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Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar
ISSN : 26223937     EISSN : 26208229     DOI :
Jurnal Inada adalah jurnal ilmiah yang fokus pada kajian perempuan di daerah tertinggal, terdepan dan terluar (3T) berupa hasil penelitian maupun hasil pemikiran konseptual yang mencakup isu kekerasan, diskriminasi, stereotipisasi maupun keterkaitan perempuan dengan isu lingkungan, perubahan iklim, energi, politik, ekonomi, tenaga kerja, pendidikan, kesehatan, teknologi, media dan komunikasi, agama dan budaya, dan isu lain yang berhubungan dengan perempuan.
Articles 6 Documents
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Pengaruh Harga Psikologis, Desain Produk, dan Citra Merek terhadap Minat Beli Perempuan pada Merek Pencuci Piring Anita Sain; Simon Sia Niha; Maria Augustin Lopes Amaral
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.4997


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychological price, product design, and brand image on the intention to buy Mama Lemon dishwashing soap in Kupang district. The population in this study were all women using Mama Lemon dishwashing soap in Kupang Regency, and the research samples were women who had used Mama Lemon dishwashing soap in Kupang Regency for at least one year. This study uses a convenience sampling technique, namely sampling; technique based on the convenience factor. The results showed that price, product design and brand image had an effect on purchasing decisions for Mama Lemon dish soap in Kupang district.
Peran Perempuan dalam Meningkatkan Penghasilan Keluarga Melalui Pengelolaan Jagung Titi di Desa Kolipadan Kecamatan Ile Ape Kabupaten Lembata Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Maria Imakulata Pongge; Enike Tje Yustin Dima
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Wanita, Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.5002


In Kolipadan Village, Ile Ape District, Lembata Regency, the emphasis on family economic capability has created chances for women to maximize the varied family welfare potentials. Several factors include husbands who have passed away, husbands who don't have a stable career, and husbands who earn a livelihood overseas (migration). To help raise family income, a variety of initiatives and opportunities are used, including the regional specialty, namely titi corn, also known locally as Wata Kena'e in Kolipa Village and Ileape District, Lembata District. This study seeks to understand the role of female heads of home in boosting family income to satisfy family requirements through selling titi corn. In this study, the sale of titi corn in particular, is examined, along with the selling price and technique of processing. Both primary and secondary data were used in this investigation. Interviews with 25 female head-of-household respondents in Kolipadan Village provided the primary data. Secondary data comes from data-related offices, namely population density and the number of female workers. A qualitative technique and descriptive analysis were both used in the data analysis for this investigation. The findings demonstrated that women significantly contribute to raising family income by processing corn titi. For one kilogram of corn, titi corn processing costs IDR 10,000 in raw materials and takes a half-day to complete. Titi corn is sold for between IDR 50,000 and IDR 100,000 per kilogram. Monthly revenue from corn sales ranges between IDR 500,000 and IDR 1,500,000. In order for the family to be able to meet its fundamental needs, social and psychological needs, and developmental needs and be considered affluent, women must be the head of the household and must work to improve the family's economics.
The Last Dance: Violence Against Child Sex Workers in Indonesia Rosyadi Khoirul; Edy Purwanto
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.4716


This research is a qualitative research that looks at how violence occurs to child sex workers in Dolly (before it was closed) Surabaya. This research method uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The results showed that child sex workers in Dolly Surabaya experienced physical, economic, or psychological violence from pimps and customers. This happens because of their dependence on pimps or moms economically. Child sex workers cannot put up any resistance.
Analisis Kapasitas dan Kerentanan Perempuan Pekerja Rumput Laut Perbatasan Selama Krisis Pandemi Covid-19 Miladiyatu Tsania Zulfa; Ambar Widaningrum
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.5057


The Covid-19 pandemic crisis places women in a vulnerable position. Female seaweed workers or mabbetang at Pantai Indah Pulau Sebatik are one of the groups that were affected by it. Sebatik Island, as part of the Indonesia-Malaysia border, has sea potential, mainly seaweed cultivation. This study aims to discuss the capacities and vulnerabilities of mabbetang at the Indonesian border in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The research method uses descriptive qualitative using capacity and vulnerability analysis framework/CVA. Primary data collection was obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and observations with mabbetang, as well as secondary data through literature reviews. The results of the study show that mabbetang have vulnerabilities and capacities (physical, social, and motivational aspects) in carrying out activities, especially during times of crisis. The vulnerabilities faced include limited access to health, infrastructure, capital, and double burdens. However, mabbetang women also have capacities including the strength of kinship social relations, emergency savings, and work flexibility. The research uses the help of NVivo software with project map visualization to produce strategic implications for capacity building and reducing vulnerability which is expected to contribute to policymakers in taking policy steps to empower women and seaweed cultivation on the Indonesian border coast.
Mindfulness dan Efikasi Diri terhadap Ketidakpastian Pada Perempuan di Masa Emerging Adulthood Eustalia Wigunawati; Laurentius Sandi Witarso; Laurentius Purbo Christianto
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.5066


Emerging adulthood is a transitional period from adolescence to adulthood. During this time, there are many sources of stress due to uncertainty, which can lead to mental health disorders, especially for female individuals. Based on previous literature, mindfulness and self-efficacy against uncertainty can be protective factors for female emerging adults (EA) in facing this period. This study aims to examine the relationship between mindfulness and self-efficacy on uncertainty among emerging adult women. The study utilizes a quantitative approach with a correlational method. Two measurement tools are employed in data collection: the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and the Self-Efficacy on Uncertainty Scale. The participants of this study consist of 121 female students aged between 18 and 25 years, distributed in Jakarta. The results of the study indicate a positive and significant relationship between mindfulness and self-efficacy on uncertainty. The higher the level of mindfulness among emerging adult women, the higher their self-efficacy on uncertainty, and vice versa, the lower the level of mindfulness, the lower their self-efficacy on uncertainty. The variation in mindfulness can account for 12.96% of the variance in self-efficacy on uncertainty, and vice versa, the variation in self-efficacy on uncertainty can explain 12.96% of the variance in mindfulness.
Pilihan Rasional Perempuan Entrepreneur dalam Gugat Cerai di Kota Batam Rahmawati; Sri Wahyuni; Emmy Solina
Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, dan Terluar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Juni (In Press)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/ji.v6i1.5088


Divorce suit is a claim of rights to court filed by a wife to divorce from her husband. The divorce is triggered by several factors, one of which dominates is the problem of conflicting disputes continuously, while the rest of the economic factors. The independence of women in the economy is assumed to be a trigger for divorce decisions. Where this condition is a woman who has higher income than her husband and the woman feel enough to have day-to-day needs. This is the basis for the view of women's economic independence will allow women to choose divorce as a rational action in resolving the marital crisis. This study aims to determine the entrepreneur women in divorce suit where until now women who dominate can sue for divorce. The theory that the researcher uses is the theory of rational choice in which an action has an achievement or goal of the decision taken. This study uses qualitative research. Technique to determine the informant by using purposive sampling. The result of this study findings is awareness in terms of how women entrepreneurs can decide a divorce suit decision. Women also have reasons to divorce, one of which is financial ability, educational ability, the ability to educate children, and the ability to deal with social life.

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