Asia and the slowest country out of the crisis than its neighbors; The tragic reality of the issue, a moral burden and responsibility that is not light. With corrupt person could collect the money in large enough quantities in a relatively short period of time. The culprit is not only high-level officials but also officials menggurita levels down even to the "top" of the people. This is illustrated by his grounded term drinking money, gas money, lubricants, administrative costs, and many other terms that actually belong to the illegal fees. In the context of the broader Islamic teachings, corruption is an act that is contrary to the principle of justice (al-`adalah), accountability (al-trust), and responsibility. Corruption with all its negative impacts that cause various distortions on the life of state and society. Is a naive if ironic fact above inflicted upon Islam as a religion professed by the majority of the population. What needs to be scrutinized here is our religious orientation that emphasizes piety-formal ritual to ignore piety and moral-social individual. Religious models like this are difficult to prevent followers from bad behaviors (corruption). This study aims to contribute ideas related to the concept of corruption and the legal status for the perpetrators of acts of corruption in the perspective of Islamic law, so that at 38 “Comparative Law System of Procurement of Goods and Services around Countries in Asia, Australia and Europe”least the subject of reflection and a warning that corruption is a sin / damned, because the resulting adverse impacts for a community and a nation very big and serious.
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This paper is a literature review with a comparative approach, meaning that the philosophy of Plato to study the concept of policy and law in the state of Athens, Ancient Greece. Then the authors analyze the advantages of the concept of Plato's political philosophy as a critical review of the political reform laws in Indonesia. The results of the literature review showed that from a conceptual perspective, philosophical, ideological, political jurisdiction of law in Indonesia aimed at the welfare of a just and prosperous society, in peace and prosperity, both physically and mentally, it is listed in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945). Political concept of Indonesian law is very relefan with political philosophy pioneered by Plato. But the political implications of the law of Indonesia dominant sourced on codification. The history of law in Indonesia experienced political dynamics. It was caused by political energy which dominate the role of law, so many national degradation: corruption, human rights, the financial crisis, removing P4 (as practice guidelines Pancasila). Therefore, learn to Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. According to Plato the role of natural philosophy, philosophy of nature is very important to establish a governance structure. Relating this, the authors offer a return policy should apply P4, based on customary law and the need to establish a new state institutions, namely State Agency Professor (LTNP). LTNP of authority is a board of experts who contributed to the state policy. LTNP as a level to state institutions RI: executive; legislative and judicial).. Keywords: Political Law, Philosophy of Plato, Indonesia
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Corruptive behavior is a despicable act and unacceptable ethically by any nation, including the country Indonesia. As a very theological country (theological based), Indonesia also has a stand against all forms of corruption acts. Through Corruption Act in 1971, 1999 and 2001 following preventive countermeasures be a guideline or reference in law enforcement. This paper aims to examine from the perspective of ethical norms and map of corruption in Law norms above. Setelah mapped, then compared to the possibilities of irregularities against the norms can be studied rationalizations. The study then followed up with an analysis of each norm on every law so the clash of ethical choices and the prevention of possible violations of norms can be explained. This study combines juridical-philosophical and normative juridical approach on the text of Law Corruption has ever been and is still in force in Indonesia. Keywords: ethical perspective, mapping the norm, corruption
CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN AS ACTORS Muhammad Chalil; Djauhari Djauhari
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The word "mandate" is quite broad sense, but depending on the logic of man who entrusted the mandate to him, Islam teaches its followers to have a conscience that is sensitive, with a view to preserving and maintaining the rights of Allah and charitable man of truthful as ever Rasulullah Saw said, which means: "You're all a leader and you all will be held accountable for what he said about your leadership, ............., male (husband) is a leader in a family environment, and he will be asked about what he styles , women (wives) also leader in controlling her household, ........ "(HR.Bukhari) The hadith explains that the liability which carry on the shoulders of every Muslim both the husband and wife in this world, no one from any private, small or large, but it must be responsible for the mandate that has been carry and hold it well, for example to all children before growing up in essence is the right of children rests with the parents (father / mother), if the neglect of children's rights means committing a crime at the same time ignoring the mandate and responsibilities in answer to the Lord and make mistakes against themselves with the attitude and relinquish control over their power, this has resulted in an unruly child and certainly hard to be directed to the right path. The main task as parents is to nurture a personality strong to children, introducing his Lord, and instill that success in life both materially and spiritually is in accordance with the ideals of pure wholeheartedly, then he has done something useful for him, family, and the environment; In addition, as one of the children as human resources and the future generation, it should get special attention from the government, in order to develop the child to achieve a strong human resources and quality. Associated with child development necessary legal infrastructure to anticipate all the problems that arise, relating to the interests of the child as well as concerning irregularities attitudes and behaviors that make children forced held for trial. For example, on one of the main mental children who are still in the stage of self, sometimes easily influenced by the circumstances surrounding environment. So if the environment in which the child is bad, can be affected soul on actions that may violate the law, it can be detrimental to himself and the community environment, not least the action is to drag them to deal with law enforcement officers. In the family, children are part of society, has the same rights that must be protected and respected, even every country where compulsory care as well as adequate protection of the rights of children, including civil rights, economic, social and cultural benefits, it looks like the position and rights of children when seen from a juridical perspective has not been seriously considered by the government, law enforcement and the community at large and still far from what actually should be given to them. Special on Child Rights is part of the human rights and protection guaranteed by international law and national law, which universal has protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International on Civil and Political Rights (ICPR). Differences of treatment on children's rights with adults, set in a special international conventions. As stated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child: "... the child, by reasons of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, Including Appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth ..." The Vienna Declaration of 1993 generated by the World Conference of Human Rights Human Rights (HAM), re-emphasized the principle of "First Call for children", which emphasizes the importance of national efforts and international levels to promote the rights of the child to "survival protection, development and participation." While the concept of child protection in Indonesia has made the rules, essentially upholds and attention to the rights of children, namely after the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) include: Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights; Law Number 11 Year 2012 on Child Criminal Justice System; Act No. 35 of 2014 on the Amendment of Act No. 23 of 2001 on the Protection of Children; So that the state and society have a duty to protect against the growth of the child, both physically, psychology, social, economic and political, as for any form of protection is emphasized on children in vulnerable conditions of discrimination, exploitation and violence, such as children with disabilities special, abandoned children, children who grow up in poor families and children who are in orphanages. Precisely because of the country pay attention and protect the rights of the child and must be upheld by any person; However, in practice the law enforcement issues (law enforcement) often experience obstacles and constraints caused by internal and external factors, the system crime sometimes still treat children involved as perpetrators of the crime as perpetrators of criminal acts committed by adults. The child is placed in a position as a criminal who deserves to get the same punishment as adults and apply in Indonesia, should be oriented to the individual offender or commonly called the accountability of individual / personal (Individual responsibility), the offender was seen as individuals who are able to take full responsibility for the act of doing. While the child is an individual who has not been able to fully realize the actions / deeds he does, it is because the child is an individual who is immature thinking. Without realizing it of course can lead to severe psychological impact on the child that ultimately affect the mental development and the soul of the child, it is concerned that the child quickly imitate the treatment of people who are nearby. One of the main properties of delinquency (called Juvenile Deliquency), is an act or acts of violation of norms, both legal norms and social norms committed by children younger ages. Conditions delinquency or known child delinquency is defined as a form of crime by children under title-specific title of the section of the Criminal Code and / or governance legislation. While the juvenile court was formed because the background of concern over the attitude of the actions undertaken criminalization of children and youth who number from year to year increase. But the treatment of adult criminals, requiring special protection measures for the perpetrators of the children; Juvenile court is intended to cope with unfavorable circumstances for children, and in the execution of juvenile criminal justice process should not be treated the same as adults. Indonesia's judiciary really consider the interests of children need to be realized to ensure the interests of children through Law Number 11 Year 2012 on Openness Child Criminal Justice; In order to overcome the problems of criminal offense committed by children, all of them shall be tried in court for a child who is on trial in the general court; The law gives national legal basis for legal protection for children through the juvenile justice order. Additionally intended as legal devices more robust and adequate to implement guidance and providing legal protection for children in conflict with the law and the enforcement of legal rights and child to embody the principle of the best interests of the child (the best interest of the child). In the act of deprivation of liberty, for example, should be done only as a measure of last resort, where the case concerning the right of children not to be separated from their parents. Kids as immature individuals need to obtain legal protection / juridical (legal protection) in order to ensure their interests as members of the public, enforcement issues and legal rights of children, basically the same as the overall law enforcement issues. Therefore, law enforcement issues of children affected by several factors, among others: 1. For law enforcement officers or relating to the legal process in society in Indonesia, officers responsible for enforcing the law known as the chess dynasty including the police (the investigating agency), prosecutor (prosecutor), the judge (judicial), and attorney or advocate. To deal with common problems in Indonesia, namely the limited ability of the law enforcement agencies who understand the law and the rights of children, the quality of, education and expertise of each apparatus, as well as the organization's ability to enforce the law and the rights of the child. 2. The legal culture of society, the social structure and cultural outlook of ongoing and people believed in enforcing the law as a guide everyday behavior. is an important issue in enforcing the law in Indonesia because it involves public confidence in the legal and law enforcement authorities; Equally important to the legal community, which is where the movement of law in everyday life that include the extent to which compliance with the law society, caring for enforcing the law towards order and peace. While the child is only a guideline legal precedent to guide how people act when the child's problems are found. According to Law No. 11 of 2012 on the Criminal Justice System Children in Article 69 paragraph (2) Children who are no older than 14 (fourteen) years may be subject only. The offense can be imposed on offenders Kids are: (1) Capital punishment for children consists of: a. Criminal warning; b. criminal terms: 1) development outside the institution; 2) community service; or 3) supervision. c. Work training; d. Coaching in the institution; and e. Jail. (2) Criminal additional consisting of: a. appropriation of profits derived from the crime; or b. fulfillment of customary obligation. (3) If the material law punishable cumulative prison term and a fine, penalty replaced with job training (4) The penalties meted out to children not violate the dignity of the Child. Differentiation penalty of children is determined by the Code of Penal (Penal Code), in the imposition of a maximum determined punishment ½ of the maximum threat to adults, while the imposition of the death penalty and life imprisonment shall not apply to children. Sanctions imposed against children in this law is determined by age, which is for children aged 12 to 15 years only subject to the action, while children who were aged 12 to 18 years will be punished; To create a harmony and balance within the community held sanction. Sanctions are formed of a system or an institution authorized to take; The purpose of reaction to crime and delinquency is for the prevention of crime and delinquency, and criminal actor resocialization. Criminal system prevailing today in Indonesia only depends on the nature punishment without regard to how it can change the child gets better, for example just given criminal system that is instructive, that is a criminal system that not only emphasizes the terms punishment, but how a child behavior that can be changed for the better and will not repeat the action without having sanctioned entity or prison. In-Law No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection in Article 17 paragraph (1) every child deprived of liberty shall: a. get treated humanely and placing separated from adults. b. Legal aid or other assistance effectively in every stage applicable legal remedies, such as social assistance from social work, consultations of psychologists and psychiatrists or assistance from linguists. c. Defensively and justice in front of the juvenile justice objectively and impartially in a trial closed to the public. Perpetrators of crimes committed by children would be easier to control and improvement than adults, and this is because the level of the child's development was in contrast to the properties and characteristics, in infancy, young adults and the elderly will be different psychologically and physically ; Medium criminal system by providing criminal sanctions is instructive / educational been rarely carried out by law enforcement officials in Indonesia. One example is instructive criminal sanctions are criminal sanctions are not only returned to a parent / guardian or the environment, but the nature of criminal sanctions, for example educate put religious institutions in accordance with the religious / her faith. While the criminal system of individual (individual responsibility) is used for this is the response to crime that is fragmented only see prevention in terms of individual / personal, even though in dealing with the problem of children not only seen from the response the individual child alone, but viewed from many factors , one of them how the child is no longer repeat his actions, but provides a good example and education to the child itself; It is intended that the child's mental and spiritual well-educated, so that the misbehavior of the child for the better. With the inclusion of the child as the perpetrators of crimes to the Penitentiary instead does not guarantee that the child can be changed, otherwise not be both mental and spiritual children because they were exiled together with the perpetrators of criminal acts of others this has resulted in the recovery of the child's behavior to be more good hampered due to the environment itself unfavorable. Surely it would be different if placing the child in an environment that does not feel treated as a criminal, but rather to treat the child as an immature man who still do not know anything so they need to be given guidance of education is called positive action and good. Of course, the treatment given to those involved in criminal acts, as long as the legal process and punishment put them as young criminals who have different characteristics with adult criminals. Actually the criminal system that is instructive as this is not something new, because in law juvenile justice system, the system punishment didactic had clearly expressed therein, but this is rarely done, even less children are dealt enforcement laws that have not been professionally handle cases of children, sometimes the placement of children mixed with adult convicted; There are two alternative actions that can be taken if the crime committed by children before even the age of 18 (eighteen) years and filed through reaching the age limit of 21 (twentyone) years old, the child remains a child brought to trial. Average child who has not aged twelve (12) years of committing or suspected of committing a crime, then the Investigator, Supervisor of Community and Professional Social Workers take a decision that is first hand it back to parents, guardians / foster parents, if the child can still be fostered , Second, include it in educational programs, coaching, and mentoring in government agencies in charge of social welfare, both at national and regional levels, not later than 6 (six) months; But pay attention to the child's interests, the judge may require handed over to social organizations.
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Article 25 of Law No. 18 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Special Province of Aceh as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province mandated that the Islamic Law Judicial in Aceh province as part of the national judicial system undertaken by Mahkamah Syar‟iyah (Sharia Courts) free from the influence of any party. For the implementation of these norms, Presidential Decree No. 11 of 2003 specifies Pengadilan Agama (Religious Courts)  that had existed in the province of Aceh should be converted into Sharia Court and Pengadilan Tinggi Agama (High Courts of  Religious Courts) in Banda Aceh should be converted into Sharia Court of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Sharia Court's authority is further stipulated by Aceh Qanun. The provisions of Article 25 of Law No. 18 of 2001 are then confirmed by Article 128 to Article 137 of Law Number 11 Year 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh. Specificity of Sharia Court in Aceh Province, among others, can be seen from its absolute competencies which is based on Islamic law in the national judicial system. Furthermore, Article 128 paragraph (3) of Law Number 11 Year 2006 concerning Aceh Government and Article 49 of the Qanun Aceh Province Number 10 Year 2002 regarding Islamic Law Judicial , make it clear that the absolute competencies of Sharia Court covers judge actions in ahwal al-syakhsiyah field (family law), mu'amalah (civil law) and jinayah (criminal law), which is based on Islamic law. Struggle enforceability instituting Islamic law formally in the province of Aceh in order to have a status in the state administration by law has been successfully agreed with the promulgation of  Law No. 18 of 2001 and Law No. 11 Year 2006. Granting authority to implement Islamic law, legally embodies the implementation of Law No. 44 of 1999 on Implementation Features Special Province of Aceh. Based on the background of historical studies Sharia Court which is now the place to resolve the problem of Muslims, and in view of the Sharia Court is judicative power under Article 128 paragraph (1) of Law Number 11 Year 2006 concerning Aceh Government included in the environment of religious judicial body under the Supreme Court by Act No. 48 of 2009 on judicial power which stipulates that judicial power is implemented by the four environments of judicial bodies, namely the Public Judicial Body, Religious Judicial Body, Military Judicial Body and State‟s Administrative Judicial Body.   Occurred a noticeable difference between the two laws in the judicial seat of Islamic law in Aceh in the order of the national judicial system. Law Number 11 Year 2006 seat Islamic Law Judicial as part of the national judicial system in religious judicial body, whereas Law Number 50 Year 2009 seat Islamic Law Judicials as a special court which is in the  two environmentals of judicial bodies, religious judicial body and public judicial body in accordance with its judicial authority being absolute competence. Settings on the Islamic Law Judicial  are different from one law with other legislation can lead to differences in interpretations. The differences in interpretation or disharmony of the legislation will result in the emergence of problems at the level of implementation. The problems that have been described above are taken as the reason to do research with the title " Reconstruction of Status and Authority of Sharia Courts in National Judicial System Based on Justice of Islamic Law "
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There are 550 corruption cases in Indonesia until 25th of February 2016. This number is increasing by the years. This research is meant to find the principal of natural justice and humans’ right protection in corruption eradication. This study is a legal study with statute and conceptual approach. The application of the Act no 31, 1999 related to Humans’ Right and The Act No 28, 1999 related to a clean and corruption, collusion and nepotism free of State Implementation. The collocation of the Act No 31/1999 were influenced by the reformation spirits with respect toward humans right (HAM) whether it is related to deviated action done by bureaucracy apparatus in the form of corruption, has caused the lower society to suffer in this country. This State Implementation action has caused the violation of Human’s Right in economy, social as well as culture as stated in the Act no 31, 1999 and 1945 Constitution. The Act no 28, 1999 related to a clean and corruption, collusion and nepotism free State Implementation stated that the implementation of the principle of natural justice are law assurance, orderly state implementation, public interest, openness, proposisionalism, professionalism, and accountability foundation will be one way to give protection of justice for the citizens toward the state implementation action. The implementation of a principal of natural justice and the maintenance of Human’s right is also a way to eradicate corruption crime in Indonesia. This paper recommends firstly to the government to be consistent to implement the principal of natural justice based on the Act no 28, 1999 related to a clean and corruption, collusion, and nepotism-free state implementation. Secondly, the maintenance of the Act No 31, 1999 related to Human’s Right as a step to eradicate corruption Keywords: The Principle of Natural Justice, Human’s Right, Corruption
The 2nd Proceeding “Indonesia Clean of Corruption in 2020" Hikmahanto Hikmahanto
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Can IndonesIa Free ItselF From CorruPtIon In 2020?
Islamic Law Values Transformation in the Reconstruction of the Legality Principle of Indonesian Criminal Code Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
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Criminal code of Indonesia is still using Dutch colonoal era with background values of individualistic and liberalistic, so it is not in accordance with the conditions—in which we had already been recognized as an independent nation. Therefore it is necessary to make reconstruction penal code with tranformation of the values of Islamic law, because the sociological, political and philosophical position of Islamic law occupies an important position as a source of law. Policy transformation is done by formulating the universal values of Islamic law into the process of formulation of the principle of legality in criminal code of Indonesia, because the principle of legality in criminal code currently recognizes only source legal written (Act) as a legal basis to convict, and does not recognize the law source who live in the community (common law) as the legal basis to convict. As a result, enforcement of criminal law in Indonesia unfairly perceived by the public as many deeds by people regarded as disgraceful act but the offender can not subjected of criminal sanctions because of his actions not constitute a crime under the Criminal Code. Keywords: Islamic law, legality principles, Criminal Code
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Corruption has become an extra ordinary crime, which is why many studies that discuss about corruption. Although many studies of corruption are able to find out the causes of corruption, by knowing the causes or factors of corruption is able to reduce corruption. In addition to the many studies of corruption, has also been a lot of coverage in both print and electronic media that presents news of the suspects or defendants involved in corruption cases, it is intended to give a lesson to the general public, as well as provide a deterrent effect so ashamed of corruption that has been done , but corruption is still frequently encountered. It is in fact considered normal by society. Further unrest arises how it affects young people who will be the successor to the ideals of the nation, that almost every time served reporting corruption is everywhere. Here the next question how so that the younger generation is not affected by the disease of corruption, should the anti-corruption legal education at an early age entered in learning in schools. Given the starting gate education acquired knowledge, insight and understanding for self-discovery. This paper will discuss the need for anticorruption education for children from an early age as a strategic move to prevent corruption in order to create a corruption-free Indonesia in 2020. From the results of research that has been done shows that the much needed anti-corruption education included in school subjects or courses at the college level are not only in the faculty of law. A proposal must be observed. Anti-corruption education materials could be inserted in the subjects of Pancasila, Citizenship, Mathematics, as well as career guidance, which includes the subject of honesty, discipline, and teach togetherness fighting spirit and simplicity. As all of which are meant to instill a sense of responsibility in a very important and settle obligations to completion. Combating corruption in developed countries are very intensively conducted are like in Singapore, which is implanted namely state hard ahead if the government does not free from corruption, prevention and repression of corruption through four things: effective anticorruption agency, effective acts, effective adjudication, and efficient administration , And all the pillars were motivated by the strong will pilitical against corription of government. As well as in Lithuania country. Key word : anti-corruption education, early age, prevention of corruption.
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Judging from the background of its formation, the formulation of the hybrid contract is motivated by a passion to expand the range of Shariah banking in order to be more competitive than conventional financial institutions. The world's conventional financial institutions have advanced so rapidly, because it is centuries old. The products offered is already so varied. Banking Shari'ah established with a mission of Islam in economics to be applied in the financial institutions are required to be able to race competitively catch up to conventional financial institutions. The spirit of this competition can sometimes only shift the original ideals of the Shari'ah banking so out of the idealistic mission. Ideally, Shari'ah banking mission to operationalize by function with fairness, honesty and mission enliven real sector. Akad which became the main base is musharakah or mudarabah with the principle of sharing in a partnership approach. However, because of the demands of profitability and encouraged the spirit of acceleration enlarge market share, concerns the question that arises is whether the main concern of Shariah banking can be shifted from the spirit of the mission to realize the ideal into the spirit of competition in the formalities of the subordinated kesyari'ahan ideal mission?  Looking at the above, there were some fundamental problems with the implementation of the contract, namely whether the hybrid will not shift the original ideals of Shariah banking, because there is concern shifted to the usury that no longer different from the conventional financial institutions. A further problem of how to revitalize the agreement in the contract hybrids in value based banking Shari'ah Islamic justice. This problem appears motivated by a sense of concern author of various hybrid forms of contract that can not represent the substance of justice is a principle addressed in the rules of jurisprudence muamalah. Thus this dissertation research is expected to create more hybrid contract represents an agreement.

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