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KONSEP GENDER DALAM AL-QURAN (Kajian Tafsir tentang Gender dalam QS. Ali Imran [3]:36) Halim K, Abd.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper examines gender in the Quran, especially in QS. Ali Imran [3]: 36 with tahlili method. The interpretation of the concept of gender in these verses is the equality of women and men in doing any activity, especially in doing worship. The Quran gives spirit for all muslims to reproduce charity without distinction of sex. By doing worship to God, they further improve their safety, and for those who attain taqwa that is more precious in the sight of Allah.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper discusses the rights of living for women divorced by her husband such a case of Fatimah binti Qays, a companion of prophet who divorced by her husband and was not in place. The hadith stated the attitude of Abu Omar divorced his wife while he wasn’t there and sending a representative to meet Fatima bint Qais and bring her some foods. A representative’s visiting made Fatimah felt unsatisfactory because the food (nafkah) brought was not enough to supply her daily needs. This Hadith related to the issue both its sanad and matan are shahih (authentic quality). Although there is a valid hadith shows that there is no right of living for a husband to his divorced wife, but some scholars still disagree about it because of the texts of the Quran manage about the rights of living and housing.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper discusses determinant factors of nutrition of pregnant women. Nutrition problems is a complex issue that is influenced by various factors, but from some intensive programs implemented, it have shown quite encouraging results such as reducing infant and under-five mortality, maternal mortality, and increasing life expectancy. The issue of maternal nutrition has broad implications, both for the mother and fetus. Some research shows a strong correlation between anemia during pregnancy and fetal death, abortion, birth defects, low birth weight, decreased iron stores in children or children born in nutritional anemia. This condition causes the rate of prenatal mortality is still high, including mother’s mortality and morbidity. In addition, the impact may cause bleeding during giving a birth. Bleeding at childbirth is the leading cause (28%) of maternal deaths in Indonesia. Whereby, Indonesian government committed to combat maternal anemia by doing “public nutrition improvement” program with a target prevalence of anemia in the year 2009 by 30%.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper will try to examine how Islamic ideas about womens role regard to environmental conservation. It is based on assumptions about the reality of society that no longer getting friend with environment. In other words, the environment is not an important consideration in development. As the result, the issue of environment has become a major problem, even become a serious global concern. The Quran has informed that Allah is the Preserver or the Conservationist, whereas human are actors who do damage to the ecosystem of the environment, although they do not aware of their and claiming that they are doing environmental conservation. However, the Quran asserts that the preservation of the environment requires the active participation of human. This is because of human and environment has a strong mutual symbiosis. The Quran commands man to do Salah or ishlah and prohibits to do fasad or ifsad.
HAM DALAM TERMINOLOGI DOKTRIN HUKUM ISLAM (Penelaahan Ayat dalam al-Qur’an dengan Tafsir Maudhu’iy) RAHMAN, BUDIARTI A.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This study discusses about the basic concepts and forms of Human Rights in the Koran as the basic source of Islamic law since the beginning of its discussion until today. The forms of human rights in the Koran, such as freedom, equality, and justice, seems clear that Islamic law have a strong foundation in matters of human rights. Even in the particular context, the human rights in Islam in advance of the Western version. Islamic law very confesses of human rights as basic rights and puts it as primary need.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 1 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Syariah bank has developed from year to year, although it is not booming like conventional banks due to various factors. Some experienced problems in its development are the aspects of law, lack of socialization of Syariah Bank, the operational constraints, and publics understanding toward Syariah Bank is still low. All constraints should be analyzed in accordance with the facts which exist in society to have solution as an input to develop Syariah Bank for the future.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 2 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Essentially education includes the pricples of gender equity biased gender in education results on unobtionable of educational goals. For that reason it is required an equal education where the curriculum of the institution integrates gender within its subject and lectures. One of education goal is how to realize fair society, by not discriminate one sex. But the reality exist discrimination at education that necessitate several effort to solve it, on of it is by formulating curriculum that have gender perspective. Curriculum is a development of vision and mission of educational institution that want to realize education goal. Gender curriculum is based on an assumption that woman and man are equal in education, and have equal opportunity to get education. In its application, gender curriculum can be formulated implicitly (hidden curriculum), or explicitly (overt curriculum). However, to explain gender problems we recommend explicit way.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 2 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Basically, women careers working outside and taking the responsibility to earn the money for the basic need in accordance with their skills and competencies show their independency. In other side, this becomes the causes increasing the negative effect of women career especially the way to arrange the time allocation as a wife in one side and as a mother in the other side. Being housewife should not be neglected to avoid the negative effect for the family. The women career phenomena still increases specially in the perspective of whether becoming women career specially for the wife will obstruct the husband right and children affection or not. This condition is considered to be avoided because can lead the broken home especially for the children mentality while their mothers are working outside.
PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS ADIL GENDER (Membongkar Akar Permasalahan dan Pengarusutamaan Gender sebagai Sebuah Solusi) MARDIA, MARDIA
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 2 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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Responsive gender education is a foundation of women’s empowerment. It is conducted not to create a higher statue for women. In the contrary, it is held to improve the independency, power and participation of women in order to avoid discrimination often happened to them. Therefore, a co-operative work by government, the private (non- government) institutions, independent institutions, and stakeholders of gender issue is expected to produce better public adjustments of gender. The gender mainstream will not only encourage to a stabilized and adjusted gender, but also will hold the government accountability of public to be in increase.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 7 No 2 (2014): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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The existence of mass media that dominated by western has abig influence to spread the exploitation idea, especially to islamic country. Politicly, the western has willing to demage the muslim society with idea and culture war as replacing the physic war. The exploitation ideas has been recieved by muslimah and becomean instrumental to spread the idea in the society. The muslimah effort to exist in the world become without the religious norm. Sometimes they go aut from their house a porbidden purpose by religious thought and open the part of the body wich may not be visible by other, free sexual intercourse. Ironicly, this attitudes become a new life styale, and the religious thought was regarded as limitation to their life style.Now can be found muslimah in television station, advertising, commercialization of publications, and they are become the popular idol of today’s modern muslimah.For the problem, islamic thought give best solution. Only back to Alquran and hadis can minimize the women axploitation. Alquran give guidence for muslimah to cover the part of body wich may not be visible by other and select the culture can accept ang suitable with islmic thought. From this, muslimash have to be given islamic thought orientation to increase their faith until they can free from the exploitation activity.

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