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Justitia et Pax
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Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.908 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1652


AbstractThe President as the head of state has a great authority granted by the 1945 Constitution. The President may be dismissed in his term of office if he is treasonous against the state, corruption or bribery, other serious crimes, disgraceful acts, and no longer qualifies as president. This paper discusses the comparison of presidential impeachment in Indonesia and the UK, and the mechanism of presidential impeachment in Indonesia. This Scientificwork employs normative legal research. The process of impeachmrnt in the Uh begins with the articles of impeachment that servs the same as ae indictment of criminal justice. The process of the President’s dismissal mechanis startes from the allegations of law violations conducted by the President submitted by the Parliament.Keywords: Impeachment; President; Vice President.IntisariPresiden sebagai kepala negara memiliki kewenangan yang besar yang diberikan oleh UUD 1945. Presiden dapat diberhentikan pada masa jabatannya apabila melakukan pengkhianatan terhadap negara, korupsi atau penyuapan, tindak pidana berat lainnya, perbuatan tercela, dan tidak lagi memenuhi syarat sebagai presiden. Tulisan ini membahas perbandingan pemakzulan presiden di Indonesia dan Inggris, dan mekanisme pemakzulan presiden di Indonesia. Karya ilmiah menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif. Proses impeachmernt di Inggris dimulai dengan adanya articles ofimpeachment, berfungsi sama dengan surat dakwaan dari suatu peradilan pidana. Proses mekanisme pemberhentian Presiden dimulai dari dugaan atas pelanggaran hukum yang dilakukan oleh Presiden yang diajukan oleh DPR.Kata Kunci: Pemakzulan; Presiden; Wakil Presiden.
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.928 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1216


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada konsumen properti di Indonesia mengenai dasar hukum, proses perijinan, hingga proses pengurusan sertifikat rumah susun / apartemen di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permasalahan tentang rumah susun terjadi secara vertikal dan horizontal.  Konflik vertikal yang terjadi adalah antara peraturan perundang – undangan dengan peraturan – peraturan pelaksananya, belum terjalinnya koordinasi dan integrasi antar lembaga tentang apartemen / rumah susun. Sedangkan konflik horizontal yang terjadi adalah antara konsumen, developer, dan pemerintah. Semua permasalahan tersebut bermuara dari belum mengakomodasinya semua kebutuhan pihak – pihak terkait oleh peraturan perundang – undangan tentang rumah susun di Indonesia. Selain itu kurangnya pemerintah melakukan sosialiasi dan pemahaman kepada masyarakat tentang apartemen / rumah susun diikuti dengan pasifnya masyarakat untuk mencari informasi seputar hukum rumah susun / apartemen dan menyamakan dengan hukum rumah tapak pada umumnya membuat permasalahan rumah susun di Indonesia semakin bertambah dan tidak kunjung selesai.Kata Kunci : hukum rumah susun, perizinan, dan sertifikat Abstract This research was intended to provide the society, it could be investor or consumer about the comprehension of apartment law in Indonesia, started it from the legal basis, the licensing process, and the strata title. This study concluded that the problem of the apartment in Indonesia occurred vertically and horizontally. Vertical conflict happened whether those regulations and government body which liable for apartment is not establishment and integration yet. Whereas the horizontal conflict happened was between consumers, developers, and government. Those problems came from the regulation that could not accommodate the needs of these party. Beside of the lack of government which should held and responsible the socialization and understansing the society about apartment law, added by the passive Indonesian society to do research or find an information about apartment law and though that apartment law as the same as landed house law leading to the next problem of apartment law in Indonesia.Keywords : apartment law, the license, and strata title
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.944 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1627


Official Certifier of Title Deeds as the official deed of land deed maker is expected can prevent an absentee. This research aim is to identify the duty of Official Certifier of Title Deeds to prevent an absentee. This essay uses empiris method. The results of this research show that Official Certifier of Title Deeds has several methods to prevent an absentee, which are, the Official Certifier of Title Deeds gives the parties a legal opinion to prevent an absentee, checks the parties domicile, makes sure that the parties made a statement letter that does not result in absentee, and the Official Certifier of Title Deeds do not process if it can be an absentee. Keywords : Property Rights, Landreform, Official Certifier of Title Deeds. INTISARIPPAT sebagai pejabat pembuat akta tanah diharapkan dapat mencegah kepemilikan secara absentee. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran PPAT dalam mencegah pemilikan secara absentee melalui jual-beli Hak Milik atas tanah pertanian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiris. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah PPAT memiliki cara-cara untuk mencegah kepemilikan secara absentee, yang terdiri dari pemberian konsultasi hukum untuk mencegah kepemilikan secara absentee, memeriksa domisili para pihak, dibuatnya surat pernyataan bahwa peralihan Hak Milik tanah pertanian tersebut tidak menimbulkan kepemilikan secara absentee, dan tidak diprosesnya Akta Jual Beli tanah pertanian apabila menimbulkan kepemilikan secara absentee.Kata Kunci : Hak Milik atas Tanah, Landreform, PPAT
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.053 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1629


Pancasila has been the state ideology of Indonesia since the day after the independence of Indonesia that is on the 18th of August 1945. It was formulated by our founding fathers by taking our own values and cultures inherited by our ancestors from some old kingdoms  such as Kutai in Kalimantan, Sriwijaya in Sumatra, and Majapahit in Java. One year after the independence  on the 17th of August 1945, Indonesian government promulgated Law No. 1 Year 1946 concerning The Penal Code on 26th  of  February 1946. Through this law the government at that time stated that Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch-Indie  (W.v.S. Ned. Indie (S. 1915 No. 732) as the main written penal code and was formally called  Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) which in Article 10 provides death penalty as the heaviest main punishment. Dealing with that provision there has been a long debate among Indonesian people whether death penalty is in accordance with Pancasila or not. Netherlands as the home base of death penalty dropped it out from its penal code in 1870 because of the strong struggle of human right proponents. In Indonesia a research carried out in 1981/1982 by The Law Faculty of Undip collaborating with the  The Supreme Court  found out that both proponents and opponents of death penalty used Pancasila as “justification”.  In the effort to give respect to both parties  legal drafters of the  Penal Code Bill provide death penalty as “specific punishment” and put it out of the main punishment  in the Penal Code Bill.Key Words: Pancasila, State ideology, Legal drafters, Specific punishment, The Penal Code Bill.
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.491 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1625


This research aims to analyze free trade within the framework of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement and the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement as well as the ASEAN Maritime Connectivity and ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement in the framework of free trade. This research uses normative legal research methods. The results of this research indicate that AFTA is a major driver in the ASEAN free trade sector through the CEPT mechanism. ATIGA was then born focusing on reducing and abolishing ASEAN trade tariffs. As for ASEAN connectivity is the relationship between countries that facilitate the flow of capital, goods, services, and people within the region to become a barrier-free trade route for trade liberalization by sea.Keywords: ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, ASEAN Maritime ConnectivityABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perdagangan bebas dalam kerangka ASEAN Free Trade Agreement dan ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement serta keterkaitan ASEAN Maritime Connectivity dan ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement dalam kerangka perdagangan bebas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa AFTA menjadi penggerak utama dalam sektor perdagangan bebas ASEAN melalui mekanisme CEPT. Kemudian lahirlah ATIGA yang berfokus pada tindakan pengurangan dan penghapusan tarif perdagangan ASEAN. Sedangkan terkait dengan konektivitas ASEAN merupakan keterhubungan negara-negara yang memudahkan aliran modal, barang, jasa, dan orang dalam kawasan agar menjadi jalur perdagangan bebas hambatan untuk liberalisasi perdagangan melalui laut.Kata Kunci: ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, ASEAN Maritime Connectivity
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.261 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1623


This paper would like to examine the requirements and validity of jus cogens. This is very important because jus cogens itself is very difficult to identify. This ambiguity makes jus cogens a controversial norm, and is considered not to provide legal certainty. Moreover, in terms of the implementation of the norm. In this regard, I will provide some alternative requirements of a norm as jus cogens, and a brief review of the validity of jus cogens inferred from the opinions of international legal experts and the provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969 on the Law of Treaties.Keywords: Jus cogens, international law, Vienna Convention on the law of treaties 1969. IntisariTulisan ini hendak mengkaji persyaratan dan validitas dari jus cogens. Hal ini dianggap penting sebab jus cogens itu sendiri sangat sulit untuk diidentifikasikan. Ketidakjelasan ini membuat jus cogens sebagai norma yang kontroversial, dan dianggap tidak memberikan kepastian hukum. Terlebih lagi dalam hal pemberlakuan norma tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, tulisan ini akan memberikan beberapa alernatif persyaratan suatu norma sebagai jus cogens, dan kajian singkat mengenai validitas pemberlakuan jus cogens yang disimpulkan dari pendapat-pendapat ahli hukum internasional dan ketentuan Konvensi Wina 1969 tentang Hukum Perjanjian Internasional.Kata Kunci: Jus cogens, hukum internasional, Konvensi Wina Tahun 1969 tentang Hukum Perjanjian Internasional.
Justitia et Pax Vol 34, No 1 (2018): Justitia et Pax Volume 34 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.565 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v34i1.1731


ABSTRACTIndonesian supremacy of law principle is the ground rule to control the democracy flow in society. In order to do so, Pretrial institution is introduced. Pretrial, under Constitution Court Session Number 21/PUU-XII/2014, also has a jurisdiction in examining suspect naming procedure by investigator. Despite being regulated, there was found in which judge made decision to name a suspect, whereas the provision instructed the judge to only take measure and examine suspect naming by investigator, therefore undermining given regulation. This conceptual research conducted under normative method. Historical, grammatical, concept and case approach also applied. The result demonstrates that evaluating suspect naming could support and undermine Pancasila simultaneously.Keywords : pretrial, Pancasila, suspect naming, democracy  INTISARIPraperadilan hadir sebagai bentuk pengawas terhadap peran penyidik dan penuntut umum, dalam hal ini, berdasarkan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 21/PUU-XII/2014 menambahkan kewenangan salah satunya untuk menguji keabsahan penetapan tersangka. Wujud kontrol yang demikian ternyata tidak sepenuhnya diterapkan oleh hakim dengan baik. Peristiwa yang menjadi bukti luputnya penerapan pemeriksaan keabsahan tersangka salah satunya dimana hakim Praperadilan memerintahkan menetapkan tersangka, dengan demikian melampaui batas kewenangan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah normatif dengan pendekatan filosofis, gramatikal, konsep dan kasus. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa wewenang Praperadilan dalam menentukan keabsahan tersangka dapat mendukung, tetapi sekaligus dapat juga menjadi alat peruntuh demokrasi Pancasila.Kata kunci : praperadilan, Pancasila, penetapan tersangka, demokrasi

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