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Tafaqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman
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Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.1579


This study aims to determine the manifestation of moderation (wasathiyah) from the perspective of the book al-Wasathiyah Khasisah al-Ummah al-Islâmiyyah and its implementation in the educational environment (school). This study uses library research methods (library research). The primary data source used in this research is the book al-Wasathiyah Khasisah al-Ummah al-Islâmiyyah, while the secondary data source is a number of books and journal articles related to this research. The data analysis process in this study uses the content analysis method which includes: (1) Identifying and describing; (2) Interpret and analyze; (3) Drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that Muhammad Abû al-Fath al-Bayânûnî gave the concept of meaning to this moderation with the meanings al-i'tidal and at-tawazun, these values ??are manifested in the aspects of aqîdah, ubûdiyah, morals, mu'amalah and rule of law, and the manifestation of this moderation can be implemented in the educational environment through character education methods which include: teaching, exemplary, setting priorities, praxis priorities and reflection.
Value Rationality Dalam KHI Pasal Ihdad Bagi Suami Mohamad Maqin; M. Abi Mahrus Ubaidillah
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2037


Abstract: Ihdad is a period of mourning for wives whose husbands died without jewelry and perfume. This means that only the wife is obliged to fulfill Ihdad. However, in KHI Article 170 paragraph (2) a husband whose wife has died must mourn politely. By using Max Weber's Theory of Social Action, the author wants to reveal the purpose of the Drafting Team as actors of Social Action from this article. And what will be examined is (1) The purpose of the Drafting Team in adopting article 170 paragraph (2) KHI. (2) Max Weber's Social Action Theory perspective on Ihdad for husbands. The focus of the research study is normative law. And in the form of library research. Data were analyzed using descriptive analytical methods by outlining Max Weber's entire theory of social action, especially Max Weber's 4 ideal types. Meanwhile, the data analysis uses an analytical approach to statutory regulations. It can be concluded (1) The aim of the KHI Drafting Team as social action actors in producing the Ihdad article for husbands in KHI Article 170 paragraph (2) is to respect the practice of Ihdad for husbands which has long been carried out by the community in certain areas before KHI existed and is one of The ideals of formulating the KHI as a legal answer to problems that arise in Indonesian Islamic society can be realized, even though the article does not yet have a definite legal label, because this is a form of caution from the Drafting Team. (2) that the goal of the KHI Formulation Team is included in the type of social action classified by Weber, in the form of Value Rationality, where with this type of motive the Formulation Team has appreciated the action. practice Ihdad to their husbands and these are the values they want to live by and fight for.
Pengangkatan Anak dan Akibat Hukumnya di Pengadilan Agama Jombang: (Analisis Penetapan Perkara Nomor 611 Pdt.P 2022 PA.Jbg.) M. Al Amin Ilman Huda; Mashudi Mashudi
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2073


Adoption is taking other people's children to be their own children. The process of adopting a child must go through a court order. This determination is made by the prospective adoptive parents and the biological parents of the child who is adopted to submit a case for the application for adoption to the Religious Courts. The government issued a policy for the welfare and protection of adopted children so that they have legal force by passing Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 Article 49 letter (a) number (20) concerning the Religious Courts. This type of research is field research conducted at the Class IA Jombang Religious Court to obtain primary and secondary data. Primary data is used to obtain information about the judge's considerations in giving a determination of adoption and the court process for determining adoption. Obtained by interviewing Judges who have experience in determining cases of adoption. Secondary data is data related to this research in the form of copies of stipulations and books related to stipulations of child adoption. The results of this study are to discuss cases of stipulation of child adoption in the Jombang Religious Court in receiving, examining, adjudicating and deciding the case so that can generate determinations. The case discussed in this study is Case Number 611/Pdt.P/2022/PA.Jbg at the Jombang Religious Court, in this case the Panel of Judges granted and determined the case for determining the adoption of a child by the applicant by looking at various aspects and existing considerations. The Panel of Judges gave a stipulation in this case through considerations that support the granting of the request, these considerations are due to several reasons and facts that exist and deserve to be accepted and given a stipulation by the Panel of Judges on the basis of positive law and the basis of Islamic law which governs it, so that will strengthen the stipulation handed down by the Panel of Judges during the trial in giving the stipulation of child adoption to the applicant. In the trial for the determination of adoption there are no replic and duplic because in this case there is no dispute or opponent, so the stipulation is only stipulation (declaratoir). Therefore, the Government enacted Law Number 54 of 2007 concerning adoption which also plays a role in outreach to the community through activities: counseling, consultation, counselling, mentoring and training to help the community get information and understand the requirements, procedures and procedures method of adoption.
Model Sinergitas Antar Lembaga Dalam Pengelolaan Zakat Bagi Mustahiq Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) Yudhi Novriansyah; Supriyati Supriyati; Darham Darham
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2089


In the business world, we are known as Street Vendors (PKL). Street vendors, of course, need capital, but working capital funds are very limited, so there is a possibility of borrowing funds using a payment system that contains usury or better known as loan sharks. In relation to the above, the term productive zakat emerged so that it can provide long-term impact and beneficial value to the zakat mustahiq, including street vendors.). Using qualitative methods with an analytical descriptive approach. The collection technique in this research is literature study, this is done by collecting relevant or appropriate data needed for research. The target of this research is the existence of contemporary Sharia Economic Law and its relevance in Indonesia. The results of the study show a synergistic zakat management model, involving several institutions in empowering mustahiq street vendors. Integrative and collaborative steps of the Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration and Latency (AGIL) model. In the corridor of synergy between BAZNAS and the Ministry Of Social Affairs, Ministry Of Trade, Ministry Of Education And Cultural, Ministry Of Cooperative Small Micro anda Medium Enterprise, The Universities and Islamic Youth Organizations which support the synergy of empowering mustahiq street vendors. This model of synergy between institutions in managing zakat can form a mustahiq who can be self-empowered and change his fate out of poverty.
Holistic Exploration of Islamic Education in the Formation of Children's Character in the Family Suud Sarim Karimullah
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2095


This study strongly focuses on the holistic exploration of Islamic education in the context of forming children's character in the family environment. To explore a deeper understanding of the role of Islamic education in the shape of children's character, this study uses a literature study approach with integrative and comprehensive literature analysis. This approach is a solid foundation for understanding the theoretical and conceptual framework related to Islamic education in forming children's character in the family. The results of this study indicate that a holistic exploration of Islamic education has a significant impact on shaping the nature of children in the family. This holistic approach includes religious values, morality, and ethics, which significantly affect the development of the child's personality. As the primary exemplars and educators in the family, parents play a central role in conveying and applying these values to children. In addition, the influence of the formation of children's character in the family also involves conflict management, honesty, social responsibility, understanding of values, and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, parents' awareness of their essential role in guiding children towards solid character and good ethics is indispensable to creating a generation that contributes positively to society. A holistic approach in Islamic education, and the influential role of parents, can better shape the child's character in the family.
Intangible Assets Pesantren : Kesesuaian Antara Citra dan Identitas Pesantren Dalam Mewujudkan Good Reputation Firdaus Ainul Yaqin; Hambali Hambali; Fathor Rozi; Ahmad Muktashim Billah
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2117


The purpose was to reveal the form of non-physical assets carried out by Islamic boarding schools as a step to adjust the image with the identity of the Islamic boarding school so that it can create a good reputation among the community. This research method used a qualitative case study type. Nurul Hikmah Pesisir Besuki Situbondo boarding school was the location and object of this research. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews with 5 informants (the caregivers, the head of the Islamic boarding school, and 2 community leaders), and documentation. The analysis technique applied the interactive analytical model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana by condensing the data, presenting the data, which then draws conclusions. Source triangulation was a technique for checking the validity of data. The results of the study explained that the Nurul Hikmah Islamic boarding school had a fairly good reputation. There were several intangible assets in building this reputation, including (1) good and positive relations with community leaders. (2) the risk of crisis becomes smaller. (3) mutual understanding between target audiences, both internal (such as increasing the loyalty of pesantren staff) and externally. The pesantren management had a high commitment to carry out pesantren activities in accordance with what is stated in the vision and mission, and pays attention to crucial issues related to the routines carried out by the pesantren. This fact once again confirmed that the reputation of the pesantren is formed from the non-physical assets of the pesantren rather than physical assets.
Perkembangan Hukum Keluarga Islam Pada Masa Kerajaan di Indonesia M. Al Amin Ilman Huda; Abd. Holik
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2151


This article discusses three Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia, namely the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom (1496 AD – 1903), the Islamic Mataram Kingdom (1588-1681), and the Gowa-Tallo Kingdom (1591-1669). The main focus is on the government system, judiciary, and legal sources used by the three kingdoms. The Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, located in Aceh, Sumatra, has an organized and efficient government system. They developed a military education system, fought European imperialism, and had a strong commitment to Islam. Sources of law include custom, law, qanun, reusam, and the book of fiqh, with the Sultan as the supreme law maker. The Islamic Mataram Kingdom, established in Java, combined Hindu-Islam through Islamization. The government system integrates Islamic law and Javanese customs. Sultan Agung implemented Islamic law in the judiciary, incorporating civil and criminal law, and appointed individuals with an understanding of Islam in the judiciary. The Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo in Sulawesi adopted Islam as its official religion in 1605 AD. The King of Gowa-Tallo appointed sharia officials equivalent to adek officials, established a level III court, and managed zakat and alms funds to support Islamic religious justice. These three kingdoms demonstrate the importance of Islam in the government, justice and legal systems of Indonesia's past, combining religious teachings with local traditions to create a system that functioned effectively.
Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Said Nursi Habib Zainuri; Khojir Khojir; Mukmin Mukmin
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2206


In the midst of the dynamics of globalization and technological advances, new challenges and opportunities arise, requiring renewal and modernization in the approach to Islamic education. This research aims to provide a critical review of the modernization of Islamic education, especially in the context of curriculum transformation and learning methodology. Beiduzzaman Said Nursi has a concept of modern Islamic Education. that Said Nursi's thoughts on education have been updated by combining religious principles with modern theories. According to Nursi, humans are only meaningful if they are bound and dependent on God, so that the human ability to think about nature is the result of God's light. It is on this basis that all science arises for the sole purpose of studying the signs of God's power and is a science with a religious spirit. This eliminates the bias against religion and contemporary science, both of which secularism instills.
Perenialisme dan Transformasi Pendidikan Karakter di Era Modern Taufikur Rohman; Khojir Khojir; Rahmad Soe’oed
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2207


The objective of this research is to examine how perennialism addresses the challenges posed by the transition of moral education in the contemporary day, characterized by numerous instances of moral decline. This study employs a qualitative descriptive methodology, utilizing a literature review as the primary research technique. Perennialism posits ideas on the necessity for humans to acclimate and modify their behavior in response to shifts in the world. Character education, with the perennialism theory, focuses on how individuals conform to the inherent good principles inside themselves. Perennialism in character education emerged as a response to and remedy for the cultural turmoil in contemporary society. The concept of perennialism advocates for a return to the past by reinstating the enduring values and ideals that were deeply ingrained in ancient societies. Character education is a means to attain a reversion to the fundamental values and principles of life. To ensure the preservation of Indonesian identity in future generations, The Perennialism ideology is a viable option that should be implemented in character education. The findings of this research are anticipated to have a substantial impact on the formulation of enduring character education strategies, aimed at cultivating a generation that possesses not only academic proficiency but also a firm grounding in the esteemed principles of the nation and the teachings of Islam
Persepsi Guru terhadap Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Madrasah Muhammad Badrus Sholeh; Nur Kamsan; Himmatul Aliyah
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v11i2.2245


This study investigates teachers' perceptions of the Merdeka Curriculum. The qualitative design of this study was conducted on class VII teachers at MTs Negeri 3 Demak. The study's data was gathered through interviews, observations, and field notes. This study focuses on teachers' perceptions on the plan, implementation, and assessment of Merdeka Curriculum learning. The study's findings show that (1) teachers' perceptions of learning planning are adequate. (2) teachers' perceptions of learning implementation are not very positive because most teachers are still not optimal in implementing the learning process as required by the Independent Curriculum; and (3) teachers' perceptions of learning evaluation are good. Teachers recognize the significance of assessment in the Merdeka Curriculum. Teachers have employed a range of evaluation techniques, including observations, performance assessments, written tests, oral exams, and portfolios. Based on these findings, teachers should conduct a thorough analysis of the Merdeka Curriculum's implementation. Teachers must think openly when adopting the Independent Curriculum to ensure future adjustments and improvements.

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