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Momentum: Physics Education Journal
ISSN : 25489127     EISSN : 25489135     DOI : 10.21067
Core Subject : Science,
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Articles 15 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)" : 15 Documents clear
Misconceptions on the understanding of flying objects in fluids Edy Wibowo; Naily Ulya; Whibatsu Helvantriyudo; Muhammad Maliki Azyumardi; Fata Hafiduddin; Mamat Rokhmat; Ismudiati Puri Handayani; Abrar Abrar; Nurwulan Fitriyanti; Sutisna Sutisna; Amira Saryati Ameruddin
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.6881


The concepts of floating, flying, and sinking object have been studied since junior high school. However, we still often find students' misconceptions regarding the concept, especially of flying objects, even at the university level. This work aims to propose a clarification of the concept of a flying object in the fluid to be correctly described the condition for the flying object. We used eggs, water, and salt solutions to demonstrate sinking, rising, and floating objects in the fluids. The results showed that when the density of the object is the same as the density of the fluid, the position of the object is still at the bottom of the fluid since it was not flying in the middle of the depth of the fluid. But the object does not touch the bottom of the container so that the object's height is zero. This is because the object has not had a driving force (Fd = 0) that pushes the object upward towards the surface of the fluid to float. When the density of the fluid slightly exceeds the density of the object, the object immediately moves upward to the fluid surface - floating phenomenon is started. The greater the difference between the density of the fluid and the density of the object, the faster the object moves towards the surface. The object cannot stay at any position between the bottom and the surface of the fluid. A stable position is reached when the object reaches the surface of the fluid to float. This work is expected to increase students' understanding of flying objects in fluids.
Some discussions on equipartition theorem Prasanth Pulinchery; Reshma Perayil; Nishanth Pothyiodath; Aravind Aravind; Udayanandan Kandoth Murkoth
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.7571


During the development of physics, we can see that the Equipartition Theorem (EPT) has been redefined many times. In this paper, we start with the description of the historical development of the theorem along with the various definitions given by different scientists. Then we found the expressions for classical, quantum, and discrete energy systems and redefined EPT.
The effect of dialogic-practical work on secondary school students mechanics achievement Ewonetu Bantie Belay; Mekbib Alemu; Mesfin Tadesse
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.7686


This study aimed to examine the effects of dialogic-practical work on secondary school students‘ mechanics' achievement. It also examined whether the students‘ mechanics achievement would vary with achievement levels. A quasi-experimental pre- and post-test research design was used. The study participants were 91 students from two secondary schools in Bahir Dar town, Ethiopia. The treatment group conducted dialogic-practical work and the comparison group carried out recipe-based practical work. A 25-item Mechanics Achievement Test was used for data collection. A paired- and independent sample t-tests were performed to analyze the data. It was found that there was a statisitcally significant difference in mechanics achievement between the dialogic-and recipe-based practical work groups, t (76) = 7.80, p < .001, d= 1.76. It also indicated that the dialogic-practical work resulted more improvements in mechanics achievement of the different achievement levels as compared to the recipe-based practical work. This suggests that students who engaged in dialogic practical work enhanced their mechanics achievement more than students who simply follow prescribed recipes. It is important to raise physics teachers’ awareness about the benefits of dialogic-practical work to enhance students’ mechanics' achievement.
The multi-representational ability profile of physics students in the interactive multimedia assisted problem-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic Masrifah Masrifah; Dewi Amiroh
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.7501


This study aims to analyze the multi-representation ability profile of physics students in the interactive multimedia assisted problem-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research involved 9 female teachers and 1 male teacher. Data on the multi-representation abilities of Physics teachers were obtained by using the 5 item multi-representation problem instrument in the form of representing image to verbal, verbal to mathematics, verbal to picture, table to graph, and mathematics to verbal. Meanwhile, researchers utilized interviews to gather information on the difficulties that prospective physics teachers had in working on multi-representational problems. The results of the analysis show that the multi-representation ability of prospective physics teachers is generally good. This can be seen from the average percentage obtained by 63%. However, there are two indicators that are still not good, namely verbal to mathematics representation and mathematics to verbal representation with an average percentage of 30% and 43% respectively. For this reason, it is necessary to make efforts to increase the multi-representational abilities of prospective physics teachers by using approaches, teaching materials, and learning media that are able to teach and present physics concepts in various forms of representation so that it is easier to understand the concepts presented.
Implementing the rasch model to assess the level of students' critical and reflective thinking skills on the photoelectric effect Tarpin Juandi; Ida Kaniawati; Achmad Samsudin; Lala Septem Riza
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8252


This study aims to determine the level of students’ critical and reflective thinking skills on the topic of photoelectric effects. In this study, the cross-sectional survey approach was employed in conjunction with purposive sampling techniques.  The data collection instruments are questionnaires for critical thinking and reflective thinking skills, with 20 critical thinking items and 24 reflective thinking items. A total of 35 students, 6 males and 29 females, with an average age of 20 years, agreed to fill out the questionnaire that was distributed. The acquired quantitative data were evaluated using the Rasch model, with critical thinking skills showing that 11% of students were at a very low level, 49% were at a low level, 26% were at a high level, and 14% were at a very high level. Meanwhile, data analysis of reflective thinking skills revealed that 20% of pupils had low levels, 63% had moderate levels, and 17% had high levels. As a result, it is suggested that critical thinking and reflective thinking skills be continuously debriefed.
Content analysis of the independent curriculum physics science textbook from the perspective of critical thinking aspects and HOTS Rio Sebastian; Jumadi Jumadi; Puji Hariati Winingsih; Nadya Amalia Putri Hapsari
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8293


This study aims to reveal characteristics of critical thinking and cognitive elements in HOTS category questions from the Independent Curriculum Senior High School Physics Science Textbook in the material of Magnitudes and Measurements. This content analysis study employs the descriptive analysis method, as well as qualitative and quantitative approaches. The Science Textbook Physics independent curriculum for class X Senior High School was utilized as the study's sample. According to the findings of this study, the two text books evaluated elevate critical thinking features such as interpretation, analysis, evaluation, explanation, inference, and self-regulation, with the aspect of interpretation prevailing at 35.14% in book A and 33.35% in book B. While the findings of the HOTS category question analysis for both books revealed that both books discovered HOTS category questions with components of analyzing (C4) and evaluating (C5), no HOTS categories were discovered for the element of creating (C6). Most of the problems in the two books are still dominated by LOTS (low order thinking skill) questions, indicating that learning to think at a higher level requires more than just textbooks and direct instruction from the teacher. As a result, in order for students to think at a higher level, direct instruction from the teacher is required.
Rasch modeling: Developing a critical thinking ability test for students on climate change material Irwan Muhammad Ridwan; Ida Kaniawati; Andi Suhandi; Taufik Ramlan Ramalis; Ifa Rifatul Mahmudah; Berry Kurnia Vilmala
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8310


The goal of this study was to examine critical thinking skills on the topic of climate change. This study is quantitative in nature. The information was gathered by creating a 30-question test to assess the ability to think critically about climate change. Respondents were 52 physics education students from one of Tasikmalaya's campuses. Winstep software version 4.00 was utilized for data analysis. Rasch modeling was employed in this investigation. The results of the Rasch modeling study show a value of 0.38 for person reliability and 0.91 for item reliability, indicating that the instrument items manufactured are dependable. The raw variance value of 23.4% suggests that the standards for dichotomous data construct validity are met. The separation value of 3.15 supports this. It suggests that this item has a good answer distribution and can assess critical thinking skills on the topic of climate change. As a result, it can be used for study.
Fabrication of Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide (FTO): From experiment to its application in physics learning Sahrul Saehana; Aqidatul Izzah; Agnes Jois’ Palamba; Darsikin Darsikin; Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8438


The paper reports the experiment in the laboratory in making FTO by employing spray pyrolysis methods, its application in DSSC, and its implementation in physics learning. The methodology in this research was mixed methods (experiment and qualitative methods). The experimental section was conducted by dissolving SnCl2.2H2O and NH4F in 96% alcohol and then depositioned on a glass substrate on a hotplate with a temperature of 450◦C using an Omron NE-C28 nebulizer. Spraying was carried out for 20 minutes then characterized morphology (SEM), content (EDS), crystal structure (XRD), transmittance (UV-VIS), and voltage-current (IV). Based on investigations using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy, it is known that transparent conductive SnO2:F particles have been formed. By using XRD, Nanometer-sized crystalline particles have also been identified. Furthermore, the FTO electrode is utilized as an electrode on DSSC and its performance is measured. In the qualitative section, students and researchers were interviewed about the physical aspect of the FTO fabrication process. Then, interview results were used to design laboratory physics learning. 
Measurement of spring constant by means of Arduino: A STEM teaching proposal Mustafa Erol; Yiğit Efe Navruz
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8585


This study advances a STEM teaching proposal and aims to determine spring constant of a spring pendulum by means of an Arduino microprocessor. The measurements are managed by simply letting the spring pendulum to oscillate freely and recording the distance perceived by the distance sensor-Arduino system as a function of time. The mean periods are estimated by using displacement-time plots of the harmonic motion and the results are used to estimate the spring constant. The spring constant is also determined conventionally by employing Hooke's law a number of times. The relative error rate between the two results is found to be about % 6.00 which is pretty acceptable. This approach is important in the sense that it is inexpensive and also encourages students to learn how to use the Arduino microprocessor. The approach adds to physics education efforts due to creating an enjoyable and beneficial teaching-learning environment.
Canva-assisted Learning of Inquiry Sequences (LOIS)-based e-worksheet effectiveness Kartini Herlina; Chandra Ertikanto; I Dewa Putu Nyeneng; Wayan Suane; B Anggit Wicaksono; Bizry Cahya Divia
Momentum: Physics Education Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mpej.v7i2.8224


Education in Indonesia has undergone a transformation that was initially conventional but now necessitates the integration of technology. Materials for teaching that can aid students in learning are required. The purpose of this study is to explain how well the e-worksheet for learning dynamic fluid physics works. This research uses a modified ADDIE model for research and development. The viability of the e-worksheet is estimated using a learning accomplishment test. The subjects of this review were thirty understudies in class XI at SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. The side effect of the test shows that the feasibility of e-worksheets in the control class is low given the low rules of learning based on revelation learning. The effectiveness of e-worksheets in the experimental class is very high.

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