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Jurnal Asia Pacific Studies
ISSN : 25806378     EISSN : 25807048     DOI : -
Jurnal Asia Pasific Studies (JAPS) is published by International Relations Department of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI). It is a bi-annual journal publishing articles on International Relations and Asia Pacific issues. The journal focused on multidisciplinary and pluralistic perspectives and approaches regarding International Relations theories, research methodologies, and International Political Economy as well as Security Sudies within the scope of Asia Pacific.
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Kajian Asia Pasifik Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : International Relations Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/japs.v5i2.2542


ABSTRACT This research explains the effect of the blue economy on ecosystems in Asia Pacific, particularly the application of the blue economy model. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an economic cooperation forum for Asia Pacific countries which aims to improve welfare and economic growth with a competitive and sustainable marine and fisheries perspective for the welfare of society. To realize the vision of marine and fisheries development, a blue economy model is implemented. The method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods, qualitative research is a qualitative approach research method looking at multiple realities (compound), the results of construction in a holistic view. The accuracy of the researchers is very concerned in a qualitative study. Because this study does not use statistical measurements but rather the development of information from respondents and sources of research material, it is expected that the objectivity of the researchers will be more concerned so as not to affect the results of future research. Based on the research results show that the function of APEC is seen from its role to facilitate economic growth. Member countries with the achievement of the blue economy agreement are committed to forming partnerships that are more integrated, sustainable, inclusive and mutually beneficial. Apart from having the potential for fisheries commodities, Indonesia takes advantage of this opportunity to contribute to the implementation phase of the blue economy model in the fisheries industry sector. Keywords: Blue Economy, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Sustainable Development, Industry, Ecosystems ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang Pengaruh Blue Economy terhadap Ekosistem di Asia Pasifik, khususnya penerapan model ekonomi biru. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) merupakan forum kerjasama ekonomi negara-negara Asia Pasifik yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berwawasan kelautan dan perikanan yang berdaya saing dan berkelanjutan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Untuk mewujudkan visi pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan dilaksanakan model blue economy. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, penelitian kualitatif ialah sebuah metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif melihat realitas ganda (majemuk), hasil konstruksi dalam pandangan holistik. Ketelitian dari peneliti sangat diperhatikan dalam suatu penelitian kualitatif. Karena pada penelitian ini tidak menggunakan pengukuran secara statistik tetapi lebih ke pengembangan terhadap informasi dari responden dan sumber bahan penelitian, sehingga diharapkan obejktivitas dari peneliti lebih diperhatkan agar tidak mempengaruhi hasil penelitian nantinya .Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi APEC dilihat dari perannya untuk memfasilitasi pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara anggota dengan pencapaian kesepakatan ekonomi biru komitmen untuk membentuk kemitraan yang lebih terintegrasi, berkelanjutan, inklusif dan saling menguntungkan. Selain memiliki potensi komoditas perikanan, Indonesia memanfaatkan peluang tersebut untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam tahap implementasi model ekonomi biru di sektor industri perikanan. Keywords: Blue Economy, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Industri, Ekosistem.
Kajian Asia Pasifik Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : International Relations Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/japs.v5i2.3780


As a disaster-prone area, ASEAN had a set of disaster management mechanisms. In 2011 ASEAN established an institution that focuses on regional disaster management, namely the AHA Centre. However, the AHA Center did not show its significant role in some disasters. This article aimed to determine the obstacles faced by the AHA Center in 4 phases of international disaster management, namely mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, and to use the concept of the security community to analyze ASEAN norms, institutions, and collective identity and relation to disaster management through the AHA Centre. The method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection technique collaborated several techniques derived from interviews with Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the AHA Center, and BNPB RI, document-based research, and internet-based research. This research showed how the AHA Center had played a role in the four phases of disaster management. However, there were still shortcomings such as its limited role, lack of resource management, and mechanisms that only focused on government-to-government. In addition, this shortcoming can also be found stemming from the collective identity of ASEAN, which is applied in its regional disaster management. Thus, this study suggested that the ASEAN policymakers increase the role of the AHA Center in regional disaster management, improve mechanisms and resource management, and establish cross-pillar mechanisms of the ASEAN community.
Kajian Asia Pasifik Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : International Relations Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/japs.v5i2.3981


Abstrak Melalui penggabungan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif secara proporsional, penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa alih fungsi lahan akan terus berkembang pesat, terutama di tiga titik ”Segitiga Emas” pertumbuhan kota, yakni Kawasan Aviasi Temon, Kawasan Peruntukan Industri Sentolo dan Kawasan Wisata Menoreh sebagai dampak perkembangan YIA. Terciptanya ruang-ruang bisnis baru membuka peluang kerja bagi warga masyarakat luas. Ada kecenderungan/dinamika pemanfaatan ruang melebar lebih luas dan tidak terkendali (urban sprawl). Petani adalah kelompok yang paling rentan terdampak karena pelepasan tanah sebagai aset produksi bagi mereka ibarat terputusnya hubungan kerja (transient poverty) dan dapat memunculkan persoalan sosial baru yang lebih besar. Perkembangan Kulon Progo dan sekitarnya akan berdampak pada peningkatan arus migrasi sehingga persaingan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan semakin ketat. Keterbatasan keberdayaan masyarakat tidak menyurutkan spirit mereka untuk beradaptasi dan bersaing dengan masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan transaksi pelepasan tanah bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan industrialisasi yang selama ini menggunakan sistem ganti untung seyogyanya dirubah menggunakan sistem ganti investasi yang memungkinkan masyarakat dapat berperan sebagai investor agar tetap memperoleh keuntungan atas operasi bisnis dari alih fungsi lahan miliknya. Lajunya proses pembangunan fisik wajib diiringi dengan pembangunan sosial berupa penyiapan warga masyarakat agar tidak tersingkir akibat perubahan peradaban yang sangat cepat di wilayahnya. Kata kunci: Era Aerotropolis, Kondisi Masyarakat, Alih Fungsi Lahan Abstract Through the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods proportionally, this research reveals that land use change will continue to grow rapidly, especially in the three "Golden Triangle" points of urban growth, namely the Temon Aviation Area, Sentolo Industrial Designation Area and Menoreh Tourism Area as a result of YIA developments. The creation of new business spaces opens up job opportunities for the wider community. There is a tendency/dynamics of space utilization to widen more widely and uncontrollably (urban sprawl). Farmers are the most vulnerable group to be affected because the release of land as a production asset for them is like a break in the employment relationship (transient poverty) and can lead to new, bigger social problems. The development of Kulon Progo and its surroundings will have an impact on increasing migration flows so that competition for jobs is getting tougher. The limitations of community empowerment did not dampen their spirit to adapt and compete with the wider community. This study recommends that land release transactions to fulfill industrialization needs that have been using a profit-reimbursing system should be changed to an investment-replacement system that allows the community to act as investors in order to continue to benefit from business operations from the conversion of their land functions. The pace of the physical development process must be accompanied by social development in the form of preparing community members so that they are not eliminated due to very rapid changes in civilization in their territory. Keywords: Aerotropolis Era, Community Condition, Land Convertion.
Determinasi Pakta AUKUS terhadap Keamanan Asia Tenggara Adrianus L Wene
Kajian Asia Pasifik Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : International Relations Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/japs.v5i2.3990


This paper is intended to analyze the determinations of the AUKUS Pact on the security of the Southeast Asian region. With this aim, the focus of the analysis will lead to the attitude or foreign policy of the countries of the Southeast Asian region and ASEAN's attitude towards the determination made by the AUKUS Pact towards the ASEAN Economic Community. The constellation of international relations in the Indo Pacific shows the struggle of two great powers, namely the United States and China. China's ambition to become a hegemonic regional power is manifested in economic maneuvers through the BRI and political maneuvers through the nine dash line claim in the South China Sea. This offensive Chinese activity poses a threat to the United States. As a reaction to China's maneuvers, the AUKUS Pact promises a balance of power as well as the potential to intensify Asia-Pacific security stability. The excesses of the constellation between the United States and China places Southeast Asian countries in a dilemma, including ASEAN which must be able to take on a role to accommodate common interests in Southeast Asia. This paper uses a historical perspective with the balance of threat theory from Stephen Walt. The findings from the paper are, first, the implications of the AUKUS Pact depend on the attitude of ASEAN member countries with two consequent models, namely creating security stability in the Southeast Asian region or causing security and peace instability; second, differences of opinion among ASEAN member countries emphasize ASEAN's inability to manage conflicts and all potential conflicts that threaten its regional security; third, the choice of balancing, bandwagoning or maintaining balance in different degrees between the United States and China is a rational choice for ASEAN member countries. The existence of the AUKUS Pact requires Southeast Asian countries to continuously develop their security mechanisms and strategies to address any potential that may occur in the future. Keywords: AUKUS Pact, China, United States of America, ASEAN, Balance of threat
Menelaah Perang Baru di Asia Tenggara berdasarkan Studi Kasus Konflik Rohingya Jianly Imanuel Bagensa
Kajian Asia Pasifik Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : International Relations Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/japs.v5i2.4043


Abstrak Berakhirnya perang dingin membawa babak baru bagi konflik di berbagai belahan dunia. Peperangan berkembang dengan konsep baru, yang awalnya konvensional berkembang menjadi moderen, dampak dari pesatnya proses globalisasi. Dalam konteks perang baru, peperangan melibatkan semakin banyak aktor, bukan hanya negara dan non negara tetapi juga kombinasi antar aktor yang berdasar pada kepentingan politik dari pada ideologi. Asia Tenggara merupakan salah satu kawasan di dunia yang juga tidak pernah lepas dari konflik, salah satunya adalah konflik Rohingya, konflik etnis yang berkembang di Myanmar. Perkembangan konflik Rohingya digambarkan sebagai salah satu contoh perkembangan perspektif perang baru di Asia Tenggara. Penelaahan perang baru merupakan langkah awal pemetaan konflik di Asia tenggara, khususnya konflik Rohingya sebagai studi kasus yang diangkat pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan eksistensi sebuah perspektif dalam menjelaskan berbagai masalah konflik yang terjadi saat ini. Analisis akan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan teori perang baru yang dikembangkan oleh Mary Kaldor sebagai pengantar bahasan utama dalam menggambarkan keberadaan perang baru yang terjadi di beberapa kawasan dan negara di dunia pada era globalisasi, termasuk di Asia Tenggara dan Myanmar. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan mengupas sejarah konflik, upaya penyelesaian konflik, peran para pihak dalam konflik, internasionalisasi isu konflik, serta analisis konflik Rohingya berdasarkan perspektif perang baru itu sendiri. Kata kunci: Perang baru, Mary Kaldor, konflik Rohingya, Myanmar, Asia Tenggara. Abstract The end of the cold war brought a new chapter to the conflict in different parts of the world. Warfare developed with a new concept, which initially conventional developed into modern, the impact of the rapid process of globalization. In the context of the new war, warfare involves more and more actors, not only state and non-state but also a combination of actors based on political interests rather than ideology. Southeast Asia is one of the regions in the world that has also never been separated from conflicts, one of which is the Rohingya conflict, an ethnic conflict that develops in Myanmar. The development of the Rohingya conflict is described as one example of the development of a new war perspective in Southeast Asia. The study of the new war is the first step in mapping conflicts in Southeast Asia, especially the Rohingya conflict as a case study adopted in this research. This study aims to show the existence of a perspective in explaining various conflict problems that occur today. The analysis will be carried out using a new war theory approach developed by Mary Kaldor as the main discussion in describing the existence of new wars that have occurred in several regions and countries in the world in the era of globalization, including in Southeast Asia and Myanmar. The discussion is carried out by exploring the history of the conflict, efforts to resolve the conflict, the role of the parties to the conflict, the internationalization of conflict issues, and the analysis of the Rohingya conflict based on the perspective of the new war itself. Keywords: New war, Mary Kaldor, Rohingya conflict, Myanmar, Southeast Asia.

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