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Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan
ISSN : 25491679     EISSN : 28078241     DOI : 10.24014/konfigurasi
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Jurnal Konfigurasi Membahas tentang pengembangan model / media pendidikan dan menerapkan hasil penelitian laboratorium di bidang pengembangan pendidikan kimia yang terintegrasi dengan konsep islam.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 7, No 2 (2023)" : 6 Documents clear
Pengembangan Blog Berbasis STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, And Mathematics) Sebagai Media Pada Pembelajaran Sistem Periodik Unsur Dara Jelita; Kuncoro Hadi; Neti Afrianis; ardiansyah -; Heppy Okmarisa
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.22783


The research development of STREAM-based blog learning media on periodic system element material was conducted to determine the feasibility as a learning media product.  It used Research and Development design with 4D Model.  The development results were validated by two expert validators, one practitioner validator and ten students of State Senior High School 1 Tembilahan as students limited test validators. The feasibility validations of quantitative data were analyzed by using percentage and the qualitative data (responses and suggestions) for validators’ improvement were used as considerations for making revisions.  Generally, the validators’ assessments of the development of STREAM-based blog learning media obtained that the mean percentage of validity results from material and media experts were 92.15%, the practicality test by the chemistry teacher was 94.33%, and the limited response test by the students were 87.6%.  So it could be concluded that the STREAM-based blog learning media was feasible to use in learning activities.
Desain dan Uji Coba Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Hierarki Konsep pada Materi Stoikiometri Ririn Novita Sari; Heppy Okmarisa
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.23516


AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman konsep peserta didik terhadap materi kimia dan belum tersedianya lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD) berbasis hierarki konsep di MAN 3 Pekanbaru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD) berbasis hierarki konsep pada materi stoikiometri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model penelitian Borg and Gall. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket uji validitas, angket uji praktikalitas, angket uji respon peserta didik, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKPD berbasis hierarki konsep memperoleh tingkat validitas oleh ahli media sebesar 96,66% (sangat valid), tingkat validitas oleh ahli materi sebesar 90,52% (sangat valid), uji praktikalitas oleh guru kimia sebesar 89,09% (sangat praktis), serta mendapat respon dari peserta didik sebesar 83,84% (sangat baik).
Efektivitas Pembelajaran E-Learning Menggunakan Media Zoom Pada Materi Asam Basa Yusnia Elviska; Neti Afrianis
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.24285


The existence of the covid-19 virus made the government issue a policy regarding learning activities from home or online learning, in order to continue in getting the educational services to improve human resources. One of applications that could be used by teachers during online learning was Zoom meeting. This research aimed at seeing the effectiveness of E-learning using Zoom Media at State Senior High School 1 Kuantan Mudik. This research used descriptive quantitative research. Questionnaire of Google form technique with survey method was used for collecting the data. The effectiveness of E-learning using zoom was seen based on 4 indicators, namely 1) learning quality, 2) learning level suitability, 3) motivating effort and, 4) timing. Indicator 1 obtained that 71% was agree that learning material was well prepared, 68% was disagree that the material was delivered well, and 56% was disagree to follow that e-learning was well conducted. Indicator 2 obtained that 82% was disagree that e-learning could replace face-to-face class, 65% was disagree that the learning objectives have been achieved, 62% was disagree that the audio and video quality of the application strongly supported e-learning. Indicator 3 obtained that 66% was disagree that the internet access was good and 71% was disagree that internet connection was not constrained during e-learning. Indicator 4 obtained that 56% was agree that the lesson was well scheduled. Overall, e-learning using zoom was considered ineffective. It could be seen from the existing problems such as learning objectives that were not achieved, the material was not delivered properly, and the internet connection was not stable.
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.24462


Learning that is commensurate with the teaching method and learning material to be taught can increase student learning motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of Merdeka  curriculum on science (chemistry) learning on the learning satisfaction of students of class X SMK Abdurrab Pekanbaru. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The sample in this study was 132 grade X students of SMK Abdurrab Pekanbaru. The result of this study is that the overall level of satisfaction is very good. This is evidenced by the percentage of satisfied answers of 67.4%, while very satisfied is 18.9%, and only a small percentage of students who answer less satisfied by 13.6%. This shows that the learning method carried out is very well continued. In addition, other aspects can also be developed such as self-confidence, the ability to provide ice breaking, innovative and creative quizzes, very useful to support students' careers in the world.. 
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.24329


Program Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar merupakan program yang dicanangkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang bertujuan mendorong mahasiswa untu menguasai berbagai keilmuan untuk bekal memasuki dunia kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran IPAS (kimia) berbasis seminar implementasi kurikulum merdeka pada siswa kelas X SMK Abdurrab Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Abdurrab Pekanbaru sebanyak 132 orang. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah penerapan pembelajaran kimia berbasis seminar sebagai bentuk implementasi kurikulum merdeka pada siswa kelas X SMK Abdurrab Pekanbaru dapat menjadi sebuah inovasi dalam proses pembelajaran
Developing STREAM (Science, Technology, Religiosity, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) Based Tiktok Video on Buffer Solution Lesson Dwi Riva Arianti
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/konfigurasi.v7i2.22827


This research was instigated by the lack of learning media used repeatedly outside class hours. This research aimed at producing STREAM (Science, Technology, Religiosity, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) based Tiktok video learning media on Buffer Solution lesson that was tested its validity based on material and media expert validation, teacher and student practicality test. It was Research and Development (R&D) with 4-D (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate) development model. This research was administered at State Senior High School 1 Merbau, Merbau District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. The subjects of this research were material experts, media experts, teachers, and the eleventh-grade students of MIA1. The object was STREAM based Tiktok video learning media on Buffer Solution lesson. The result of validation by material experts showed the percentage 90.278% with very valid criterion, and the percentage by media experts was 95% with very valid criterion. Teacher practicality test showed the percentage 98.4375% with very practical criterion, and student response practicality test showed the percentage 91.319% with very practical criterion. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that STREAM based Tiktok video learning media on Buffer Solution lesson was appropriate to be used as a learning medium in the learning process.

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