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This journal, with ISSN 2088-1290, was firstly published on June 1, 2011, in the context to commemorate the Birthday of Pancasila's Name in Indonesia. Since issue of June 2012 to December 2014, the ATIKAN journal was organized by the Lecturers of FKIP UNSUR (Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Suryakancana University) in Cianjur; and, since issue of December 2014 to June 2015, by the Lecturers of FPOK UPI (Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Indonesia University of Education) in Bandung; and published by Minda Masagi Press as a publisher owned by ASPENSI (the Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The articles published in ATIKAN journal are able to be written in English as well as in Indonesian and Malay languages. This journal is published twice a year i.e. every June and December. The ATIKAN journal is devoted, but not limited to, primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new development and advancement in the field of education. The scope of our journal includes: (1) Language and literature education; (2) Social science education; (3) Sports and health education; (4) Economy and business education; (5) Math and natural science education; (6) Vocational and engineering education; and (7) Visual arts, dance, music, and design education.
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Editorial Board of ATIKAN Journal and Guidelines for the Authors, Issue of December 2015 ATIKAN Journal, Editor
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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ATIKAN journal will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings, discussion, applied research, case and comparative studies, expert comment and analysis on the key issues surrounding the educational studies in general and its various aspects. Analysis will be practical and rigorous in nature. The ATIKAN journal, with ISSN ISSN 2088-1290, was firstly published on June 1, 2011, in the context to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila (Five Basic Principles of the Republic of Indonesia)’ s name in Indonesia. Since issue of June 2011 to date, the ATIKAN journal has been organized and published by Minda Masagi Press, as a publisher owned by ASPENSI (the Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The ATIKAN journal is published twice a year, i.e. every June and December. Bandung, Indonesia: December 30, 2015.Andi SUWIRTA, M.Hum.Chairperson of ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 
Assessment of Women Studies Specialization in Philippine Normal University: Basis for a New Gender Education Program Tantengco, Nerissa S; Simeon, Florisa B
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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ABSTRACT: The study assesses the existing Women Studies Specialization courses offered by the College of Teacher Development thru the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University). This courses will help the university to track down effectively the relevance of subjects taught in Women Studies Specialization as to the number of graduates and employability of graduates. It will also help motivate and transform graduates to be involved in other community advocacies. A descriptive research method was used thru interviews, focused group discussions, and questionnaires. The study used data gathering tools and procedure, such as the questionnaire developed by CHED (Commission on Higher Education), specifically for Tracer Study research. The survey questionnaire was made available to the respondents through the web and the researchers also employed a number of strategies to track the graduates like the use of graduate directory, telephone, mobile phone, social networking sites, look for them in graduate classes during Saturdays, and attending various activities and gathering of the graduates. The study revealed that the graduates of Women Studies Specialization of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU, from 2003 to 2013, are highly satisfied in the service and learning environment provided by the university; and their acquired skills and competencies during their pre-service were extremely adequate and relevant in current employment.KEY WORD: Women Studies Specialization; Extension Services; Community Advocacies; Undergraduate Courses; Service and Learning Environment. RINGKASAN: “Penilaian terhadap Spesialisasi Studi Wanita di Universitas Pendidikan Filipina: Anjakan untuk Program Pendidikan Gender yang Baru”. Penelitian ini menilai keberadaan kursus Spesialisasi Studi Wanita yang ditawarkan oleh Bagian Pengembangan Guru melalui Fakultas Perilaku dan Ilmu Sosial PNU (Universitas Pendidikan Filipina). Kursus ini membantu universitas untuk melacak secara efektif relevansi kursus yang diajarkan di Spesialisasi Studi Wanita bagi sejumlah lulusan dan pekerjaan lulusan. Ia juga membantu memotivasi dan mengubah lulusan untuk terlibat dalam advokasi masyarakat lainnya. Metode penelitian deskriptif digunakan melalui wawancara, diskusi kelompok terbatas, dan kuesioner. Penelitian menggunakan prosedur alat pengumpulan data, seperti kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh CHED (Komisi Pendidikan Tinggi), khususnya untuk penelitian karier alumni. Survei kuesioner tersedia bagi responden melalui web dan peneliti juga menggunakan sejumlah strategi untuk melacak lulusan seperti penggunaan direktori lulusan, telepon, ponsel, situs jejaring sosial, mencari mereka di kelas pascasarjana setiap hari Sabtu, dan menghadiri berbagai kegiatan dan pertemuan dengan para lulusan. Studi mengungkapkan bahwa lulusan Spesialisasi Studi Wanita dari Fakultas Perilaku dan Ilmu Sosial PNU, dari tahun 2003 hingga 2013, sangat puas dengan pelayanan dan pembelajaran yang disediakan oleh universitas; serta keterampilan dan kompetensi yang diperoleh mereka selama pra-layanan sangat memadai dan relevan bagi pekerjaan mereka saat ini.KATA KUNCI: Spesialisasi Studi Wanita; Penyuluhan; Advokasi Masyarakat; Sarjana; Layanan dan Lingkungan Belajar.  About the Authors: Prof. Nerissa S. Tantengco, Ph.D. and Assoc. Prof. Florisa B. Simeon, M.A. are the Lecturers at the College of Teacher Development, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU (Philippine Normal University) in Manila, the Philippines. Corresponding authors is: to cite this article? Tantengco, Nerissa S. & Florisa B. Simeon. (2015). “Assessment of Women Studies Specialization in Philippine Normal University: Basis for a New Gender Education Program” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.5(2) December, pp.169-178. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (November 28, 2015); Revised (December 12, 2015); and Published (December 30, 2015).
Penerapan Metode Latihan Keterampilan Psikologis untuk Meningkatan Kinerja Wasit Sepakbola Mudian, Deni; Komarudin, Komarudin
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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RINGKASAN: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan metode latihan keterampilan psikologis, berupa latihan relaksasi, imagery, dan relaksasi-imagery, yang dapat memberi pengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap wasit Pengcab PSSI (Pengurus Cabang Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia) Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa form penilaian wasit dari FIFA (Federasi Persatuan Sepakbola Dunia), yang digunakan oleh PSSI untuk mengukur kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola. Kesimpulan menyatakan bahwa metode latihan keterampilan psikologis, berupa latihan relaksasi, memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola; metode latihan keterampilan psikologis, berupa latihan imagery, memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola; dan metode latihan keterampilan psikologis, berupa latihan relaksasi-imagery, memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola. Metode latihan keterampilan psikologis rileksasi-imagery lebih memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola. PSSI dan Komisi Wasit disarankan agar memberikan latihan keterampilan psikologis pada setiap sesi latihan, karena ianya sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja wasit dalam memimpin pertandingan sepakbola.KATA KUNCI: Penerapan Metode; Latihan Keterampilan Psikologis; Kinerja Wasit; Memimpin Pertandingan; Permainan Sepakbola. ABSTRACT: “The Application of Psychological Skills Training Methods to Increase the Referee Performance in Leading the Football Game”. This study is to know the application of psychological skills training methods, such as relaxation exercises, imagery, and relaxation-imagery, that can provide a significant effect on performance the referee to improve in leading the football game. Research was conducted on the referee of Pengcab PSSI (Branch Committee of Indonesian Football Association) in Subang Regency, West Java. Research method is an experimental with instrument to collect the data is the referee assessment form of FIFA (Federation of International Football Association) that used by the PSSI to measure the performance of referee in leading a football game. The conclusion stated that a method of psychological skills training, such as relaxation exercises, is significant influence on the performance of referee in leading a football game; psychological skills training method, such as imagery exercises, is significant influence on the performance of referee in leading a football game; and psychological skills training method, such as relaxation-imagery exercises, is significant influence on the performance of the referee in leading a football game. The psychological skills training methods of relaxation-imagery is more significant influence on the performance of the referee in leading a football game. Suggestions for the PSSI and Referee Commission should be to provide psychological skills training in every session, due to it is crucial to improve the performance of referee in leading a football game.KEY WORD: Method Application; Psychological Skills Training; Referee Performance; Leading the Match; Football Game.  About the Authors: Deni Mudian adalah Mahasiswa Pascasarjana SPs UPI (Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia; dan Dr. Komarudin adalah Dosen SPs UPI Bandung. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis dapat dihubungi dengan alamat emel: dan komarudin_pko@yahoo.comHow to cite this article? Mudian, Deni & Komarudin. (2015). “Penerapan Metode Latihan Keterampilan Psikologis untuk Meningkatan Kinerja Wasit Sepakbola” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.5(2) December, pp.179-190. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 3, 2015); Revised (December 15, 2015); and Published (December 30, 2015).
Barriers to Child Success in School: A Critical Focus on Child Neglect and Academic Performance of Pupils in the Bantama Community in Kumasi, Ghana Badu, Eric; Opoku, Maxwell Peprah; Amponsah, Appiah-Danquah K
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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ABSTRACT: The child neglect seems to increase students suffering and substantially affect their academic performance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of child neglect on academic performance of JHS (Junior High School) pupil in the Bantama community in Kumasi, Ghana. A cross sectional survey with quantitative methods was conducted with pupils within the Bantama community. A purposive sampling was used to select four community schools: Kookoase JHS, Presbyterian JHS, Bantama Methodist, and Roman Catholic JHS. A simple random sampling was used to select 200 pupils. The common child neglect experienced by pupils was lack of parental supervision, encouragement, and basic necessities. The study found that most pupils lacked educational materials, including books, funds for extra classes, and school uniforms. The study found a significant association between child neglect and academic performance of pupils, such that child neglect positively correlated with poor academic performance (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). The study findings suggest that pupils experienced child neglect which affects their ability to perform in school. It is recommended that parental contribution in resourcing students with the necessary provisions will improve their academic performance.KEY WORD: Education; Child Neglect; Junior High School; Academic Performance; Parental Supervision. RINGKASAN: “Hambatan untuk Sukses Anak di Sekolah: Sorotan Kritis tentang Pengabaian Anak dan Prestasi Akademik Siswa pada Masyarakat Bantama di Kumasi, Ghana”. Mengabaikan anak tampaknya meningkatkan penderitaan para siswa dan secara substansial mempengaruhi prestasi akademik mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mengabaikan anak terhadap prestasi akademik siswa SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) pada masyarakat Bantama di Kumasi, Ghana. Sebuah survei silang dengan metode kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap para siswa dalam masyarakat Bantama. Sampel bertujuan digunakan untuk memilih empat sekolah, yakni: SMP Kookoase, SMP Presbyterian, SMP Methodist Bantama, dan SMP Katolik Roma. Sampel acak sederhana digunakan untuk memilih 200 siswa. Pengabaian anak secara umum yang dialami oleh murid adalah kurangnya pengawasan orangtua, dorongan semangat, dan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar. Studi ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar siswa tidak memiliki bahan pendidikan, termasuk buku, dana untuk kelas tambahan, dan seragam sekolah. Studi ini menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara mengabaikan anak dan prestasi akademik siswa, sehingga mengabaikan anak berkorelasi positif dengan prestasi akademik yang buruk (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa yang mengalami pengabaian mempengaruhi kemampuan mereka dalam unjuk kinerja di sekolah. Disarankan bahwa kontribusi orangtua dalam melengkapi para siswa dengan ketentuan yang diperlukan akan meningkatkan prestasi akademik mereka.KATA KUNCI: Pendidikan; Mengabaikan Anak; Sekolah Menengah Pertama; Prestasi Akademik; Pengawasan Orangtua.    About the Authors: Eric Badu and Maxwell Peprah Opoku are the Lecturers at the Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation Studies KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology), Private Mail Bag, Knust-Kumasi, Ghana. Appiah-Danquah K. Amponsah is a Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Work KNUST, Private Mail Bag, Knust-Kumasi, Ghana. Corresponding author is: abizep4@yahoo.comHow to cite this article? Badu, Eric, Maxwell Peprah Opoku & Appiah-Danquah K. Amponsah. (2015). “Barriers to Child Success in School: A Critical Focus on Child Neglect and Academic Performance of Pupils in the Bantama Community in Kumasi, Ghana” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.5(2) December, pp.133-142. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (October 28, 2015); Revised (November 25, 2015); and Published (December 30, 2015).
Info and Index of the ATIKAN Journal, Issue of December 2015 ATIKAN Journal, Editor
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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ATIKAN journal will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings, discussion, applied research, case and comparative studies, expert comment and analysis on the key issues surrounding the educational studies in general and its various aspects. Analysis will be practical and rigorous in nature. The ATIKAN journal, with ISSN ISSN 2088-1290, was firstly published on June 1, 2011, in the context to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila (Five Basic Principles of the Republic of Indonesia)’ s name in Indonesia. Since issue of June 2011 to date, the ATIKAN journal has been organized and published by Minda Masagi Press, as a publisher owned by ASPENSI (the Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The ATIKAN journal is published twice a year, i.e. every June and December. Bandung, Indonesia: December 30, 2015.Sri Redjeki Rosdianti, M.M.Pd.Director of Minda Masagi Press in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 
Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Berorientasi Kearifan Lokal pada Pelajaran IPA di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Maknun, Johar
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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RINGKASAN: Provinsi Jawa Barat termasuk daerah rawan bencana; dan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan kebencanaan menyebabkan resiko bencana menjadi semakin tinggi. Masyarakat suatu daerah mempunyai kearifan lokal untuk mengurangi resiko bencana yang perlu digali dan disebarluaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran mitigasi bencana berorientasi kearifan lokal pada pelajaran IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) di SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). Tahap penelitian dikenal dengan istilah “model 4-p”, yaitu: pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan pendiseminasian. Peneliti telah berhasil menyusun perangkat PMBBKL (Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Berorientasi Kearifan Lokal) pada pelajaran IPA di SMK. Materi pembelajaran yang dikembangkan antara lain: fenomena bencana alam; konsep mitigasi bencana; kearifan lokal; serta konsep mitigasi bencana gempa bumi, banjir, tanah longsor, gunung berapi, dan tsunami. Implementasi PMBBKL pada dua SMK di Jawa Barat menunjukan bahwa siswa yang menerapkan PMBBKL dengan pendekatan STM (Sains Teknologi Masyarakat) memiliki pemahaman mitigasi bencana lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena pada pembelajaran tersebut ditunjukkan proses dan dampak bencana melalui berbagai media, termasuk kearifan lokal masyarakat agar terhindar dari bencana.KATA KUNCI: Mitigasi Bencana; Kearifan Lokal; Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam; Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan; Pendekatan Sains Teknologi dan Masyarakat. ABSTRACT: “Learning of Disaster Mitigation Oriented Local Wisdom in the Science Lesson at the Secondary Vocational High School”. West Java is considered as one of disaster prone areas in Indonesia; in addition to that lack of people’s awareness and knowledge regarding to disaster is leading to higher susceptibility to disaster. Local community poses local wisdom to mitigate the risk of disaster and this local wisdom need to be elaborated and disseminated to broader community. The objective of this research is to develop set of learning tools to mitigate the disaster in the Science subject for the pupils of Secondary Vocational High School. The model of 4-d consists of four stages, namely: definition, design, develop, and disseminate. Researcher had developed set of learning tools to mitigate the disaster in the Science subject, based on the local wisdom to mitigate the disaster in the community. The learning materials consist of: disaster phenomena; local wisdom; and disaster mitigation concept to cope with various disasters, such as earthquake, flooding, landslide, volcano eruption, and tsunami. The implementation of that subject to two Secondary Vocational High Schools in West Java showed that students which enroll to that class which is taught the disaster mitigation materials in Science subject based on STS (Sci­ence Technology Society) poses better comprehension of the disaster mitigation concept compared to other class which is taught by conventional Science subject. This result is possible due to the reason that in the learning process, the teacher taught the students by utilizing the learning materials through various media, including the community’s local wisdom to cope with the disaster. KEY WORD: Disaster Mitigations; Local Wisdom; Science Subject; Students of Secondary Vocational High School; Approach of Sci­ence Technology Society.About the Author: Dr. Johar Maknun adalah Dosen pada Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Arsitektur FPTK UPI (Fakultas Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Alamat emel: joharbdg@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Maknun, Johar. (2015). “Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Berorientasi Kearifan Lokal pada Pelajaran IPA di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.5(2) December, pp.143-156. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (October 15, 2015); Revised (November 15, 2015); and Published (December 30, 2015).
Contents and Foreword of the ATIKAN Journal, Issue of December 2015 ATIKAN Journal, Editor
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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ATIKAN journal will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings, discussion, applied research, case and comparative studies, expert comment and analysis on the key issues surrounding the educational studies in general and its various aspects. Analysis will be practical and rigorous in nature. The ATIKAN journal, with ISSN ISSN 2088-1290, was firstly published on June 1, 2011, in the context to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila (Five Basic Principles of the Republic of Indonesia)’ s name in Indonesia. Since issue of June 2011 to date, the ATIKAN journal has been organized and published by Minda Masagi Press, as a publisher owned by ASPENSI (the Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The ATIKAN journal is published twice a year, i.e. every June and December. Bandung, Indonesia: December 30, 2015.Prof. Dr. Haji Endang KomaraSecretary of ASPENSIs Expert Board in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 
Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Asing: Kajian Kes Pelajar China di Universiti Malaysia Sabah Alim, Alice
ATIKAN Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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RINGKASAN: Bahasa Melayu merupakan bahasa kebangsaan bagi negara Malaysia, malahan sebagai bahasa pengantar utama bagi masyarakat di negara ini. Walaupun begitu, Bahasa Melayu berstatus bahasa asing bagi golongan penutur bukan warganegara. Perkara yang dimaksudkan adalah Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa asing bagi individu luar negara, khususnya di luar kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang datang belajar atau bekerja dan menetap di Malaysia. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa dalam bidang pengajaran dan pembelajaran timbul beberapa masalah, seperti sebutan, tata-bahasa, dan sintaksis semasa mempelajari sesuatu bahasa. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membincangkan kesilapan-kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh pelajar antarabangsa yang tengah belajar di UMS (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, analisis hanya akan tertumpu kepada kesilapan sebutan. Kesilapan jenis lain tidak akan dibincangkan. Kajian ini menganalisis sebutan 39 orang pelajar antarabangsa dari negara China. Sebutan ini diambil daripada ujian membaca yang mereka jalani dalam kursus Bahasa Melayu Asas Tahap II, yang ditawarkan oleh PPIB (Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa) di UMS Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia. Kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat melalui kajian ini adalah terdapat banyak kesilapan sebutan yang berlaku dalam kalangan pelajar China. Kebanyakan kesilapan ini berlaku apabila mereka membaca perkataan Bahasa Melayu dengan sebutan Bahasa Inggeris dalam pembentangan mereka. KATA KUNCI: Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Asing; Pelajar Antarabangsa China; Sebutan; Pengajaran Bahasa Asing; Kemahiran Bertutur. ABSTRACT: “Malay Language as a Foreign Language: Case Study on Chinese Students in Malaysia University of Sabah”. In Malaysia, Malay language is the national language, and it is used as the intermediate  language among the citizens. However, this language is considered as a foreign language for non-citizens. It means that Malay language is a foreign language for overseas individuals, especially from outside of Southeast Asia, who came for educational, work, and stay permanently purposes in Malaysia. It is undeniable that there will be difficulties in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and syntax of the language during the teaching and learning of the intended language. Thus, this study aims to analyse and to discuss the errors made by foreign students who study in UMS (Malaysia University of Sabah) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. However, this analysis will only be focusing on mispronunciation of the students. Other errors will not be discussed. This study analysed 39 foreign students from China. These pronunciations are taken from their reading test in Malay Language Level II course, that be offered by PPIB (Center for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning) at UMS Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. This study found that these foreign students made numerous  pronunciation errors. Most of these errors occurred when they read Malay language words with the pronunciation of English language during their presentations. KEY WORD: Malay Language as a Foreign Language; Chinese Foreign Students; Pronunciation; Teaching of Foreign Language; Speaking Skills.About the Author: Alice Alim ialah Pensyarah di Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa UMS (Universiti Malaysia Sabah), Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Bagi urusan sebarang akademik, penulis boleh dihubungi secara terus melalui emel di: to cite this article? Alim, Alice. (2015). “Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Asing: Kajian Kes Pelajar China di Universiti Malaysia Sabah” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.5(2) December, pp.157-168. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (November 25, 2015); Revised (December 15, 2015); and Published (December 30, 2015).

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